Public Domain Treasures - Harvest The Untapped Goldmine Of Public Domain Content

価格 120円
リリース日2010-12-02 06:05:21
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Discover How You - Or Anyone - Can Instantly Create Your Own Stable Of Hot Bestsellers By 'Legally' Stealing Existing Content... FREE!

If You Are In The Information Marketing Business - Online Or Offline - Here's How You Can Unearth The Secret Weapon Top Marketers Are Using To Generate Millions Of Dollars... Without Writing A Word!

This is your golden opportunity to harness the power of Public Domain content to build yourself A nice, line of hot selling products - FASTER, EASIER AND CHEAPER - and start printing your own fortune!

Public Domain Treasures is a step-by-step digital study course, broken down into 4 distinct modules.

Here's What You Will Be Learning...

Module 01: How to Use Public Domain for Profits
I kickstart the first session of Public Domain Treasures with a comprehensive set of strategies and tactics you can mix, use and match to your fullest advantage in making money from Information marketing. Nothing is easier than using existing content that is already in existence, proven and time-tested!

Module 02: How to Source for Reliable Public Domain Content
-Where to find written Public Domain (books, articles)
-where to find Public Domain films
-where to find Public Domain music and photos
+PLUS further list of websites or archives of Public Domain!

Module 03: Public Domain Repurposing Tactics
Did you know? Many of the most brilliant marketing minds in the world make their sales revenue manifold just by 'repackaging' their existing products? They do it with physical products and even food (think Kentucky Fried Chicken for example).

When it comes to Information marketing, repackaging is a whole lot more easier... and profitable! Imagine you will learn things like this to skyrocket your sales revenue by 200-300%:

Module 04: Legal Aspects of Public Domain Works
This entire module is dedicated to the legal aspects of using Public Domain works. While you don't have to be a lawyer, you can risk getting yourself into legal trouble if you are using works that are copyrighted!

You have to downloading and installing this video course through iTunes or with a WiFi connection as it contains four high quality video files.

With this new version 2.0 the app goes Universal and runs now on all iPad, iPhone and iPad devices.

-New Graphics
-Better Controls with Pause The Video
-Minor Fix Issues
-Now Universal For iPod, iPhone and iPad
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月28日 18時51分




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