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[ ゲーム ]
A comet crashed on earth millions of years ago, giving birth to new life. But ever since then, we humans have drained earth's resources and chances are within the next few decades we must search for a new planet. Play as a comet that was responsible for starting life on earth and is now ready to re-transform a new dead planet. Luckily the planet is full of hills. Use them to jump up until gravity takes its toll and slide back down to increase the comet's speed. The planet is littered with orbs which will aid you in keeping the ...
[ ゲーム ]
"Space Shooter : Comet Busters" is a remake of the old school "Asteroids". "Space Shooter : Comet Busters" is a fun space shooter game. Special thanks to M. Rubin for his advice.
[ ライフスタイル ]
The “Monaco Comet” Tower is the brainchild of entrepreneur and designer Vasily Klyukin. A keen interest in architecture led Vasily to create the book Designing Legends, demonstrating his vision for the future of skyscraper architecture. In line with his concepts and philosophies, Vasily chose to exhibit his ‘Monaco Comet’ Tower using the next generation of presentation tools, Augmented Reality. This app acts as a window to the future; it inspires confidence in his design by showcasing a realistic and credible 3D Model of the ‘Mona...
[ ニュース ]
Looking for more from your local newspaper? Stay in the loop and receive local news your way with The Comet app. At the Comet, we’re passionate about reporting on the issues that matter to our communities. We live and breathe our patch and we’re dedicated to telling your stories. If you love your local area as much as us, The Comet app is the new way to experience all of the latest content at your fingertips. With The Comet you can go beyond your weekly newspaper and read the most up-to-date headlines, news and views from Stevena...
[ ゲーム ]
Become the world number 1 & play as a Earth's goalkeeper in the follow-up to the hugely successful global smash, Flick comet! Comet Flick is a truly addictive game with three game modes. You need quick reactions and great hand-eye coordination to save the shots. Use your finger to control the goalkeeper’s gloves and react as quickly as you can to stop the comet from hitting. * "The most addictive game I have ever played..." * "Just bought. Really amazing!" Save in style or catch the comet to earn more points with Super, Mega a...
[ ゲーム ]
「コメットクラッシュは、怒っている鳥、小惑星やミサイルコマンドなどの古典の現代の楽しいミックスです!あなたはこれらのゲームが好きなら、あなたは「コメットクラッシュをプレイ愛する - 不明英雄 MISSION As a Commander of a Space Station orbiting Earth Your mission is to destroy approaching Comets in order to save the Population of Earth. Each year after the game starts an increasingly larger wave of Comets threatening Earth needs to be destroyed. How long can YOU save Earth until all hope is lost and the human race is extinct? SUCCESS ...
[ ゲーム ]
The Spelling With Comet Game is the Fast Path to Learning! This Children's Game has over 450 questions for those 8-10 years of age and older - it's fun for everyone. Enhance your children's knowledge. Good spelling can never be under estimated! How does Comet do this? - Discover spelling when Comet verbally pronounces your words. - Move through your turn for more points when you know your vowels. - There's more fun once you answer the Bonus Question, based on True and False questions. Benefits of playing Spelling Wit...
[ ゲーム ]
Comet The Spelling Game is the Fast Path to Learning! The Graduate Edition has over 420 questions for everyone to enjoy. Gain knowledge in an entertaining way that will amaze you. Never under estimate your spelling! How does Comet do this? - Learn by answering challenging multiple-choice questions! - Discover spelling when Comet verbally pronounces your words. - Move through your turn for more points when you know your vowels. - There's more fun once you answer the Bonus Question, based on True and False questions. Be...
[ ビジネス ]
「SONOBA COMET」はペーパーレス会議システムです。資料を1台のiPad端末に格納し会議を開催、会議の参加者はiPad端末で参加する会議を選ぶだけ。その場で資料が配付され、会議が終了すれば自動的に参加者のiPad端末より会議資料を破棄します。これにより、これまで紙媒体で実施していた会議において手間だった会議資料の準備、不安だった会議後の資料の取り扱い、といった問題点を解消したペーパーレス会議を開催することが可能です。さらに紙の削減でエコにも効果があります。 また、iPad端末を利用した電子会議のため、発表者の資料操作を参加者に同期表示させることが可能で...
[ ビジネス ]
Comet S.p.A. è una realtà internazionale, fondata sulla forza di un brand conosciuto in tutto il mondo. Con le sue 3 unità produttive: - Divisione Agricoltura: pompe a membrana, pompe centrifughe e a pistoni per l’irrorazione e il diserbo, - Divisione Industria: pompe assiali, pompe a pistoni e motopompe, - Divisione Cleaning: idropulitrici professionali ad acqua calda e fredda, Comet S.p.A. è un importante player mondiale presente in oltre 70 paesi nel mondo, riconosciuta a livello internazionale come un’impresa leader del...
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