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[ ビジネス ]
StageTimer is an application for AV professionals. Support your presenters on stage with a countdown. Supports multiple timers (i.e count down & timer of day) on the same screen. Can run in fullscreen on external scren, while keeping controls available for operator. Make your run-order ahead of the show, and sit back during the performance. Can trigger scripts/audio. Free iPhone and iPad companion product, allows any number of people in the crew to follow all timers, and get an overview of the run order wirelessly. v2 is a total ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
iClapper Pro allows you to control your Mac remotely by clapping your hands. The multiple-stage algorithm and adjustable settings system provide high clap recognition accuracy. You can assign any action to a certain number of recognized claps, as well as to a combination of claps! For most irretrievable actions, such as computer shutdown, you can set up an execution confirmation. FEATURES: ✪ Tracking the input sound signal to recognize handclaps. ✪ Advanced calibration to fit your clapping and room acoustics. ✪ Adjustment of ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Instant search and offline access to any API documentation you may need. Dash is an API Documentation Browser that gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 150+ API documentation sets (for a full list, see below). • Offline Documentation: iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Swift, .NET Framework, ActionScript, Akka, AngularJS, Angular.dart, Ansible, Apache, Appcelerator Titanium, AppleScript, Arduino, Backbone, Bash, Boost, Bootstrap, Bourbon, Bourbon Neat, C, C++, CakePHP, Cappuccino, Chai, Chef, Clojure, CMake, Cocos2D, Coco...
[ ライフスタイル ]
What’s the next step in home-automation? Get ready for autonomous AI systems evaluating what you might be doing as a human being. "Huevolution for Philips hue, LIFX + Estimote iBeacons." Besides its’ beautiful minimalistic and plain appearance Huevolution comes with an “Indoor-tracking” system allowing you to “check in” at different places in your living-space. You can attach multiple actions to these events and add dependencies, for instance where you were before, how long you’ve been there and much more. Working like a human...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Launch Automator actions, Applescript, and even Unix shell scripts on your Mac at home from your iPhone, wherever you are! Set up Geo Triggers to automatically trigger actions on your Mac when crossing geofences (requires iPhone). Requires the iPhone app, Otto's Remote, available on the iOS App Store.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Just create a project and start coding in this IDE. When you want to run the code, just press play and see the output appear on you IPAD in a flash.   Among other features, This app contains: Customizable apperance: Ranging from Black to White background, with matching font colors.   Executing code in the following languages: C, C++, D, Haskell, Lua, OCaml, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Tcl Code highlighting for: C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, Lua, Perl, mySQL, Matlab, actionscript, active4d, ada, ampl, apache, applesc...
[ 教育 ]
学会Photoshop脚本,可以大幅度提高您的工作效率,具体来说您可以: * 一键给n个图片批量添加水印。 * 一键给n个图层批量统一命名风格。 * 一键给n个图片批量自动对比度、自动色阶等美化处理。 * 一键将n个图片批量生成网站上使用的限定尺寸的缩略图。 * 一键将n个图片按顺序上下合并,并输出为pdf方便传播。 * 一键将n个图片进行JPEG压缩或转换为GIF格式。 * 一键生成各种艺术字、透视效果的阴影、变幻莫测的背景图案以及其他特效,制作并收藏属于自己的特效脚本库。 * 一键将n个png图片进行PNG-8压缩,压缩质量不输于ImageOp...
[ ミュージック ]
★ BEATBOX ★ BOLLYWOOD ★ BRAZILIAN DRUMS ★ DANCE ★ DJ EFFECTS ★ DUBSTEP ★ DUBSTEP MONSTER ★ DUBSTEP GRINDER ★ ELECTRO HOUSE ★ HIP-HOP ★ OFFICIAL DJ VOICE ★ PIANO VARIATIONS: BLUES, CLASSICAL, NEW AGE & POP ★ TWISTED COWBELLS ★ TWISTED TAMBOURINES ★ VOCAL EFFECTS ★ WORLD DRUMS ★ Use this remote to control our "DJ Kit" app on the Mac App Store. Mix and combine one style of music with another to create your own uniquely stylized DJ mix. For example, combine the Dubstep Monster & Grinder Kit with the DJ Voice or mix the Vocal Effects w...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ライブの共有/共同作業でノートブックをパワーアップ 2006 年に初めてリリースされた AquaMinds NoteShare™ for OS X は、複数のページからなるメディアリッチなノートブックを作成、発行、および共有するためのパワフルなアプリケーションです。これには、AquaMinds NoteTaker™ のすべての機能が含まれています。 さらに、他の NoteShare ユーザとノートブックをすばやく共有して情報を提示、閲覧、および編集することができます。NoteShare は、時間や場所を問わず、同じ部屋や建物内あるいは世界中の至る所で使用でき、人々とのコミュニケーションを図ることができます。...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
FastScripts is a powerful tool for running time-saving scripts on your Mac, designed for seamless integration with the apps you use on a daily basis. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7 "Lion". FastScripts focuses on running your AppleScript and shell scripts as quickly as possible and without taking you out of the context you are working in. Define custom keyboard shortcuts for any of your scripts, in a global or application-sensitive context.
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