フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
HttpWatch is the ultimate HTTP sniffer for monitoring and optimizing web pages. It shows cookies, headers, content, query strings, POST values and low level request/response streams for HTTP and HTTPS. Comments about the HttpWatch app on Twitter: "Dream come true: @HttpWatch waterfall charts on iPhone!.." "Awesome! @HttpWatch now available on iPhone" "... In 1 week of using it I've saved 2 hours of debugging time. It's more than paid for itself. But I do a lot of perf mobile analysis." GENERAL FEATURES -View headers, status co...
[ ビジネス ]
あなたに必要なのは、以下の3つのみ: - このアプリ - Webページを表示できるデバイス - NFCあるいはQRコード アプリ使用の流れ: - アプリで使用される情報をNFC番号札あるいはQRコードに書き込もう. - NFC番号札をスキャンしてNFC番号札を「完了」状態にしよう。 - 「完了」状態のNFC番号札をWebページに表示しよう。 MyTurnTag Creatorは顧客を待たせているスタッフのためのアプリです。 顧客が「Customer Tag」あるいは「Customer QR code」をスキャンすると、顧客はモバイルブラウザで「完了」状態のNFC番号札を表示するWebページ(Number Tags Webpage)を表示できます。 ...
[ ゲーム ]
Roll The Ball Pro Roll the ball across the tunnel whilst avoiding treacherous obstacles which lie in your path. Swoop through narrow gaps using accelerometer. Get Coins to increase your score. Reach upto 10x, 20x Speed and get different achievements. Its ‘easy to learn, hard to master’ style of gameplay that will keep you coming back for more. PERFECT CONTROL This game is about precision, style and skill. You have to have precise control to play on high speeds. Game Features: GAME CENTER SUPPORT LEADERBOARDS AND ACHIEVEMEN...
[ ユーティリティ ]
WebLenz is a webpage inspector for webmasters, webdesigners , developers and SEO experts who need detailed information about the performance and size of a full or mobile website. WebLenz will measure load-times and sizes of all elements (like images, javascripts, frames) on a webpage and will also give you meta-information about these elements, like headers and compression information. With Weblenz you can get a good indication on which elements you should work on to improve the performance of the webpage or decrease the used band...
[ メディカル ]
Denna App är ett komplement till dig som vill göra operationer samt ge dig en tidig inblick i vad det medför för kostnader. Du får en enkel och överskådligt uppskattad kostnadsberäkning för vad olika operationer, som exempel korrigering av tänder, byte av alla tänder i överkäke, byte av tre tänder osv. Alla priser i denna App är ungefärliga och framtagna av Lutfi Ujam, Leg. tandläkare hos Implantatinfo.se Har du fått bidrag från försäkringskassan kan du enkelt lägga in den summan i Appen och den räknar ut din totala slutsumma för...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Access the new Texas Instruments SensorTag from a graphical environment. The accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope are displayed with constantly updating oscilloscope-like plots that show all 3 axis. The barometer, hygrometer (humidity sensor) and thermometer are shown with natural-looking graphics of a thermometer. The program itself is discussed, and source code is provided, on the Byte Works web site. Note: Requires the Texas Instruments SensorTag and a Bluetooth LE compatible iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to function.
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Camera Color Picker is a tool for getting color from camera and vice versa. Features: • Read color from camera in realtime. • Capture and save image with color data embed. • Option to save original image. • Color output from RGB, CMYK, HSB/HSV, HSL and HEX for web. • Convert color to grayscale. • Tap to copy color code to clipboard. Quick note: RGB color space. The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. CMYK color spa...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Bit Converter allows you to easily convert between bits, bytes, kilobits, kilobytes, megabits, megabytes, gigabits, gigabytes, terabits, terabytes, petabits, petabytes, exabits, exabytes, zettabits, zettabytes, yottabits, yottabytes. Enter the value and unit and the calculator will perform the conversion to all units. Notes: The value of K (Kilo) during calculations can take two values 1024 or 1000, depends on which type of calculation you want to perform. Consider using K = 1024 when you are considering storage capacity, whether...
[ ユーティリティ ]
WebLenz is a webpage inspector for webmasters, webdesigners , developers and SEO experts who need detailed information about the performance and size of a full or mobile website. WebLenz will measure load-times and sizes of all elements (like images, javascripts, frames) on a webpage and will also give you meta-information about these elements, like headers and compression information. With the Lite version you can measure the load-time and size of a complete webpage (including all images and elements). For more functions you nee...
[ ファイナンス ]
Real Price ~ compare unit prices Find the lowest unit price when you shopping. -------------------------------------------- Sometime buying in big quantity is not alway cheaper. Use Real Price to compare unit price. Finding the best cheapest product. + Bring this app when you go for wholesale shopping. Found out that many situation we want to know which product is cheaper but each product comes with different unit, quantity and size so it is harder to compare the price. With Real Price, it will convert all products into the sam...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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