フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Via deze app kunt u afspraken maken bij Aspa, al uw afspraken bekijken en uw eigen geregistreerde gegevens opvragen en aanpassen.
[ 旅行 ]
Aspa es la aplicación oficial de la Asociación Sindical de Pilotos Aviadores de México. En ella podrás: Consultar tus descuentos de la cláusula sindical, mantenerte en contacto a través de los foros, acceder a tu CCT actualizado en la biblioteca digital,enterarte de noticias e información de interés con nuestro Blog.
[ ゲーム ]
Turvat - Peli turvallisuudesta ja ystävyydestä on Aspa-säätiön tilaama ja tuottama ja Meanfish Oy:n toteuttama peli asumisturvallisuudesta. Pelin on rahoittanut Palosuojelurahasto ja sen tekoon on osallistunut Aspa-säätiön asukkaita ja turvallisuusalan ammattilaisia.
[ ナビゲーション ]
Aplikace Basys, přehled prodejen.
[ ビジネス ]
American Society for Public Administration event app. Stay updated before and during ASPA's major events.
[ 旅行 ]
Avec StrasMap, la Ville et l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg proposent une application destinée à faciliter la vie des usagers dans leurs déplacements sur toute l'agglomération. Le côté novateur de cette application est de regrouper les informations concernant les divers modes de déplacement - piéton, vélo, auto, transports en commun - en un ensemble d'outils qui, au final, permet de mieux organiser ses déplacements. Labellisée Proxima Mobile, cette application a également été récompensée par un label "Territoires innovants" dans le c...
[ メディカル ]
16th Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists Conference in Conjunction with 10th Biennial Meeting of Indonesian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists and Critical Care "Towards Professionalism Paediatric Anaesthesia"
[ 教育 ]
Aplikace pro hodnocení přednášek 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy.
[ 教育 ]
Spell Aid for Kids is the most Dyslexia friendly Children's Dictionary and Spell checker app with Thesaurus and illustrations. Unlike many other dictionary apps, Spell Aid for Kids is not just about words - it also contains pictures. Children today are used to information being presented in a visual form and consequently they expect their learning experience to reflect that. What makes Spell Aid for Kids unique and so useful? Well! It has often been said, “What use is a dictionary if I cannot spell?”. Spell Aid for Kids is the ...
[ 教育 ]
The 'Spell Aid UK Edu’ app is made available as part of a wider subscription. Spell Aid is the most Dyslexia friendly Dictionary, with Thesaurus, available. It gives users the independence and confidence in discovering unknown words and their definitions. Search Tools Search for words by conventional means (including by speech) or by using our bespoke methods, which are ideal for people with spelling difficulties as well as those for whom English is a second language. Features • More than 125,000 English and compound words...
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