フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ライフスタイル ]
- Fashion:透過專業的編輯團隊,帶妳了解全球最新的時尚趨勢,儂儂以國際零時差的距離,解析出當季時尚T台最新流行趨勢與必備熱門單品;同時,介紹當今國際潮人、女星與名媛們的個人風格、穿搭小貼士與最熱門的’it’單品,並且傳授每日聰明穿搭的know-how,引導並啟發妳個人風格的改變與提升。
- Beauty:針對台灣女性...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Ciao Bella hair + beauty professionals is constantly striving to provide our loyal clients with only the best. The best service, the best styles, the best in hair & beauty fashion, the best hair + beauty professionals & the best product ranges.
The intense ultraviolet rays of North Queensland are constantly damaging your hair. That’s why we use plant based, ethically tested, Australian designed and made products.Our highly trained creative styling professionals constantly assess your hair and skin, determ...
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[ ゲーム ]
Bella and Max is an educational game dedicated to young players aged 3+. The player will experience an unusual adventure together with the eponymous characters.
Your goal is not only to discover the adventures of the characters, but also to solve the tasks Bella and Max will approach on their path - like feeding animals, traveling by train and many more.
The game is designed to give parent an occasion to accompany his child during play, so they can discover the world together and fully bring child's potential into life.
It is a ...
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[ ゲーム ]
Meet five year old Ella Bella Bingo of Sunshine Garden. Her world of magical interaction is engaging, fun and empowering for kids of all ages. This app offers nine different games and activities to choose from. All activities are intuitive and easy to play.
Join Ella Bella Bingo and her friends at Sunshine Garden, where you can play soccer, dance with the twins, paint, solve puzzles, help Mr. Johansen in his workshop and much more!
• Soccer with different levels
• Several painting activ...
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[ ゲーム ]
Introduce your kids to the interactive world of five year old Ella Bella Bingo of Sunshine Garden. It is winter time and her friends are ready to play in the snow. The app includes several high quality games, such as:
• A super cool bob sleighing game
• Puzzle games
• Memory games
• Painting and coloring activities
• Build towers with Christmas gifts
• Build your own snowman
• A magical and personalized snow globe
Ella Bella Bingo is a universal app which works both on iPhone and iPad. You can download the app for both devices...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
【手作美顏 Oh Bella】
”手作美顏●Oh Bella”~繡出妳的女神style
於是Bella便創立了個人工作室。而會取“Oh Bella”這個名稱,是期盼顧客經由Bella服務後,都可以擁有屬於自已驚嘆的美麗!
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Here at Bella's Desserts, we are constantly striving to improve our service and quality in order to give our customers the very best experience. As a result, we are finally proud to unveil and introduce our latest improvement, our new online ordering app! You can now relax at home and order your favourite, freshly prepared meals from Bella's Desserts. You can even pay online!
Bella's Desserts in Northfield will always be offering great food at affordable prices. Please feel free to browse our new app and place your order online. R...
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[ 教育 ]
La Bella y la Bestia, un cuento en el que aprenderás que la verdadera belleza reside en el interior y no en la apariencia física, y que el amor puede surgir a pesar de cualquier diferencia. Esto ocurre entre Bella y la Bestia, embrujado junto a su castillo y todos los que viven en él por una anciana hechicera. ¿Podrán romper el hechizo antes de que se marchite la rosa que tan celosamente guarda la Bestia en el ala oeste de su castillo?
Con la App "La Bella y la Bestia Cuentos Accesibles para Todos" tendrás una nueva herramienta de...
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[ ビジネス ]
Revista comemorativa aos 20 da Bella Janela, empresa de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, líder nacional na produção e comercialização de cortinas prontas. Traz um perfil completo da empresa fundada por Roberto Baby, que revolucionou esse mercado no País. A Bella Janela produz 400 mil peças por mês e está presente em todos os estados brasileiros. São várias linhas de produtos, resultado de pesquisas constantes sobre tendências de materiais, cores e estampas. Os produtos Bella Janela são fáceis de instalar e proporcionam soluções criativas ...
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