フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
12 Minute Athlete HIIT Timer is a programmable interval timer and stopwatch perfect for interval workouts and HIIT training. Whether you're into bodyweight workouts, sprinting, weights, CrossFit, boxing, MMA or HIIT, the 12 Minute Athlete free app is an easy-to-use, beautifully designed tool perfect for all your workout needs. Key features: - Easily program your high/low interval and number of intervals - Save your favorite interval timers for easy access - Simple functionality, intuitive design, easy to use - Post your workout...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Get in the best shape of your life today. No excuses! 12 Minute Athlete is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) regimen of incredibly effective workouts that you can do in around just 12 minutes a day with minimal equipment & no gym membership. “Never has it been easier to get in a workout. Seriously, this app is so simple to use, it gives you a new workout with exactly the gear you have on hand & you don’t even need to set your timer. And it takes 12 minutes. Boom!” “Absolutely the best fitness app for those who want a tru...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
What is strength? Strength is grit. Resilience. Persistence in the face of adversity. Strength is something we all need a little bit more of in our lives. But unfortunately, as women, strength is something we are often discouraged from developing. That is why we built Spitfire Athlete. We built Spitfire Athlete because most fitness products “for women” are all about how you look and not about what you can do. Spitfire used to describe a woman with a fiery temper (and a fighter aircraft). Today, the word spitfire embodies the s...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
男性会員数10万人!ゲイ専用のビデオ通話アプリ! 人気のあのGOGOBOYも登録中! あなたのタイプのオトコマエがきっと見つかる! 【Athlete(アスリート)とは】 Athleteは、ゲイ当事者の方のためのSNSです。既にカミングアウトしている方も、まだしていない方も、安心して自分自身をさらけ出し、他の当事者と繋がることのできる場をご提供します。 「Made in Japan」のアプリですので、日本人の方が使いやすいように設計しています。また、互いの顔を見ながらお話できる「ビデオ通話機能」や、電話のように話せる「音声通話機能」を搭載していますので、これまでにない感覚で新...
[ スポーツ ]
Performance Insights The only tracker on the market with 16 key metrics, the most popular of which are Total Distance, Max Speed, Sprints and Heat Maps. How it works Wear the Apex Athlete Series tracker during your session, then connect wirelessly via Bluetooth to the app and you will have all the data you need to track your performance at your fingertips. Compete with the Pro’s Unlock your Pro Score and track your progression over time. Compete with all our brand ambassadors. Unlock achievements Unlock you...
[ ゲーム ]
1つのボタンをひたすら素早く連打! 4つのボタンをピアノの様にスムーズにタップ! 6種類のモードで世界ナンバーワンのスピードモンスターを目指してみてください ルール説明 Athlete :ひたすら1つのボタンをタップ します ミス判定はありません 好きなようにタップして下さい Top Athlete ・Crazy ・Monster:4つのボタンを順番通りにタップ します ミス判定があります順番を間違えたりきっちりタップ出来ていなかったりするとミスになります スタートと書かれたボタンをタップすると同時に計測が始まります インジゲーターに示された順番通りに繰り返しタップし、カウ...
[ スポーツ ]
ALPHA Athlete(アルファ・アスリート)は部活動アスリート向けの、スポーツテスト管理アプリです。5種目の体力テストの結果をアプリ内で入力、データの管理が行えます。 ■スポーツテスト管理機能 ・50m走、プロアジリティ、垂直跳び、腕立て伏せ、立ち三段跳びの計5種目のスポーツテストの結果を入力、管理できます。 ・入力された結果は毎月毎に5角形グラフや棒線グラフなどでデータを管理します。 ※実装テストの種目は今後のアップデートで変更の可能性が有ります。 ■測定認証機能 ・スポーツテストの種目を動画でアプリにアップロードすることで【認証マーク】が得られま...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Track your workouts with the Wodify Athlete app! For members at gyms using Wodify. You can also sign-in to classes, view daily workouts, and check out your gym’s schedule, anytime, anywhere. The Wodify Athlete app is designed to work in conjunction with Wodify Perform workout tracking software at your gym. Features: · PERFORMANCE TRACKING Log your workout results and view your history, even if you’re offline. · CLASS SCHEDULE View your gym’s class lineup from one streamlined application. · WORKOUTS OF THE DAY Take a look at...
[ ゲーム ]
Are you a sports fanatic? Do you love trivia games? If you answered yes to either of these questions then you will love this new and unique sports trivia game. Have fun guessing the famous athlete! Game Features: * Four categories with tons of levels to play * Use hints to help uncover the athlete * Earn coins for answering correctly * Climb the leaderboard I bet you can't guess them all...
[ スポーツ ]
Athlete Central is the World Anti-Doping Agency’s all-new application for Athletes. Powered by the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS), Athlete Central is the easiest, fastest, and most secure way for athletes in a Registered Testing Pool (RTP) to provide their whereabouts information in order to support out of competition testing and demonstrate their commitment to clean sport!
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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