
価格 無料
リリース日2011-12-09 06:24:29
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 10.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
This calendar is made based on the calculation of accurate sun and moon position. The effective year range is from -9999 to 10000.
This calendar display a month which is just only Gregorian calendar in total effective year.(Julian calendar date do not be displayed in this calendar).
On the month table, Each day cell have solar day number which is Gregroian date, lunar month/day number , sexagenary day unit(日辰 or 干支), star letter of 28 mansions(二十八宿). These data of a day have been used very long period which is maybe from more than 5000 years ago to now and currently is used widely in Korean and Chinese real life.
And also it is indicated the 24 solar terms, new/full moon time with eclipse occurrence and it's floating Julian day number for verification of accuracy.
- Kusung(九星) Calendar and KiMoon(奇門) Calendar Information is added. The relation information is here(Korean).
The year range for Kusung and Kimoon is 1880~2055.

- The decade luck and it's change time, the ten celestial stems in month time are displayed with very precisely value.

- The Korea era(檀紀) and Buddha era(佛紀) are added.

- Moon orbit information is added. The informations are new moon, full moon, first quarter, last quarter, Apogee, Perigee, Ascending node, Descending Node every exact time, the distance between earth and moon and its rate, solar/lunar eclipse occurance.

- Islamic Year and Month(Hijra) is added.

- Easter date is added.

- The Julian calendar date is displayed before Oct 1582.

- Chinese character is used as possible as can be expressed for Sinosphere people.

- Web link for the eclipse material which are solor/lunar eclipse information and map on NASA eclipse site are added.

- V2.0 SKYMAP add
Add North/South Pole/current position centirc skymap and Heliocentric planet postion map.

Around 9000 stars based on Yale bright star catalog are shown on this skymap.

Sun/Moon/Plants postion and trace are shown as assigned time/period.

Sun/Moon/Planets events are calculated realtime and shown its time and position such as Conjunction/New Moon, Opposition/Full moon, quadrature/quarter, great elongation, statrionary(reverse start/finish), ascending,descending node, perigee/perhelion, apogee/aphelion, planet conjunction and 24 solar term.

Add Many thing such as Occultation time/postion on day info/starmap, Moon orbit, new type of star map - Equinox/Equator, Sun/Ecliptic, Galactic, Korean 3-28Mansion, 88 Constellation. Input method improvement. Select time zone. Bug fix. etc
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 18時27分




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