フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
CAE Crew Access Mobile is a part of CAE Crew Management platform, offering Crew Members real-time access to their roster and personal information. CAE’s flagship crew-facing app provides self-service tools such as auto-processed duty swaps, leave requests, open time, and our innovative Crew on Flight Chat® to keep teams connected on the go. With CAE Crew Access Mobile, Crew Members can access information from Crew Management anytime, anywhere, empowering them to focus on delivering exceptional passenger experiences! Description...
[ ユーティリティ ]
InBrowser - An Incognito Browsing App “True incognito mode, all the time” InBrowser is an incognito/private browser for iOS. Each time you exit InBrowser, everything you’ve done in the app will be erased, including history, cookies, and sessions. InBrowser is a feature-rich browser, with privacy baked in. With InBrowser, you can privately check Facebook on a friend’s device, complete sensitive gift shopping, plan a surprise party, search for a medical condition, watch a video, or simply avoid adding to search history. Using InB...
[ エンターテインメント ]
スター・ウォーズ ブルーレイ 公式アプリ「Early Access」でコンプリート・サーガのスペシャル映像をチェック!「Early Access」では「コンプリート・サーガ」に収録されている特典映像とルーカスフィルム秘蔵映像のハイライトがご覧いただけます!「スター・ウォーズ」の世界をさらに深く楽しむ旅に出かけよう! いまやポップカルチャーアイコンとなった「スター・ウォーズ」の斬新なコンセプトの数々。当時の特撮技術の限界に挑み、「スター・ウォーズ」という作品表現を可能にした先駆者たちのインタビュー。そして、これまで決して語られることのなかったルーカスフィルムの秘...
[ ファイナンス ]
Mit der ZKB Access App können Sie sich einfach und sicher ins eBanking der Zürcher Kantonalbank einloggen oder Zahlungen freigeben. Neue Kundinnen und Kunden können sich zudem bequem von zuhause oder in einer unserer Filialen identifizieren. Vorteile ZKB Access App: - Maximale Flexibilität durch Verwendung Ihres Smartphones oder Tablets - Einfache Identifizierung in einer unserer Filialen mit Ausweisscan und Video-Selfie für neue Kundinnen und Kunden - Hohe Sicherheit aufgrund der Aufteilung auf zwei Kanäle (Smartphone und eBanki...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Polkast lets you access your computer and storage drive, directly from your phone or tablet. Show vacation photos to a friend over lunch. Play the perfect song for that perfect date. No more pre-planning. No more cloud! You can literally access all of the files on your computer, from wherever you are. * No More Storage Fees! Keep files saved on your computer or storage device where they belong, and instantly access everything from your iPhone or iPad. You won’t need to use a cloud with all those expensive fees and storage limits. ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
「DC All Access」で、毎日いつでもどこでもDCが楽しめます。 公式ニュース、SNSのリアルタイム更新、日替わりのリワード、限定のDC絵文字キーボードなどをゲットしましょう! 「DC All Access」は、わくわくするインターフェースで映画からテレビ、ゲーム、コミックまで最高のDCワールドをお見せします。 公式ニュース&限定 *話題のDC映画、テレビ、ゲーム、コミックス作品に関するニュース(毎日更新)、限定素材、特集コンテンツ。 *皆さんのためだけに用意された動画を見て、記事を読み、写真を眺め、チャレンジ・クイズ・投票に参加しましょう。 絵文字キーボード *限...
[ ビジネス ]
GoToMyPC gives you the freedom to go anywhere you choose and connect right to your Mac or PC. To use this free app, you must first have a GoToMyPC subscription. ******** “If you want to access your computer remotely, this app is your best bet.” – LAPTOP Magazine “GoToMyPC is definitely a hit in the business world. It's simple, clean, and gets to the point.” – HotHardware ******** GETTING STARTED IS EASY 1) Download the GoToMyPC app from the App Store. 2) Make sure you have GoToMyPC installed on the Mac or PC you want to access...
[ エンターテインメント ]
ACCESS MediaPilot as a DLNA Certified® application connects you to your entire DLNA/UPnP home network and lets you play and control your digital media. Enjoy your Music, Videos and Pictures on your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad or simply push it to your connected TV. With ACCESS MediaPilot you can play the movies, music and view photos residing on any DLNA/UPnP enabled PC or any network storage device or you can view the photos or videos stored on your digital camera or mobile phone on your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad without having to hook u...
[ ユーティリティ ]
PC Access : The easy way to VNC... Allows an iPad user to control a remote computer that uses the RFB protocol. Works with VNC servers like the built-in Mac OS X VNC server and UltraVNC for Microsoft Windows. PC Access was designed to be easy to use and has the following features: * Single finger touching for mouse clicking and dragging * One finger swiping for intuitive scrolling * Right click buttons to simulate right clicks with 2 touches. * On-the-fly scaling. Allows finer touch control (clicking) * Full on screen keybo...
[ ビジネス ]
Citrix Secure Access enables secure access to business critical applications, virtual desktops, and corporate data from anywhere at any time, providing an optimal user experience with the Citrix Gateway appliance. Secure Access Features: - Full layer 3 SSL connectivity to Citrix Gateway - Per-app connection flexibility (Provisioning support through MDM systems) - On demand support - Multi-factor authentication support with client certificate - IPv6 compliant One Time Password (OTP) Features: - One Time Password generator using ...
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