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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
With this app you' have access, among other things, to: - The History of Azerbaijan right on your hands! Since the beginnings until nowadays, you'll be able to know a little more about the great History of Azerbaijan; - The most beautiful photos from this beautiful country; - The location and maps of the most important cities; - Your location on the map so you can find where you are; - Push Notifications about the most important events and news. "Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, is the largest country i...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Somos la Emisora Católica Online de la Diócesis de Riohacha, en La Guajira. La Emisora La Voz de la Esperanza Riohacha, nace del corazón del Obispo, Mons. Francisco Antonio Ceballos Escobar C.Ss.R. y su profundo deseo de Evangelizar a través de los medios de Comunicación. Esta iniciativa es fruto de la incansable labor de nuestro pastor, en llevar el mensaje de Salvación de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, hasta las periferias de nuestra Iglesia. Llegar más y más a donde otros no llegan, con el tesoro del Evangelio. Iniciamos como una rép...
[ ニュース ]
The Armenian Housing Crisis app was developed to raise awareness of the chronic poverty housing in Armenia and to offer support to some of the country's most vulnerable families. In 1988, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck northern Armenia, destroying much of Vanadzor, the third-largest ctiy. To help deal with the earthquake induced housing crisis, the Soviet government set up temporary villages of "domiks" - small houses made from metal shipping containers - on the outskirts of Vanadzor and other quake affected cities. More than...
[ ニュース ]
Chah is the mobile application that brings all the news you need about the Republic of Armenia, Chavakhk, Artsakh, Nakhichevan, occupied Armenia and Armenian communities worldwide into your hands. You will receive everything you want to know about Armenia and Armenians to your mobile in Armenian and you will be able to share them through social media with the world. Chah is user-friendly, simple and easy to scroll through, making the experience of news feed easy and fun.
[ 旅行 ]
¡Con la aplicación móvil de Export Health tienes la belleza y salud de tu cuerpo garantizada en el Quindío y en manos de especialistas nacionales con prestigio internacional! Disfrutar la riqueza natural del Quindío, mientras consiente y embellece su cuerpo, es un plan innovador que ofrecemos en ExportHealth, donde su tratamiento de belleza inicia con la llegada a esta tierra de encanto y termina con su regreso a casa; alojamiento, traslados, servicios médicos y enfermera bilingüe son parte de las comodidades que encuentra con nos...
[ 旅行 ]
Ready for Armenia? Didn't you forget something? Exactly! the Cherry Pick travel guide - your loyal companion through the whole Armenia... Cherry Pick is the latest and most complete offline map-best travel application where you can find all you need to organize your travels, to party, to discover and in general everything you need to make your trip unforgettable. User friendly interface, easy intuitive navigation, and tons of cultural, historical knowledge. It's free and you don't even need an Internet connection to use it.
[ 旅行 ]
- Information on 27 000 companies, organizations and state structures of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh - App is trilingual (Armenian, English, Russian) FEATURES: - Search companies near you - Search companies by name, by category, by trademark, by all (name+category+trademark) - Order of companies - by distance, by rating, by name - View the company's all addresses and phones - View the company's webpage on www.spyur.am - View the company on the map - Call or send SMS directly to the company - Create a list of favorite companies - ...
[ ミュージック ]
Plays La Super Estacion Armenia - Lo que tu quieres oir Take advantage of our programs and the best live music. The Super Station :: What you want to hear ::
[ ニュース ]
MyNews Mobile : local news, eyewitness reports from people to people. Become a citizen reporter and be the first to report on important news. Welcome to MyNews app, a citizen reporting platform that connects professional and amateur journalists and citizen reporters, MyNews is a citizen journalist mobile phone application that uses multimedia and geolocation to create real-time news which will be posted on www.mynews.am website. It allows users to post eyewitness accounts, news with headlines, text, video and images using their ...
[ ビジネス ]
“Digital Printing” is based on Augmented Reality (AR), for our project we use Metaio AR. Metaio specializes in mobile augmented reality - the most popular medium through which the average person interacts with AR content. In AR part turn on camera, where video stream is analyzed to detect several predefined patterns. Application includes also the map view, Testflight Feedback and PDf part. In pdf part opened the “Amazing Armenia” book, where are information about armenian temples and monasteries. In map have the poi of all temples ...
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