フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
Tu en as marre de rester devant ton ordinateur toute la journée ? Tu aimes les challenges en équipe ? Que tu sois un adepte du sport ou non, n’hésite plus et participe à Active Challenge, un challenge qui va te booster. Cette application va faire de toi une nouvelle personne ; tu vas avoir l’occasion de bouger comme jamais auparavant et coopérer avec tes coéquipiers tout en t’amusant ! Comment ça marche ? Le but est de gagner des points pour toi et ton équipe en pratiquant une activité physique (marche, course, vélo, etc.), en remp...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Your audio. Your way. The BRAVEN Stryde Active Speaker App*allows you to tailor your music with a suite of user-friendly features to play audio just the way you want it. Use the app to remotely power your speaker on or off and control playback from afar. Additional controls include adjustable audio EQ settings by genre, voice assistant mode** and toggling between different audio sources instantaneously. *Compatible with BRAVEN Stryde and Stryde XL Active Series Speakers ** Compatible with Siri and Google Voice
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
LET OP: JE HEBT EEN Active-Fit ACCOUNT NODIG OM IN TE LOGGEN IN DEZE APP. Maak het sporten nog leuker met onze Active-Fit App. De ideale App voor een fit én gezond leven. Bereik je doelen en blijf gemotiveerd met onze Active-Fit App. Houd je workouts en vooruitgang bij en laat ons je op weg helpen. Met de deze app kun je: • De lesroosters en de openingstijden van de Sportschool bekijken • Je dagelijkse fitnessactiviteiten bijhouden • Je gewicht, vetpercentage en andere statistieken bijhouden • Duidelijke 3D demonstraties van de oe...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
PEAR® for Renew Active® is a digital fitness app free and exclusive for UnitedHealthcare® Medicare members! Designed specifically for you, personalized training plans are prescribed based on your unique goals, needs and biometric data. Using PEAR® Training Intelligence® AI engine, the app adjusts the plan as you train, making exercise both easy and fun! GPS and sound are utilized while the app is in the background of the users phone to provide the best user experience. Exercise plans have a variety of workout types including en...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Join and Explore WhatsApp Groups from the biggest collection. Make friends, Promote your Business, Join the knowledge club. WhatsApp is the most famous communication application globally nowadays. Everyone around uses WhatsApp for their messaging and other communications. Similarly, WhatsApp groups are also very affective in multiple ways. Either you want to make friends, Promote your Business or want to learn any new thing etc., Join WhatsApp Groups and become part of different communities. Active Groups for WhatsApp is a huge c...
[ ビジネス ]
Tired of the gym experience? The goal of Venture Active has always been to give people an outlet to challenge themselves and their fears in new and exciting ways. Thanks to our amazing community we’ve grown from our first bootcamp calisthenics class to offer fun daily classes, special events and big adventures. If you find yourself a like minded fitness and outdoor enthusiasts we want you to join us! This app is the official app of Venture Active and will be your gateway to staying informed of all upcoming classes and adventures...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Free HIIT exercises anytime, anywhere! Get moving with ACTIVEx, the super easy workout app designed to keep you fit year-round! Try FREE HIIT and spin workouts from ACTIVE.com. Build your own HIIT workouts with your favorite moves or take on training plans and challenges created by our trainers. No matter how much time, space or equipment you have (or don’t have), the ACTIVEx app has a workout for you! Features: • Custom HIIT workouts • Spotify integration • New training plans and workouts each month from ACTIVE.com • 30-Day...
[ ゲーム ]
Following the great success of the console version, the Active Soccer series is back and is now available on iOS! Active Soccer 2 DX is an exciting top-down arcade football game providing a fast-paced arcade experience, implementing amazing playability and responsive easy-to-learn/hard-to-master controls. With Active Soccer 2 DX you have full control of the game, no scripted goals, no CPU-driven decisions! Active Soccer 2 DX provides a complete career mode, implementing many international leagues, cups and championships. Imagine...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
鬧中取靜,距大安捷運站三分鐘路程,高度隱密的舒適環境,讓運動過程更自在。 貼心提供育兒服務,在您享受健身時光時,讓我們替您照顧小寶貝! 打造專屬於您的一對一課課程、互相激勵的團體課程以及來自歐洲的健身黑科技XBODY訓練。 用狂熱啟動我們的活力,讓我們和你一起勇敢做個初學者,專注於每一次的努力,把握自己最美麗的青春。 志在帶領初學者活得更Active(積極);我們是健身房,但我們希望你開始喜歡上運動,不只侷限於健身房內,而是更多元、更向外走,成為生活的一部份。 Active Living 信義大安 的logo看似 “A” 的兩撇,也像極了中文的「人」字。最初的理念,其實...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Innovative fitness platform connects the Fitness facility with its members. The Your Wellbeing Active app is exclusively available to exercisers who belong to the participating fitness facility. Exercisers have the ability to set goals, create workouts, receive workouts from their personal trainer. The Your Wellbeing Active app syncs with compatible Life Fitness and Cybex cardio equipment with internet connection. After completing a Cardio workout, the results are automatically saved to your timeline. In addition the Strength an...
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