フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
NESN Mobile provides sports news and video about the Boston Red Sox, Boston Bruins, New England Patriots, and Boston Celtics.
[ ブック ]
Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs for the iPad! *** FALL IN LOVE WITH CELTIC FAIRY TALES *** *** ALL AGES LOVE READING THESE STORIES, Young and Old *** Read the classic fairy tales of this timeless writer... 25+ CLASSICS -Guleesh -The Horned Women -Conall Yellowclaw -The Shepherd of Myddvai -Munachar and Manachar -Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree -The Sea-Maiden -Jack and His Master -The Tale of Ivan -the Battle of the Birds -The Lad With the Goat-Skin AND MANY, MANY MORE!!! Ebook features include: -Zoom -Auto-Scroll -Bookmark...
[ 旅行 ]
Plan an amazing cultural experience on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Celebrate and share the only living Celtic culture in North America. Whether it’s dancing to lively fiddle tunes, learning a Gaelic milling song or tracing your roots, we’d love to share our culture with you. Cuin' a thig sibh air chéilidh? [So when are you coming?]
[ スポーツ ]
Listen to real Celtic chants - 65 chants so far. - Alerts: Hear new Celtic chants as soon as they're out - Built-in record feature: Submit chants for everyone else to hear - Staff Picks - A daily chant from the best of the FanChants library - Ringtones - All chants as ringtones in one upgrade FanChants - as featured in The NY Times.
[ ミュージック ]
Traditional and contemporary music from around the Celtic world. Featuring the best of WGBH Radio’s A Celtic Sojourn with host Brian O’Donovan, A Celtic Sojourn Radio brings listeners traditional and contemporary music from around the Celtic world, connecting dynamic new artists to the genre’s deep roots. A Celtic Sojourn Radio showcases the many live performances captured in WGBH Radio’s studios, featuring a who’s who from the Celtic world including Robbie O’Connell, Karen Casey, Eileen Ivers, and more.
[ スポーツ ]
** SPL CHAMPIONS 2011/12 ** Are you a Celtic fan? Then this is the app for you. The complete history of the club, the players and the games all in your pocket. - Discover the story of all the clubs managers. - The history of the greatest players. - Find out when and where the team was founded. - How many goals did Henrik Larsson score? - When did Celtic win the European Cup? - What is the teams highest score? - and lots more... Also included is the full seasons results and league tables plus daily club news. The Celtic F...
[ ミュージック ]
(Please Note - if you are having problems hearing the sound - please try switching the orientation lock/mute switch on the side of your iPad. Depending on how you have your settings, it could be acting to mute the sound.) Here is your chance to play a beautiful, expressive 31-string folk harp! You can pluck strings just by touching the screen with one more fingers, or you can slide your finger(s) across the screen to make a glissando sound. This is a real instrument - and you can really make music with it! You don't get just one...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Retrouvez à chaque instant toute l’info de votre cinéma le Celtic à Concarneau sur votre iPhone ! Les films à l’affiche, les horaires des séances, les fiches films et les événements et infos pratiques de votre cinéma ! TOUS LES FILMS DE VOTRE CINEMA LE CELTIC CONCARNEAU -Les horaires des séances -Les films à l’affiche -Les films dans l’heure -Les avant-premières et événements -Les films à venir DES FICHES FILMS TRES COMPLETES -Affiches, photos et bandes annonces haute qualité -Genre, durée, casting et date de sortie -Synopsis TO...
[ ブック ]
本书是搜集自爱尔兰斯莱戈和戈尔韦两地的神话、传说的合集,是作者在爱尔兰西北沿海村庄采风,和当地的各色人物交友聊天,并对这些谈话笔记稍加整理,加上自己的一些思考和感悟编写而成的。其内容涉及天地神鬼,充满奇谈怪论,有点类似我国的《聊斋志异》,或者《阅微草堂笔记》。 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats)(1865~1939),爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,著名的神秘主义者,是“爱尔兰文艺复兴运动”的领袖,被诗人艾略特誉为"当代最伟大的诗人"。叶芝对戏剧也有浓厚的兴趣,先后写过26部剧本。 《凯尔特的薄暮》出版于1893年,诗人时年28岁。该书是叶芝有名的散文集之一,展现了爱...
[ ゲーム ]
古代ケルトの神話には沢山の美しい物語や伝説上の人物が登場します。この神話の中に、丘に隠れて人目を避けていたシー族の物語があります。でも、今の時代、おとぎ話を- 信じる人はいるでしょうか? 収穫を祝うサウィーンの祝祭の前日に幼いギャビンが行方不明になったとき、ケルトの伝説が蘇りました。伝説によると、この日にシー族が人間の集落を訪れて小さな子ども- 達を自分達の世界へ連れ去るそうです… ギャビンの姉が弟を探しに危険な旅に出かけます。勇敢な姉ですが、自力では弟を見つけ出せません。ミステリアスな世界へたどり着く方法を見つけ出すのが弟を救- 出する...
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