フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
ChinesePod’s Official App gives you the freedom to study more than 4,000 Mandarin lessons in the palm of your hand. Select a lesson, plug in your headphones, and start studying -- on the train, while doing the laundry, when at the gym, wherever! The world is now your classroom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We have a lesson for that. -- Over 4000+ lessons available (the largest lesson library of any Mandarin E-Learning Platform!) -- 200+ video lessons to watch -- Five levels of Mandar...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
4231.vn Là nơi tụ họp của những cây viết xuất sắc, các blogger tâm huyết trong cộng đồng yêu bóng đá. Các thông tin bóng đá cập nhật liên tục và chính xác. Cài đặt mobile app 4231 để: - Theo dõi tin tức bóng đá một cách đáng tin cậy và nhanh nhất. - Đọc các bài viết chất lượng và chuyên sâu, được phân tích bởi các cây viết và blogger am hiểu, tâm huyết và nhiều kinh nghiệm về bóng đá. - Tham gia kết nối, trao đổi và cùng chia sẻ sở thích bóng đá với các thành viên trong cộng đồng 4231.vn - Giải trí hòa nhịp sôi động với các giải ...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Hungry for vegan recipes? The Finding Vegan App, based on the popular recipe browsing website FindingVegan.com, contains over 50,000 (and growing daily) creative, delicious, inspiring vegan recipes, submitted from the very best vegan-friendly bloggers from all over the world. FindingVegan.com is your time-saving answer for browsing endless blogs and websites. Now you can find all your favorite vegan-friendly bloggers on one site! Our recipes are curated by a very small team of editors, in order to showcase only the most inspiring...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
KatchUp lets you privately share photo albums in a few simple steps. Invite friends and family to upload to your albums and celebrate life's best moments. Make connections, receive invites to join albums and frame your memories with beautiful photo printing. Featured in the Evening Standard magazine as the practical answer to keeping your memories private online. Features: - Simple sharing options that let you collaborate with your friends and family to produce shared albums - Quickly organise and browse photos based on events an...
[ ゲーム ]
★★★★★ Award winner in best apps for Pokki contest, USA. ★★★★★ A very elegant and well designed chess - Jerry T. (Independent Tech Blogger) ★★★★★ It features lots of functionality like puzzles, video lessons, famous games and a tough AI. Definitely a must have on iPhone - Adam D. (Blogger & reviewer) The award winning chess game is now available on iPhone, featuring a tough AI opponent with different difficulty levels, a collection of most famous games played between great players, lots of challenging puzzles to solve in a well...
[ ゲーム ]
★★★★★ Award winner in best apps for Pokki contest, USA. ★★★★★ A very elegant and well designed chess - Jerry T. (Independent Tech Blogger) ★★★★★ Definitely a must have for chess lovers - Adam D. (Blogger & reviewer) The award winning chess game is now available on iPhone, featuring a tough AI opponent with different difficulty levels, a collection of most famous games played between great players, lots of challenging puzzles to solve in a well designed challenging chess game. Features: --------- ✔ A tough and challengin...
[ ライフスタイル ]
【COSSIP咩黎嫁?】 一個100% Made in Hong Kong嘅社交+美容潮流+影相APP 一次過滿足你三個願望! 時尚又美麗、貪靚又貪玩嘅你點可以無嫁! 同熱爆插畫家「Plastic Thing」Crossover 【COSSIP有咩好玩?】 -Selfie 美妝達人係齊到,扮靚心得拎得到,變靚變正無難度 相框貼紙係曬到,任你鍾意加邊到,各適其適都睇到 -Blog 熱門Blogger定時發送最新美容、潮流、美食資訊 加入Follow功能, 即時了解blogger最新動態 -Message 即時加入新朋友,即時chat下潮流話題 -News Feed 開心Share我所想,真心Like你靚相,關心comment佢日常 -Search 美容妝品資料庫,產品資訊極豐富,有咩...
[ 教育 ]
The Easyblog App is the easiest and quickest way to share text, photos, videos and more with your learning community. Designed and developed by teachers in a world leading international school, the simple and unique workflow ensures media rich posts can be created unbelievably easily by teachers and students. Almost anything you can make on an iPad can be uploaded and shared via The Easyblog App, making it the perfect way to share not only students’ work, but class newsletters and photos as well. Key features: • Secure and pr...
[ ライフスタイル ]
STYLE & STYLIST Хувцас загвар, гоо сайхны, гэр ахуйн бараа бүтээгдэхүүн болон худалдаа үйлчилгээний газруудыг хэрэглэгчтэй холбох гүүр юм. FASHION & TREND Мэргэжлийн стилист, дизайнер, хувцас загвар сонирхогчидын хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн загварын /Fashion trend/чиг хандлагыг тодорхойлж байгаа хувцас загваруудаар үүсгэсэн коллекциудыг харах боломжтой. Боломж давуу тал Та сонирхож байгаа бараа бүтээгдэхүүнээ брэндээр, категориор, хямдрал, дэлгүүрээр нь шүүж харж болно. Бараа, брэндээс хайж тухайн барааны зураг, 360 эргүүлэх, үнэ,...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Download the Official Im In The Office App! Loopy The Blogger is considered one of craziest and most influential personalities in Social Media! His insane antics, rants and comedic sketches are like ratchet morning newspaper articles for your entertainment! Let me Guess…… Now you can keep up to speed with La Bori, Dope Fiend Jose and all the other loopy characters directly on your smartphone! Always stay updated with the following in-app features: •Social feed including Twitter and Facebook Posts made direct by Loopy The ...
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