フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
• In AlchiMerge you are the Shopkeeper of your very own Alchemy Shop! • Match and Merge materials to harvest magical ingredients for your Shop! • Craft mystical Potions, Spells and more! • Sell them to customers for profits and become a Legendary Shop Tycoon! • Decorate your Shop and Customize your human, Catanian (cat) or Lupinian (dog) avatar! • Befriend heroes along your way and uncover the mysteries of the Vortex Isles! •Join forces with other players and Invest in your City together! Interested in knowing more? Here’s what y...
[ ミュージック ]
ピョートル・イリイチ・チャイコフスキー(1840年5月7日(ユリウス暦では4月25日) - 1893年11月6日(ユリウス暦10月25日))は、ロシアの作曲家。叙情的で流麗・メランコリックな旋律や、絢爛豪華なオーケストレーションなどの要因で人気の作曲家となっている。またリズムの天才と言われ、一つのフレーズを発展の連結にしたり、半音階上昇させたり、または下降させたりと他の作曲家には見られないものがある。曲想はメルヘンチックであり、ロマン濃厚な表情が見られる。作品は多岐にわたるが、とりわけ後期の交響曲・バレエ音楽・協奏曲などが愛好されている。 プレイリスト:...
[ 教育 ]
If you already use the Student Online System from ANIMA, now you can do the same with your iPhone or iPod Touch! Keep yourself up to date about the last news and information about UNA, UNIBH and UNIMONTE. This app besides providing your student electronic card, it also offers academic information and university service, all this in a simple way, fast and online!
[ ライフスタイル ]
The application conveys the institutional communication of Anima and provides useful information about the event's centenary
[ ライフスタイル ]
Sleep Easily Meditation – Full Version is an enhanced version of the original free one. This app contains a bundle of goodies with it including 3 eBook reports and a music track of soundscapes from the meditation without the words to enjoy as well. Written and read by Shazzie. As an acclaimed author of five books, the creator of several life transformation programs and an international speaker and workshop facilitator her quest is always the same: to help you on your journey back to the centre of your own heart. Relax into her so...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Fan Park es el punto de encuentro de los aficionados al fútbol. Comparte con tus amigos todo lo relacionado con la Eurocopa 2012 y anima a tu selección. Crea tu propio Fan Park, público o privado, con quien quieras y donde quieras. En tu casa, en el local donde os reunís a ver el fútbol los amigos… y deja tus comentarios, cánticos de apoyo a tu equipo, sube las mejores fotos, canta los mejores goles y compártelo en las redes sociales. La pasión del fútbol en tu móvil, en tu propio Fan Park. Además, podrás ver toda la información ...
[ ミュージック ]
Techno Music Radio Recorder offers the best Techno music available in the world. You can easily create your favorite playlist and also record any music any time. Techno Music Radio Recorder is the best radio app for Techno music fans across the globe. You can run this app on your iPhone, iPad or iPodTouch. Features: Listen to 35+ Techno music channels Easily create your favorite playlist Record your favorite music within the app Listen to your recorded music later even if you are offline List of stations: RADIO SPUTNIK #MUSIK.TRAN...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Fiori e Sapori «Per fare tutto ci vuole un fiore» dice una bella canzone italiana e mai un pensiero è stato più azzeccato! In questa piccola grande app troverai tutto ciò che si può fare con i fiori. Con i fiori si può innanzitutto sognare e, lasciandoci trasportare dal loro profumo, afferrare le parole per dirlo. Ecco che nella sezione “Profumi” troverai le più belle parole che poeti, cantanti e artisti abbiano composto con la parola fiori. Con i fiori si possono creare abbinamenti e dar forma a composizioni per animare i luo...
[ ショッピング ]
LA COOPERATIVA SOCIALE ANIMA ha la missione di organizzare percorsi di inserimento al lavoro rivolti a soggetti “svantaggiati”. Ogni attività messa in campo, ha come obiettivo l’inserimento e il coinvolgimento di ragazzi e persone diversamente abili. Vogliamo sottolineare un concetto per noi molto importante, il quale vogliamo non passi inosservato, ovvero il concetto di “doppio prodotto”. La nostra cooperativa è un’impresa con un doppio prodotto: l’inclusione sociale attraverso il lavoro e i servizi scambiati sui rispettivi merca...
[ エンターテインメント ]
"There she is" App only Supports iOS 5 And iOS 6. "There she is!!" is a dramatic music video style iPhone animation series produced by SamBakZa. There is no dialog. You can enjoy the story regardless of language. The cartoons became particularly popular during the Spring of 2004 when it was exposed to American and European audiences, particularly for its classic manhwa style elements and its high quality of animation, in which the characters move lively and fluidly. The first There she is!! generated a large amount of positive...
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