フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Watch your favorite classic movies anywhere, anytime on any iOS device now! iFlix Classic Movies brings the best of cinema right to your finger tips :-) CLASSIC MOVIES CATALOG #1: • Heckle and Jeckle - The Talking Magpies (FREE) • Night of the Living Dead • She Gods of Shark Reef • Superman Animated Collection • Fist of Fear Touch of Death • Adolf Hitler's Secret Life • Gulliver's Travels • The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling's • Silent Night Bloody Night • Popeye Animated Collection • Sherlock Holmes Dressed to Kill • Return Of Th...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
WORLD HISTORY DOCUMENTS includes 350 primary source documents and speeches written throughout the course of World History. From the Bible to Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech, this application covers the breadth and depth of world history. WORLD HISTORY DOCUMENTS also includes 19 audio and video recordings of famous speeches and addresses. All of the documents in WORLD HISTORY DOCUMENTS can be saved to "favorites" or e-mailed. The program is divided by time periods, and contains a translation of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament a...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
“チャーリー”サー・チャールズ・スペンサー・チャップリン(Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE、1889年4月16日 - 1977年12月25日)は、イギリス出身の映画俳優、映画監督、コメディアン、脚本家、映画プロデューサー、作曲家である。左利き。 映画の黎明期において、数々の傑作コメディ映画を作り上げ、「喜劇王」の異名をもつ。同年代に活躍したコメディアン、バスター・キートンやハロルド・ロイドと並び、「世界の三大喜劇王」と呼ばれる。チャップリンは、ハリウッドにおいて極めてマルチな才能を示した人物であり、徹底した完璧主義で知られていた。その作品は...
[ ゲーム ]
Get ready for the hit game of the year! Finally a great game which isn’t just fun, but also develops your imagination and exercises your brain. ★★★★★ TOP RATED GAME! [5/5] Is the next big game this Awesome Cop released today? Great game, not to be missed -> www.LoveForTech.com AWESOME COP is a new fun comics-game full of twists and surprises. You will become a cop in a city of clones. You’ll learn how to think, investigate, and research like a real cop. You’ll have tons of fun going through lots of interesting situations. Th...
[ ミュージック ]
The Great Violinist introduce 65 great violinists of the 20th and 21st century, from Heifetz to Hahn. Every violinist page contain a high resolution photo, a detailed biography and a represent music file of the performer. The total time play of the music files exceed three hours. Through the detailed biography, you can learn how they succeed to be a great violinist, who are their teacher, what violin and bow they used, etc. You can sweep through the violinist pages, or you can search through a table. There is a music player to play...
[ ブック ]
La Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI), fondata il 23 settembre 1943 col nome di Stato Nazionale Repubblicano e nota come Repubblica di Salò (paese sulla sponda bresciana del Lago di Garda e sede di alcuni importanti ministeri), fu uno Stato creato da Benito Mussolini per espressa richiesta di Adolf Hitler dopo che il Regno d'Italia aveva, il 3 settembre di quell'anno, concluso la resa di Cassibile con le forze anglo-americane. La sua attività amministrativa si estendeva nominalmente fino alle province settentrionali della Campania...
[ ブック ]
La Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI), fondata il 23 settembre 1943 col nome di Stato Nazionale Repubblicano e nota come Repubblica di Salò (paese sulla sponda bresciana del Lago di Garda e sede di alcuni importanti ministeri), fu uno Stato creato da Benito Mussolini per espressa richiesta di Adolf Hitler dopo che il Regno d'Italia aveva, il 3 settembre di quell'anno, concluso la resa di Cassibile con le forze anglo-americane. La sua attività amministrativa si estendeva nominalmente fino alle province settentrionali della Campania,...
[ ブック ]
Rated as one of the best iPad Apps by Gizmodo.com (one of the biggest tech blogs). A very comprehensive App on World War II made specifically for the iPad. Brings World War 2 alive on your iPad screen. World War II Interactive covers the biggest conflict in history with stunning photos, videos and speeches and amazing design. "If you’re a WWII enthusiast, we say go for it." - Aayush Arya, Apps Co-Editor at TheNextWeb.com "What's especially great about World War II Interactive is that the app provides you with rare pictures and vi...
[ 教育 ]
What made a failed Austrian artist into the most reviled and destructive personality of the Twentieth Century? Where did the seeds of his rabid anti-Semitism lie? How did a marginalised loner become such a moving force in Germany? How could a nation have fallen for such a maverick? What made him so determined to bring about war? Read about Hitler as a boy and his relationship with his overbearing father, and about Hitler as a daydreaming drop-out in Vienna and Munich. Read about his routines, obsessions, his ideas and idiosyncrasi...
[ ブック ]
Shoah è una parola ebraica che significa "desolazione, catastrofe, disastro". Con questa parola si indica il genocidio della popolazione ebraica d'Europa compiuta dal Terzo Reich durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Olocausto è invece una parola greca che identifica un tipo di sacrificio dove quello che viene sacrificato viene completamente arso. E' divenuto per metonimia il termine con il quale ci si riferisce al genocidio compiuto dal Terzo Reich a danno di TUTTE quelle persone ed etnie ritenute "indesiderabili" dalla dottrina na...
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