フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
QuickSpecs™ by QuickTrick™ is the perfect solution for unlimited vehicle alignment specifications. This app provides the user with automotive alignment specifications for all vehicles sold in North America from 1960 – 2012 with. This app is ideal for the do it yourself mechanic, auto enthusiast, weekend racer and all independent mechanics, collision centers & body shops. A simple 3 step process allows you to pick year, make & model and then print, share or email your specs within seconds.
[ メディカル ]
無料で今すぐ使える!使い勝手が超シンプルなAI姿勢分析アプリ 「BODY Alignment-ボディアライメント‐」 施術前後に計測して、効果を可視化できます! お客様がその店舗を選ぶ理由... “今を知る>施術で変わる>見て納得” この体験が、一番の価値になる!! 効果を分かりやすく伝え、今よりもっとお客様に寄り添えるカウンセリングツールとしてお使いください。 今なら!初回ダウンロード特典として、計測3回分をプレゼント! 【計測できる内容】 ◆姿勢計測 正面と右側面の2枚の撮影で姿勢を分析します。 頭・肩・腰・膝の左右前後のズレと傾きから姿勢をスコア化! 重心分...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Please Note that AltAzAlign has some major issues with the new iOS7. Due to personal issues and time constraints there will be a delay in fixing the app. Sorry for any inconvenience. AltAzAlign helps telescope users that have digital setting circles or go-to systems on Alt/Az mounts perform their initial alignment. The app works by calculating which stars are currently visible by using the time and location of the user. These stars are then narrowed down by discarding those that are outside the Horizon limit and too close to the ...
[ ビジネス ]
Resource Alignment Matrix now delivers 3 times the value - as a comprehensive & objective staff ranking tool, as your ticket to the secrets of Robust Production Management (RPM), & as your personal fast track to RPM certification. FIRST... the Resource Alignment Matrix - or "RAM" app - objectively ranks individual team members according to their skills and work performance. Supervisors and managers can quickly and easily identify specific team member development opportunities, as well as places to cut operational costs. Just enter...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Vertical Alignment is an application that every Engineer and Surveyor that work in Roads,Bridges,Infrastructure, etc might need when he is on site or Office. If you work as contractor or Consultant might need this for checking the levels at any station or checking the calculation for all alignment. The app will give you the following: 1-Elevations at any entered station 2-Elevations at any area(from station ~ to station) and interval as you want. 3-Add and remove any unlimited points at any time. 4-Don’t worry if you forget any po...
[ ビジネス ]
The Alignment USA Network Conference explores the collective impact toolset created by Alignment Nashville and adapted by member communities of Alignment USA. Participants will learn how the Alignment principles, structure, process, and technology have been adapted for use in communities across the United States; by learning from and sharing with other communities, participating communities will be able to strengthen their own work. This app includes agenda, attendees, speaker bios, maps, hotel accommodations, interactive option...
[ ユーティリティ ]
VIBRO-LASER Alignment offers functionality and its high technical characteristics, making alignment process of your equipment (pump, electric motor, compression etc.) quick and exact, thus reducing its energy consumption and increasing service life.
[ ユーティリティ ]
The Vertical shaft alignment app is designed to be used with the SKF Shaft Alignment Tool TKSA 51 or TKSA 71. Together, the TKSA alignment tool and the app form an alignment system that allows vertical shaft alignments of many rotating machines to be made in an intuitive and easy way. The system uses line laser to PSD technology that enables highly accurate and reliable shaft alignments. The TKSA 51 or TKSA 71 and the apps communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth®. Without the hardware the app can nonetheless be used, as it features a...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Do you LOVE memes? Do you have the inspiration? With Alignment Chart Meme Creator you can: - Create your own free Alignment Chart memes (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil). Tap on the image placeholder to add a new image for a specific alignment, and swipe left and right to change alignment. - Share them with your friends via Facebook, Telegram, Whatsapp or save them in your Camera Roll. Just choose the pictures from your own Photo Gal...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The Horizontal shaft alignment app is designed to be used with the SKF Shaft Alignment Tool TKSA 51 or TKSA 71. Together, the hardware and the app form an alignment system that allows shaft alignments of many rotating machines to be made in an intuitive and easy way. The system uses line laser to PSD technology that enables highly accurate and reliable shaft alignments. The hardware and its app communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth®. Without the hardware the app can nonetheless be used, as it features a fully functional demonstratio...
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