Yoni Listening

価格 無料
134.2MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Get Konversed Pty Ltd
リリース日2022-08-19 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Are you a fan of Yoni Listening and Zoe Martin’s art? Or are you looking to get better connected to your body?

Download the Yoni Listening Official App today and you’ll be able to view new works, listen to soundscapes and meditations, spark your imagination with practical tips and techniques to get creative and connecting to your body, while staying up to date with events!

The Yoni Listening Official App directly connects you with Zoe Martin’s art and research. You’ll be able to view and listen to her latest works, join in the creative conversation, and stay updated with all her latest news and events.

If you’re looking to ignite your passion for creativity, the Yoni Listening Official App features inspirational and cutting-edge art and research.

Join the creative community as Zoe shares her secrets, wisdom and then connect with others in the Yoni Listening Official App community.

Want to meet Zoe? Learn where she is going to be over the coming months in the ‘Connect’ section. You’ be the first to know about where she’s running workshops, speaking at events and where you can preview her latest works with your own eyes and ears.

With the Yoni Listening Official App, it’s easy to connect and stay in touch with an experienced artist and her community while learning the tools, tips and techniques to start your journey of self-care and creativity.

App Features:
• Learn how Zoe listens to her body and uses art for wellbeing.
• Learn about the artist and why she’s so passionate about this work.
• Discover the research behind the creativity.
• Be the first to know about Yoni Listening workshops and events.
• Join the Yoni Listening App community and share your journey.
• Connect with Zoe Martin and get all the latest updates and news.
• Swipe your way through different pictures, soundscapes and meditations with this user-friendly app and much more!

This is a unique and fantastic opportunity to connect directly with Zoe Martin and her community, be inspired by other people’s journey and get creative yourself with the Yoni Listening Official App!

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 10時22分




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