フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Hello and welcome to our very own, brand new Code Camp app, where we'll showcase all the incredible apps our students create at Code Camp! > Play some of the featured games in our 'Student Showcase' > Search for your son or daughter's app (you should receive a link via email) > Play and play and keep on playing some more > Share your child's app with family and friends We're on a mission to inspire and empower a generation of creators, makers and innovators... and this is just our next step to creating a brilliant community t...
[ 教育 ]
*** New Apps From Summer 2017 Camps *** All Created by Middle School Youth!! Go on a rubber duck adventure. Find out if you would survive middle going back to middle school. Have you been waiting to find out who ate the last taco in your fridge? Learn the answers to these questions and more with the 2017 Edition of the App Camp For Girls Compendium! The Compendium features 14 short quizzes and choose your own adventure games, developed by middle school girls, transgender and gender non conforming youth at App Camp for Girls, a n...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
*** New Apps From Summer 2016 Camps *** All Created by Middle School Girls!! What kind of pet should you adopt? Which character are you in a young adult novel? If you were an emoji, which one would you be? Learn the answers to these questions and more with the 2016 Edition of the App Camp For Girls Quiz Compendium! The Quiz Compendium features 17 short personality quizzes, developed by middle school girls and gender non conforming youth at App Camp for Girls, a non-profit program whose mission is to empower underrepresented yout...
[ ビジネス ]
YamahaTriumphKTM of Camp Hill and its entire staff is committed to fulfilling the dreams of all powersports enthusiasts. We are dedicated to providing our customers with quality products and services. We desire to satisfy our customers and exceed their expectations. We strive to build a long-term, close relationship based on trust and respect. Yamaha-Triumph-KTM of Camp Hill is always working hard to improve our service and be the #1 Motorcycle, ATV, and Powersports Dealership in Central Pennsylvania. What Revs our hearts is seeing...
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[ 教育 ]
Follow your child's coding journey with Code Camp World! This app will enable you to: Follow your child's coding journey Explore projects they have created at Code Camps And share their amazing creations with family and friends! Code Camp is on a mission to inspire and empower a generation of creators, makers and innovators... and this app is just our next step to building a young brilliant community of forward thinkers. We hope you love seeing what kids can create as much as we do! PS: Your child's privacy is important to us!...
[ ゲーム ]
マージキャンプ(Merge Camp)にはさまざまなパズル、ミニゲーム、イベントがあなたを待っています。かわいい動物の隣人たちと一緒に島を飾り、彼らの依頼を受けてアイテムを合成し、成長しながらワクワクする冒険を楽しんでください。 [アイテム合成ゲーム] 数百種類のアイテムを合成して新しいアイテムを作りましょう!「合成ゲーム」や「類似のゲーム」のファンなら、この島で特別な楽しさを見つけることができます。アイテムを2つ合成して上位アイテムを手に入れ、島の友達が求めるものを作りましょう。あなたの創造力が島を完成させる鍵です! [合成ゲームの進化] このゲ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
日本最大級のキャンプマガジン CAMP HACK (キャンプハック) 月間550万ユーザに閲覧されている日本最大級のアウトドアメディアのすべての記事をアプリでサクサク読める! CAMP HACKはキャンプに興味のあるすべての人のために「今までにないワクワク」をお届けします。 ■ CAMP HACKの特徴 1. 多彩なジャンルから興味のある記事を見つける! キャンプ用品、キャンプ飯、ファッション、ギア情報など、多彩なジャンルの記事を毎日更新。 編集部のオリジナル記事から、熟練キャンパーたちのノウハウ、最新スタイルなど、キャンプが楽しくなる情報をお届けします。 2. 最新キャン...
[ ゲーム ]
Just in time for Summer comes Bobble Surf Camp, an all new free version of the popular surfing game, Bobble Surfer! Bobble Surf Camp has been designed to teach you how to surf in Bobble Surfer. Don't be put off if you've found it too hard before: Bobble Surf Camp will teach you the basics (and tricks) to get you carving the waves in no time! The Camp includes access to two of the eight breaks in the full game which you can hit in either Free Surf or Pro Surf modes. Features: * Lush cartoony graphics * A surfin' soundtrack * Tw...
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