Spaceship of hope

価格 無料
322.5MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Remaining Spirit Pty Ltd
リリース日2014-04-29 07:28:01
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-19 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
At what point do we stop believing we can be anything we want to be?

When we're young, the world is a magical wonderland in which we have the most amazing and fanciful ideas and dreams.

We often hear of the benefits children experience from reading and being read to and this engaging book full of beautiful graphics, fun interactivity and it's underlying positive message expands on this idea by providing an avenue for parents to connect with their children.

Start a routine with your kids each day, sit down together, read and interact with this book to remind your kids to believe in themselves and that they are capable of great things. Then share your own grand ideas or dreams with each other. Make your ideas or dreams fanciful, make them real, make them both, just take the few minutes each day to share your ideas and dreams with your kids & allow them to share theirs with you.

It is said communication is the key to any relationship and it is our hope this book will assist you in establishing or maintaining communication with your kids, strengthening your bond and giving them a chance to share with you what is currently important to them in lives in a way that is easy for them to do, through imagination!

Ultimately we hope this book will help remind children to believe in themselves and their ideas and to keep their dreams and the idea of possibility alive. Encouraging them to continue believing anything is possible and maybe even along the way encouraging some of us adults to follow our dreams. Because it's never too late!

The full story is available for free download and includes some of the beautiful graphics & interactivity. If you'd like to experience all of the amazing scenes and fun interactivity, grab the in-app purchase.

If you like the book, share it with your friends or rate it five stars in the App Store. The more of us who know about and regularly use this book to engage with our kids the greater the chance our kids are opening up to us as they learn their thoughts and ideas will be listened to. As a bonus, the more appreciation we show to the development team through the in-app purchase the more they'll be able to give through improvements and updates.

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更新日時:2024年6月19日 00時39分




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