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[ ライフスタイル ]
Introducing the Beyond app by Pictet, a dedicated mobile platform created exclusively for the Rising Generation. Our mission is to empower you to develop and grow, both personally and as part of a like-minded community. With exclusive access for invited members only, the Beyond app offers valuable insights from Pictet ambassadors and curated thought-leaders, while enabling users to connect with peers facing similar challenges. Rooted in authenticity, care, open-mindedness, and perspective-shifting, the Beyond app is an extension of...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Beyond Sundays is an app from McLean Bible Church designed to draw our church family into closer intimacy with God. Beyond Sundays will provide Bible verses to specifically encourage each app user based on his or her spiritual life, desires and needs. Features: New redesigned interface with updated Home Page quickly gets you to all the main sections within the app: Verses for Me, Tracks & Content, Inbox, Favorites and Calendar. Easily review new content through notifications and Inbox. Add your preferred content to Favorites, ...
[ ゲーム ]
Who said zombies are slow? Beyond Fighting 2 Undead Warriors Edition is here. Intense beat ‘em up action and massive new features — paired with zombies! Fight for the throne of the undead! 16 UPGRADABLE ZOMBIE-CHARACTERS & MELEE WEAPONS • Upgrade your fighter‘s skills: improve speed, boost attacks and extend combos • Equip weapons to improve strength and attack range • Fight with bare fists or choose between two unique melee weapons per fighter TOURNAMENT MODE: COMPLETE TOURNAMENTS & FACE FINAL BOSSES • Fight through a variet...
[ ビジネス ]
This is the official interactive mobile app for Olo Beyond4. Download the Olo Beyond4 app to get the most out of your event experience, connect with other attendees, stay up-to-date on event information, and more!
[ ゲーム ]
Beyond the Board is a set of several board games that you can try out on your own or with others players. By moving around with your character, you can to sit at different tables and play board games: - Pyrophora: Amokye & Xolotl are mini-games by DTDA Games - Apogee: Apogee is a card management game that takes you to discover the objectives and challenges of the new space. - Light Hunters: Light Hunters is a Heroic Fantasy card game, for two players, form your battalions, choose your heroes and crush the opposite team ! - Resonanc...
[ ビジネス ]
BEYOND ist eine Fachzeitschrift für Experten der Internen Kommunikation. Das Magazin wirft einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die Interne Kommunikation und angrenzende Themenfelder wie Führungs- und Veränderungskommunikation sowie Unternehmenskultur und nimmt Kommunikationsprofis mit ihren Erfahrungen und ihrem Wissen in den Fokus. In aktuellen Fachbeiträgen, Gesprächsrunden, Porträts sowie Success Stories zu Kampagnen spielen klassische Themen sowie Trends der Internen Kommunikation eine Rolle. BEYOND adressiert vor allem die Ents...
[ ゲーム ]
Beyond SpaceはiPad 2 +, iPhone 4 +, iPod Touch 5 +で作動します エキサイティングなスペースアドベンチャー Beyond Spaceは、最先端技術を駆使した3Dスペースシューティングゲーム。最高のスペースオペラも青ざめる陰謀へとプレイヤーを引き込みます。 無限に広がる数々の惑星系、星雲、小惑星を探検。緻密な3Dグラフィックス、美しく描かれた魅惑的な宇宙の景色、壮観な特殊効果、レンダリング処理された輝き、光、太陽フレア、反射...。 それらすべてが、アンビエント系でしかも躍動的なサウンドトラックとすてきなサウンドエフェクトとともに高まります。 あなたは...
[ ユーティリティ ]
With our mobile app, ordering from Beyond Harvest Foods is faster, more convenient and more accurate for our restaurants and retailers. View your personal order guide with the latest products and pricing, check out item details, and build your orders, anytime, from anywhere. You can also view your order history, leave "notes" or contact us directly through the Beyond Harvest Foods mobile app.
[ ライフスタイル ]
BEYOND BY LEXUS is a journal on design and craftsmanship, a brand magazine that proposes ideas for a richer lifestyle. From automotive to architecture, product designers to community builders, BEYOND BY LEXUS maintains a tight and eminently human editorial focus on the designed world, both natural and manmade The digital version of BEYOND BY LEXUS magazine includes monthly updated editorial content and exclusive features. Discover the new trends in design and diverse travel destinations. Experience the Lexus lifestyle and meet peo...
[ 教育 ]
As a parent, it is difficult to watch your child struggle when learning math. You want to help them and intuitively know there must be a better way. Now there is! Beyond Just 123™ is a groundbreaking new early learning app. We have transformed the traditional school assignment math, to a completely new interactive mobile environment, where your child simply uses a stylus, or even their finger, to complete the work and assignments. Beyond Just 123™ applies artificial intelligence and advanced image recognition to provide your chil...
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