Kim Jung-Gi Sketch Collection2007_

価格 1600円
512.1MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者C&C Revolution
リリース日2013-01-09 11:00:53
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
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Kim Jung Gi 2007 Sketch Collection Digital Book
Kim Jung Gi's sketch is now available on digital book.
Total of 1000 pages of notes with 60 minutes of live feed video of Kim's sketch.

This digital book contains about 1000 pages worth of published book. In addition, there are 60 minutes of live feed video of Kim's sketch. The feed was originally about 5 hours long, but it is fast-forwarded by 8 times with 3 particular sketches in both normal speed and fast-forwarded speed.

As many are aware of, this book is the collection of Kim's sketches from his daily lives. A single page contains about 5~6 images which adds up to over few thousands of images through more than 1000 pages of work. It is the best chance to see Kim's freestyle work. The main advantage of this book is that it contains the very first style of Kim's work; including short stories from his early years even before his official debut.

Kim is a cartoonist. He always has pen in his right hand. However he does not follow the set-rules of comics. He draws as he thinks. To draw according to his hand is his signature style. In this particular aspect, his work could be categorized as cartoon essay. He is not limited to the particular theme, story or images. His work freely place the background and draws the line. Most sources are from the surrounding people, street views or daily event such as last night's movie. Sometimes the mythical beings, or imagination of future society is depicted with full details in his hand.

As many have witnessed, Kim draws his works without any rough drafts. This is one of the reason why the artist around the world was shocked by his live sketch video on YouTube. Not only the fully detailed sketch with unique placement of space but also the fact that the final quality was done without the rough draft truly shocked the experts around the globe.

The best way to understand Kim is to follow his pen lines. Now we invite you to join his world. Watch him on video and dissect his works. And draw like him. Freely!

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更新日時:2024年9月28日 07時11分




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