フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Do you want to feel STRONG, CONFIDENT, HEALTHY, ENERGISED and HAPPY? I’m Anna, and I have already been helping a community of 1.5 MILLION+ women around the world achieve this. Download GROW and start your journey to achieving your goals today. With me, Anna, as your guide - I’ll help you every step of the way to growing mentally and physically, so you can become the happiest and healthiest version of YOU possible. Because the truth is… There’s only so much I can help you with through Youtube and Instagram! And I want to chang...
[ ミュージック ]
The brand new official Anna Majella Music Mobile App is now available! Stream our music, see pictures, check out our bio, and share it all with your friends. Stay connected for the latest updates from Anna Majella Music on your mobile device with our free Mobile App.
[ ライフスタイル ]
グルメやおでかけ、イベントなど関西のお役立ち情報のほか、ファッションやビューティー、ヨガなどさまざまなジャンルを気軽にいつでも読める「anna(アンナ)」の公式アプリ。 たくさんの情報がぎゅっと詰まっているので、こちらのアプリひとつで、関西のお役立ち情報がすべて手に入ります。 ●関西をもっと楽しむライフスタイルマガジン「anna(アンナ)」とは? 「anna(アンナ)」 は「関西をもっと楽しむライフスタイルマガジン」として2018年8月に創刊し、グルメ・おでかけ・イベントなど関西エリアのお役立ち情報や、ファッション・ライフスタイルなどコラムを中心に、思...
[ ゲーム ]
How fast can your fingers do the cleaning? Treat yourself to Anna Montana, “A Desperate Housekeeper,” a fusion of time challenge, resource management, strategy, and simulation. Now available in HD on OSX! Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/anna-montana/id480952925?ls=1&mt=12 Check out our video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dTja4le9Vg This is what editors had to say: TouchMyApps - Nathan Wright Anna Montana is part time management, part RPG, and part spot the difference. You will have to develop a good eye to do ...
[ ゲーム ]
Anna got married and she was pregnant in the spring. Now nine months had elapsed, and it's time to give birth to a baby. Anna needs a very experienced doctor to help her deliver her baby. Let's come to help her!
[ ライフスタイル ]
ANNA SUIの最新イベント情報やコレクション、店舗情報などの情報を紹介しています。 カレンダー機能では自分のスケジュールの登録はもちろん、ANNA SUIのイベントがスケジュール上に配信されるようになっています。 ○NEWS アナスイからのニュースやイベント情報、最新情報を配信します。 ○COLLECTION アナスイのコレクションをショーの写真で閲覧できます。 ○MY CALENDAR アナスイオリジナルデザインの、カレンダー機能です。 iPhoneのカレンダーと同期することができ、アナスイのイベントスケジュールが自動的に予定に表示されます。 ●iPhoneのカレンダーアプリからの予定...
[ ゲーム ]
★★★★★Fantastic Fun! ♥Are you ready for helping Anna? Anna have a great idea to re-build her old style restaurant into a popular lover’s café. Your kindly help is desired! Seat customers, take orders, serve food and delight customers in this fun, action-oriented and highly addictive game that is sure to bring out the entrepreneur in everyone! ♥Key Features: ✓ Seat, serve and turn tables in this game of skill, speed and savvy ✓ 48 addictive and challenging levels ✓ 26 foods and 12 additional services ✓ 6 couples of different c...
[ ゲーム ]
Anna's Garden is a fun match 3 puzzle game about Anna and his father who returned to their mansion after a long time. Their old home in the township has to be repaired now. Joey, who fell in love with Anna at first sight, wants to repair the home to win her heart. To help Joey, download Anna's Garden adventure game and prove your skills in solving challenging blast match 3 puzzles. Swap, match fruits and build a house with your style. Anna's Garden is a match 3 puzzle game. If you are looking for fun games for girls Everyone ca...
[ ゲーム ]
★★★★★Fantastic Fun! ♥Are you ready for helping Anna? Anna have a great idea to re-build her old style restaurant into a popular lover’s café. Your kindly help is desired! Seat customers, take orders, serve food and delight customers in this fun, action-oriented and highly addictive game that is sure to bring out the entrepreneur in everyone! ♥Key Features: ✓ Seat, serve and turn tables in this game of skill, speed and savvy ✓ 48 addictive and challenging levels ✓ 26 foods and 12 additional services ✓ 6 couples of different c...
[ ゲーム ]
Join the last sorceress, Anna, as she enters a realm of wonders. Play minigames, discover enchanted worlds and discover an unforgettable story! Discover the coming of age story of young Anna, the last sorceress in her kingdom, as you experience magic and wonder! Raised by a talking cat named Tail, Anna is on the verge of a life-changing discovery that will reveal the truth behind who she is. Standing in her way is the evil Queen, who intends to steal Anna's innate magic and use it to bring about an age of darkness. Taking inspir...
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