フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ブック ]
どこまで上昇がy続くのかわからない! ソフトバンク 孫社長の勢いが、2013年も止まらない!! とうとう「ド○モ超え」宣言 ソフトバンク13年度の営業益 1,000,000,000,000円(1兆円)突破が見えてきた!(2013年4月30日) 「日本の経済史上でトヨタ自動車とNTTの2社くらいで、われわれは3社目になるのではないか」と、孫社長が皆を驚かせた!!() 10年で「ド○モ」を超えると言い放ち、数年残して超えるところが見えてきた。 ■ 有言実行の 孫正義 の言葉は重くそして深い! ⇒ 現代の疲れた社会人や、若者に読んでいただき ⇒ 働く楽しさや...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Fractally allows you to explore beautiful Mandelbrot and Julia set images, while at the same time, helping you gain a greater understanding of what they are. * interactively zoom and scroll around the images, using standard pinch and scroll gestures. * watch to see how the Julia set changes as you pan and scroll around the Mandelbrot. * view Mandelbrot or Julia point orbits, a visual representation of how a point changes as it moves through the iteration. * many different color schemes are provided. * control the amount of detail ...
[ 旅行 ]
一起飞®是中国地区领先的国际机票服务商。一起飞®APP提供全球国际机票快速预订服务,航线数据涵盖约192个国家、4088个城市;同时整合国际机票+全球酒店、欧铁、签证、保险等旅游产品,让你轻松实现一站式国际旅行产品预订。 【特色服务】 国际机票:全球100,000,000+条飞行路线,1,000,000,000+条特惠票价,航线更齐全,价格更实惠。 全球酒店:国内外超过350,000家酒店,价格优惠,低至2折起。 欧洲火车:一起飞®是欧洲铁路集团中国华南地区官方指定出票机构,提供欧洲35国火车通票预订,及美、澳、日、韩等多国铁路票务预订服务。 各国签证:专业团队办理旅游签证、商务签证...
[ ファイナンス ]
Use Evo Cashier-Lite to collect payments with a simple scan! Evo Cashier-Lite is an app that helps you collect payments from digital wallets by scanning a QRCode. Over 1,000,000,000 people in China use digital wallets today. If you want to grow your business with Chinese tourists, EvoCashier-Lite is your best choice. With Evo Cashier-Lite, you can: Collect payments by scanning a code Refund by scanning a code Track the status of an order View the transaction and settlement report.
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
You have 60 seconds! Take 1minute to make a first impression. Welcome to a self timer video capture app that gives you 1minute to shoot your best video. Take a one minute video, review it and quickly share or upload your video. Our app forces you to make the BEST one minute video. Review the video before uploading to Facebook®, Twitter®, or even Wistia®. Great for: 1 minute app demo - 1minuteof app 1 minute product pitch - 1minuteof pitch 1 minute action video - 1minuteof action 1 minute resume - 1minuteof job 1 minute proposal - ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
AR Photo with Million Dollars, give you the opportunity to place any amount of money you want and take a photo with the cash and share it anywhere. Taking selfies with your dough ain't for celebrities only! Now you can convince your friends you're filthy rich, too! AR Photo with Million Dollars allows you to place that $$$ anywhere and take a picture with it! From 5000$ to mind blowing 1,000,000,000$, it can all be on your dinner table now with this app! You no longer have to wonder what a million dollars look like. Download the a...
[ ゲーム ]
Join the fun with this exciting clicker game! Click the big block to make more blocks! "Awesome!!! Love it!!! Better than Cookie Clicker." - Rogue miner lover "THIS GAME IS AWESOME. So cool so addicting. Blocks blocks blocks." - Hchsvzh Tap, tap, tap away! Then head to the Shop to use your blocks to buy tools to make even more blocks!! More great surprises are coming soon - like more tools, and much more! Be the first to 1,000,000,000 blocks! Play the game by tapping the big block to “mine” little blocks. The more blocks y...
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to Cash Billionaire - an addictive clicker game. This game is focused around you make the most cash you can by purchasing time and click increases. This allows for many play styles players could choose from as well as progression features that allow each game to be unique. Your goal is get to $1,000,000,000. Once you reach that sum, you will be able to redeem a point which you could use for upgrades that will make earning that next point much easier. Cash Billionaire features amazing artwork, great sound and game play f...
[ ゲーム ]
Experience the wonderful and adventurous life of a stick figure! Stick Town RPG is an exciting journey through wealth, hardship, fame, crime, relationships, and progression in a massive and diverse stick people town. Your goal is to reach a net worth of $1,000,000,000 in as few days as possible. That is essentially how you “win” life as a stick figure. However, you can live your life however you want! Don’t let me tell you what to do or how to win. Just explore and have fun! There is more than enough to do in town to keep you busy...
[ ゲーム ]
Are you are a talented wordsmith who can grow a humble $1,000 into $1,000,000,000 with the mere power of WORDS? You'll find your answer in the high-stake game of Word Jackpot, this year's most ground breaking and innovative word game developed by CKS Games, the maker of Spell Quest (featured on iTunes), Word Edge, Letter Hound, Numerous and Word Bridge. A game of Word Jackpot plays out in 5 stages: (1) Preview a game board with 8x8 'letter chips'. (2) Place a bet. (3) Spin a wheel to receive a random challenge. (4) Create word(s...
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