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[ ライフスタイル ]
Connect and engage with our community through the Word Alive Church app! You'll be able to connect with others, watch our services. fill out prayer requests, give, read the bible, and so much more!
[ ゲーム ]
Today everyone needs to stay alive! Help the people run and jump over stuff to stay alive.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Dead or Alive 5 is a fighting game in the Dead or Alive series, developed by Team Ninja in partership with Sega AM2 and released by Koei Tecmo simultaneously for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012. It is the first Dead or Alive game to have a multi-platform release since Dead or Alive 2 as well as the series' first installment that was released for the PlayStation 3. Dead or Alive 5 features guest characters from Sega's Virtua Fighter fighting game series and several new gameplay mechanics, as well as improved graphics and a mo...
[ ミュージック ]
SonicScan aLive is a multi-touch sound toy application in which you can create and manipulate textures, drones and shifting sonic landscapes derived from your own original recordings. Use up to four fingers to control, layer and manipulate sound. SonicScan aLive is capable of creating vibrant and dynamic sonic textures and drones if you find a good sound source to record. Recordings (in WAV format) of your drone/texture sounds can be exported using AudioShare, or accessed using File Sharing in iTunes, allowing your new sounds to ...
[ ゲーム ]
Hear some great feedback from the media about the game: “Alive4ever mini bursts of violence are entertaining and enjoyable.” - Pocket Gamer “As a sequel to a great zombie shooter series, and as a new dual-stick shooter, Alive4ever mini doesn't disappoint.” - App Advice “Its fun in quick bursts, and the sticky sweet chibi monster visuals are interesting.” - Slide to Play -------------------------------- Feel the great excitement and enjoyment of eradicating loads of zombies with this fast-paced and thrilling dual-sticks shoo...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Arrive Alive is a signature community service program of The Law Offices of Michael A. DeMayo, L.L.P. The program was developed to show teens the tragedies that can result from underage drinking and driving. Arrive Alive has been presented nearly 100 times to more than 50 different high schools since its inception in 2003.
[ ライフスタイル ]
Alive Now is a thematic, bi-monthly magazine that seeks to nourish people who are hungry for a sacred way of living. This publication of The Upper Room speaks to the opportunities and challenges of following Christ in today’s world. Daily life can seem out of control — too busy, noisy, overflowing with demands. Yet we’re called to make room for the Holy. That’s where Alive Now fits in. We’re about helping you make a little space for God in the midst of the chaos. Take 5 minutes — open up a spread in the magazine, light a candle an...
[ ミュージック ]
ALIVE Festival is a 4 day Christian music festival that offers camping, swimming and over 70 concerts and seminars. Our purpose is threefold: to bring Christians together from various denominations to celebrate our faith in Jesus Christ and be encouraged to live lives that honor God, to offer the highest quality Christian artists and speakers at a beautiful recreational site for an amazing low price, and to offer all who attend ALIVE the opportunity to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ and the impact He can have in our...
[ ミュージック ]
The world's hippest sounds from Ninja Tune, Dazed and Confused, Pure Evil, Vice Magazine and more are now yours to enjoy. Broadcasting from the heart of Shoreditch to the World, comes Strongroom Alive - where music, art and fashion collide. The Strongroom Alive app delivers an eclectic mix of music streamed live from London and updates on the latest events and news in Art, Music and Fashion, delivered to your iPhone seamlessly and with style.
[ ライフスタイル ]
商業周刊25周年大製作,耗費一部電影製作成本,橫越三大洲,帶你貫穿350年的品味知識。 ***** 提醒您 ***** 本產品為書架型APP(支援New iPad),現在購買架上有《品味巴黎》《品味倫敦》《品味紐約》《品味京都》,建議使用Wifi網路環境下載,完整下載後可離線閱讀。 **************** 我們相信,熱愛生活,懂得真價值,是在努力工作、追求卓越之外,非常重要的事。生活美學不再只是休閒或嗜好,它將成為不可或缺的競爭力,品味與美學將是台灣繼製造業、科技業之後,下一波全球爭勝的關鍵。 在過去一年多,《商業周刊》alive團隊,求教專家,親自走訪全球四大品味之都:巴黎、倫敦、紐約、京都...
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