フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Whether you are taking a ferry to work, riding on a train, waiting for a loved one at the airport, enjoying a warm breezy day at the park with the kids, taking a break from home work, waiting at a doctor’s office, waiting for your turn at the barber shop or simply relaxing by the pool, you can play Guesseroo wherever and whenever and make an incredible discovery of your own. That you have a hidden sixth sense and you can practice using it by playing Guesseroo. Just like you exercise daily to build your muscles or tone your body, yo...
[ ゲーム ]
Galaxy Collapse: Genesis 3.0 continues the classic space invader type game with a twist to the premise. In Genesis 3.0, we add more features and capabilities to the player as well as the enemy. The game begins in the mist of the aftermath, after the Akains carried out a massive attack on earth. While earth was offering peace between planets, the Akains obvious had no interest, yet failed to share their thoughts on future diplomatic negotiations. The massive attack overwhelmed the Galactic Fleet, laid waste to the cities, and dest...
[ ゲーム ]
Tsunami Survivor - The story of a boy who survives the ferocious terror of the Tsunami waves and is on a mission to rescue his Family from the Tsunami aftermath. Storyline - Zizu was playing in the backyard of his house when the Tsunami destroyed his house and carried away his family with it.Zizu escaped the tusnami terror and is now left alone,he thanks The Almighty for being alive but is very upset when he finds out that his family is missing.Zizu has a dream in which he sees his parents are alive and are struck in the tsunami...
[ ブック ]
The liberalization of the business of law will save Japan and herald the true birth of the quaternary sector of the economy! This work constitutes an electronic version of A Potential Market Worth Twenty Trillion Yen: Towards Reaping a Bonanza From Legal Services, which was released at the same time as Why Even A Monkey Could Practice Law In Japan was published.   (Main contents) The legal profession in Japan is brimming with inefficiencies and absurdities. For example, collaborations with non-lawyers are prohibited. As well, there...
[ ブック ]
This book fully exposes the real truths behind the distortions that characterize the practice of law in Japan. This work constitutes an electronic version of the sensationally received Why Even A Monkey Could Practice Law In Japan. (Main contents) Lawyers in Japan are arrogant, idle, and incapable of performing substantial work. Closed to competition, it is the legal profession that maintains control over these lawyers. As guardians of the law, lawyers are required to help people harness the law to resolve issues and let them kno...
[ 教育 ]
This app uses fascinating objects from the British Museum’s major exhibition Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum to transport you to the heart of the life and times of the people of the Roman cities that were destroyed in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. Immerse yourself in the life of the two Roman cities Over 250 objects featured in the exhibition are plotted onto street plans of the two cities. They are grouped into themes (urban context, commerce, religion and beliefs, wealth and status, grooming and adornment, relaxi...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The Cancer Survivors Guide to Daily Prevention - Vibrant Living After Cancer is for you if: You worry a cancer diagnosis may be in your future or you’ve battled cancer and are struggling with the aftermath of treatment and the fear of it returning. Did you know, according to the American Cancer Society, cancers are primarily an environmental disease with 90–95% of cases attributed to environmental factors and only 5–10% due to genetics? Environmental factors are obesity, lack of physical activity, tobacco, stress, radiation, i...
[ ゲーム ]
Now available for FREE and with your favorite closet haunter. You've heard the old saying, 'It's not the fall that kills you, but the sudden stop at the bottom.' That may be true for some people, but they're lousy at dying. You? You're the greatest at the death act, and you're not waiting for the bottom, no, you're taking charge of your end and you've decided that if it's time to die, then it's going to be a glorious death, indeed! There's lots of reasons to die. Get fired off the work site? Rough night for our lady of the eveni...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Facing Violence—7 Things Every Martial Artist Must Know Our very best in self-defense. Rory Miller explores seven areas of self-defense training for the most common types of street violence, so you will not be vulnerable to a potentially deadly violent assault or training yourself to go to jail. Same videos as the Facing Violence DVD for much less! Streaming or Download Video Chapters: 1. Legal and ethical implications. Every martial artist must learn force law, and explore his or her own ethical limitations. Mr. Miller explores ...
[ ゲーム ]
Cracked Mind: 3D horror adventure game with scary ambience full of puzzles and fear gameplay. Full Version. ... Lovely strong family, good job - successful life. It was a good old time for our character. He lived by a restful life and enjoyed every moment, every second of his existence. But there are situations when something goes wrong when you do not want to commit the act, but the fate decided otherwise… The aftermath can bring you out of a rut and change your world, change us, break our minds. And now, instead of the evening...
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