フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
カエルピョコピョコ! カエルをよけてコインを集めろ! 誰でも遊べる棒人間シンプルアクションゲームの決定版! ボタンを押すと、向きが反転するぞ。 敵にあたらないように上手に避けよう。 当たるとゲームオーバーだぞ。 獲得したコイン枚数をランキングで競おう! ●俺モード搭載! "俺の玉"を獲得すると、一定時間無敵の俺モード! 攻略の鍵だ! ●目指せ!金のトロフィー! 一定スコアでトロフィーをゲット! 見事金を獲得すれば、隠しモード出現!! ●スコアTweet機能 ●GameCenter対応 ※Credit BGM:DOVA-SYNDROME 様 [ http://dova-s.jp ] SE:SOUNDICONS 様 [ http:/...
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to Troll Master - Draw One Part game. What do you need to do? Brainstorm and challenge your creativity. Draw puzzle combined with funny situations. How to play • Very simply, you just need to use your finger to draw one part of the goal set • Just draw and Explore the different fascinating endings at the end of each level • Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of DOP drawing! Characteristics: • Unique gameplay gives you a smooth combination between logic puzzle games and drawing games • Fun and educational for all ages...
[ ビジネス ]
A new version of GoToMeeting is now available in the App Store. Update now to get the latest features and upgrades. Meet where you want with GoToMeeting on your mobile device. Join, host or schedule* a GoToMeeting session from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. FEATURES 
 • Participate in video conferencing with up to 6 shared webcams (HDFaces). • View the presenter’s screen, whether they’re sharing presentations, design mockups or spreadsheets. • Present your documents from the cloud. GoToMeeting integrates with most file-sharin...
[ ビジネス ]
Ask questions, vote in polls and be a part of the conversation at the event you’re attending. Download the Slido app and join your event by simply typing in the event code. Slido is an easy to use Q&A and polling platform. It helps people to get the most out of meetings and events by bridging the gap between speakers and their audiences. Please note that this app doesn’t include the admin mode of Slido and is meant only for participants. With Slido app, you can: EXPERIENCE THE LIVE STREAM You can watch the live stream and int...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Goal Manager lets you create and manage goals around your life that can be tracked with numbers and dates. Examples of these include: - Go from weighing 210 pounds to 175 pounds in 6 months. - Save $5000 in the next year. - Learn 1500 words of a new language in 10 months. Any goal you can think of that has a number attached to it can be managed in this app by helping you do the following: 1. Create a goal with a target number and target date. Application will then calculate short term targets to reach. 2. Create actions that y...
[ ビジネス ]
Hallはチームや企業間によるメールでのやり取りをなくし、リアルタイムに業務を遂行するテキストのやり取りを安全に行うビジネス用のアプリです。メッセージやファイルはクラウド内に安全に保管され、全てのデバイスと同期されます。同僚、顧客、クライアント、または、チームやプロジェクトのために結成したグループ内で、プライベート的かつ簡単にテキストのやり取りを行うことができます。 Key Features: * Security: All data is safely and securely sent with bank-level encryption * Syncing: Data is automatically synced to all your devices * Texting: Chat ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Maptini lets you build mind maps collaboratively on your iPad, iPhone, or the Web, syncing data in real time as you work with your friends, classmates or colleagues from anywhere in the world. It’s a simple and intuitive tool for organizing and sharing your ideas from a lecture, a project, or a brain-storming session. Our easy-to-use interface and real-time sync makes creating mind maps a state-of-the-art collaboration experience. Your co-creators can add to the visual map from their own devices, and their changes will appear on y...
[ ゲーム ]
かつて無いニョキニョキ! ニョキニョキ足場を上手に渡って、塔を登ろう!! 誰でも遊べる棒人間シンプルアクションゲームの決定版!! 左右のボタンでジャンプして、塔の上を目指して登りましょう。 落ちたり、敵に当たるとアウト! ハートが無くなるとゲームオーバーだぞ。 登った距離をランキングで競おう! おっとそうそう、たいへんたいへん! またお姫様がサタンに連れ去られちゃったみたい! お昼時に勘弁してくれ!ラーメンが伸びちゃうじゃん! 見つけたら途中でついでに助けよう! 塔の250mぐらいにいるという噂…!? ●俺モード搭載! "俺の玉"を獲得すると、一定時...
[ 教育 ]
===This version is for IPHONE ONLY (for iPhone + iPad buy Grafio - Diagrams & Ideas) You don't know when ideas will pop up. Thats why we developed this app, with it your ideas and diagrams are always in your pocket. Grafio for iPhone allows you to make flow charts, org charts, Venn diagrams, mind maps, take notes, sketches and do other diagrams with no constrains. You can use Grafio to make professional diagrams, brainstorm, take notes in class, solve a problem or make a presentation, explaining your ideas through complex scheme...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
“When I’m writing, Ulysses leaves me alone. Others don’t.” – Flex on the forums Ulysses is the **premier** text editor for creative writers. Used by bloggers, poets, students and published novelists all over the world, it offers an integrated environment to brainstorm, draft, revise and even submit text on a professional level. Based around the concept of non-linear, semantic text editing, Ulysses provides a truly distraction-free and fully focused experience, without sacrificing any advanced features. It’s got everything you ex...
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