Vocal Training!

価格 360円
開発者Thunderhill Applications
リリース日2012-01-10 16:46:19
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互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Would you like to improve your singing voice? This app has 306 Vocal Training Lessons of tips and tricks and techniques to help train your singing voice.

Training, practice and correct techniques are vital if you want to get the most from your voice and also want to protect your voice.

The lessons are too numerous to list but include:

Singing Lessons - Effective Singing Lessons Part 2 - Mastering The Voice -
Voice Lessons - Singing Success Voice Lesson Part 3 - Connecting The Voice
How to Become a Singer - Singing Lessons - Beginner Hang-Ups
How To Sing - Finding Head Voice
How To Sing - Learn Easy High Notes
How to sing high notes in mix - Vocal Power - Middle voice 1
How to sing high notes softly without falsetto - Vocal power - Middle voice 2
How to sing high notes in mixed voice using arpeggios - Vocal Power - Middle voice 4
Learn How To Sing - Singing In The Studio
Learn How To Sing - The Science Of Singing
Singing Lesson - How to Sing Pharyngeal Nay Exercise
Singing Lessons - How to Maximize Head Voice
Singing Lessons - Learn to Sing with Authentic Technique
Singing Tips - Connecting Head and Chest Voice
Singing Tips - Falsetto vs Head Voice Vocal and Singing Help
Singing Tips - How To Sing - Tension vs Strain
Singing Tips - What is Vocal Fry
Singing Tips - Why Dont I Sound Good and How to Sing Better
Vocal Tips - Singing High Notes - Roger Burnley
Singing Vocal Tips - How to Sing the NAY Exercise
Vocal Lessons - What is Vocal Break
Vocal Tip - Carving Out Your Vocal Range - Singing Lesson
Vocal Tip - How to Find And Stay In The Pocket When Singing
Vocal Tips - Chris Keller Teaches How to Sing Easier
Vocal Tips - Extending Your Vocal Range
Vocal Tips - Finding Your Mix - Commercial Voice
Vocal Tips - How NOT to Sing - Too Much Compression
Vocal Tips - How to Balance Resonance When Singing
Vocal Tips - How to Sing Bigger Notes
Vocal Tips - How to Sing by Adding Bite
Vocal Tips - How to Sing High Notes
Vocal Tips - How to Sing High With Power
Vocal Tips - How to Sing in Low Head Voice
Vocal Tips - How to Sing with Smooth Bridges
Vocal Tips - How to Sing Without Strain
Vocal Tips - Learn to Sing By Increasing Power
Vocal Tips - Staying On Key when Singing
Vocal Tips - Thinning Out Your Voice while Singing
Voice Lesson How To Sing From The Diaphragm Part 1
Voice Lesson How To Sing From The Diaphragm Part 3
Singing Lessons Part 1- Vocal Warm Up Exercises
Voice Training Riffs Runs Control - Part 2
How To Sing - High Notes part 1
How To Sing Better Develop Rhythm and Timing
How to Warm Up with a Lip Trill Vocal Lessons
Neal Harrelson Voice Teacher Master Class
How To Sing Singing Lessons Can Anyone Learn To Sing Check This Out
How To Find Your Real Singing Voice
How To Sing - Eliminating Strain - How to Sing High Notes With Ease
Learn To Sing - Clean Vocal Attack
How to Sing Louder Effortlessly
How to improve singing voice in 2 minutes - best vocal secrets

and many more

Now 306 lessons and a new interface
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更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時37分




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