フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
Carma Carpooling matches you with nearby people who want to share trips. You can browse profiles, send messages and even invite friends, neighbors or colleagues if you don’t find any matches nearby. What’s cool is the cost of the drive gets shared also - riders pay roughly $0.20 per mile via automatic in-app transfers. The rider just taps ‘start trip’ when they hop in, and ‘end trip’ when they hop out. Carma is the world’s only verified carpool app, which means we keep a log of all completed trips for your safety. "Carma doesn't...
[ ビジネス ]
CARMA Sales Process Manager brings all of the features of the original version of CARMA to the market . . . PLUS . . . a fully customizable interview section. This allows the user or the management team to create clean and exciting custom interviews. Ideal for the building supply business or any sales person working to help clients go through a selection process! Model each interview after a particular product type, or customer types, consumers, trades people, literally anything you want. CARMA Sales Process Manager can be used...
[ ビジネス ]
CARMA is a 360 degree selling system designed to assist professional kitchen and bath design pros to sell more jobs! This app guides the designer and client through a multi-step process to collect and apply the clients’ design preferences to create their dream kitchen or bath. CARMA supports: • Initial Client Interview – to collect customers design preferences • Introduction to product choices – to identify style likes & dislikes • Job-site measuring and on-site data collection • Mini CRM to track sales presentation and follow-u...
[ 旅行 ]
Now there's a safe way to vent road rage, thank friendly drivers, or just entertain yourself while on a long trip. A one of a kind app revolutionizing the mobile app industry. Can you top your friend's score and become the best driver on the road? Features: - No personally identifying information ever collected or shared: Not only do we not share any of your personal information, the app does not even have the capability to collect it! No name, no address, no phone number, etc. We figure the best way to keep information secure ...
[ メディカル ]
CARMA, the Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Mobile Application, is an ACLS tool designed to help guide practitioners through bedside resuscitation. Preliminary trials using the algorithm presented in CARMA has resulted in an 80% increase in patient survival of a CPR event. CARMA has four independent countdown timers, swipe-able Ventricular Tachycardia & Ventricular Fibrillation and Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA) reference pages. There is a complete list of select-able Diagnostic Tips (H's and T's) and recommended medication an...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Carma is the quintessential automotive trivia application. Suitable for the casual car lover to the most obsessed car aficionado. Packed with trivia questions to challenge your automotive knowledge and each with an comical selection. Guaranteed to educate, illuminate and exacerbate your interest in all aspects of automotive transportation.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Aqui algunas RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES para tu asistencia este 16 de abril, ademas nuestro gráfico de lo que si y que no puedes ingresar. -Inicio del evento 3:00 pm -Apertura de accesos desde las 2:00 pm -Dentro de las instalaciones, los asistentes encontrarán puntos de venta de alimentos y bebidas, así como servicios de baños, seguridad y primeros auxilios -Asiste con ropa y zapatos cómodos de acuerdo a las condiciones climáticas . -Establece previamente un punto de encuentro con las personas que te acompañan. -Si te extrav...
[ ビジネス ]
With Carma you are able to create email and SMS campaigns, manage lifecycle and transactional messages, and track it's performance.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Mobile access to the Carma email marketing platform. In order to use this fully, you need to be a customer of Compost Marketing.
[ ゲーム ]
Carmageddonは、通行人(そして牛も!)を単なる点数とし、殺戮マシーンに乗り込んだちょっと頭がアレな連中を相手に走る極めて自由気ままなドライブゲームです。本ゲームではアナーキーな「自分の走りたいように走る」というプレイスタイルを最大限尊重し、シュールでダークなユーモアを織り交ぜた暴力的表現が随所に盛り込まれています。このレースゲームにおいて、ただのカーレースで満足するような軟弱者はあらかじめお断りしております。 PCやMacで発売され、世界中で発売禁止となった往年の話題作が今iPhoneとiPad、そしてiPod touchで再登場します! Carmageddonでは殺...
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