フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Abba Father bringing you the whole counsel of God's Word through the preaching and teaching of Bible. Book.by book, verse by verse the whole bible.
[ 旅行 ]
The best travel guide to Stockholm for iPhone. More high-quality, free content than any other guide. Lovingly written and built by people who know their Söder from their Stieg. Features... + Stockholm's best hotels - for all budgets + The trendiest nightspots in town + Witness a city at the forefront of modern cuisine + The most unique stores + Live Stockholm's liberal lifestyle + Full transport guide - get there and get around + Discover the brand new ABBA museum and the stunning Vasa museum + Marvel at Europe's "Capital of ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
およそ300枚にもおよぶ70年代ロックアーティストのモノクロ写真が逸話、エピソードと共に収録された写真集、Abba…Zappa Seventies Rock Photographyがアプリに。 この今までにない貴重なコンピレーション写真集はあなたを70年代当時の情景へと誘う。 分厚く重ねられた写真を強調した本のデザインはアプリではその効用がより一層顕著になっており、あたかも山積みされた写真を目の前にしているかのよう。 最近の写真集とは異なり、ほとんど全ての写真に経緯もしくは逸話、時には状況や手法の説明がなされ、加えて本には収録しきれなかった30枚以上の写真が(クリック...
[ 旅行 ]
Aplicación móvil perfecta para el viajero, reúne la información turística de Pamplona con la información y servicios del hotel Abba Reino de Navarra. Pone a tu servicio la información necesaria de cada punto de interés, te indica cómo llegar, muestra imágenes y vídeos.
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Abba Father Media is a Christian Media Publisher. We help new authors to get their books published and marketed. We create E-Books, Paperbacks and Hard Cover Books.
[ 旅行 ]
Aplicación móvil perfecta para el viajero, reúne la información turística de Valencia con la información y servicios del hotel Abba Acteón. Pone a tu servicio la información necesaria de cada punto de interés, te indica cómo llegar, muestra imágenes y vídeos.
[ ミュージック ]
“Praise The Load” “Hallelujah (Hindi Songs)” app brings you most of the Praise & Worship lyrics used by Hindi churches all over the world. Now, you can worship anytime, anywhere with all the lyrics you need in an elegantly designed app. Offline 100 Hindi Christian Songs and lyrics available in this app. Latest hindi worship songs and song book also available. Song list: 1. Aa Gaya Hu Mere Khudavant 2. Aab Prajay Nahi 3. Aadi Aur Anat Tu Hi Hai 4. Aankhein Khol Mer 5. Aao Kare Aaradhana 6. Aaradhana Ho Aaradhana 7. Aaradhana Mah...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Bíblia Sagrada grátis offline (não precisa de internet) na versão King James Atualizada e sem propagandas! - Gratuita e sem propagandas - Totalmente offline (funciona sem internet) - Destaque seus versículos favoritos - Compartilhe com amigos - Veja seu histórico de versículos acessados - Navegue entre capítulos paginando lateralmente. - Divisão histórica dos livros por cores: Pentateuco, Históricos, Poéticos, Profetas Maiores, Profetas Menores, Evangelhos, Histórico, Cartas de Paulo, Cartas Gerais, Profético. Caso encontre algum...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Got some BeeGees or ABBA playing on your iPhone / iPod Touch? At a party that is in need of more flash and pizzazz? Tired of looking at static album art? Just launch Disco Ball and listen to your 70's hits the way they were meant to be played! Described as both "mesmerizing" and "beautiful", Disco Ball brings back the 70s to your iOS device. Version History: 1.1 - Swipe to spin faster/slower or to reverse direction 1.0 - Device Rotation
[ ブック ]
--- Vencedor do Prêmio iBest - Melhor do Brasil - 2021 | 2022 | 2023 --- A Bíblia Sagrada disponibilizada no seu dispositivo móvel permite de um modo simples e prático o acesso a palavra de Deus em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Tudo em um único lugar: - Devocional em áudio - Comentário bíblico em áudio Rota 66 do professor Luiz Sayão - Dicionário Bíblico - Planos de Leitura - Hinários - Estudos em vídeo - Anotações - Marcadores de texto O que Bíblia diz Uma seção criada especialmente para esclarecer aqueles assuntos que m...
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