Medieval Survival Simulator 3D

価格 無料
120.9MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Games Banner Network
リリース日2016-04-07 10:07:41
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-30 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
After barbarians’ horde attack you’ve been awaken on the ruins of castle. Your lord is dead, your friend was killed or captured by enemies, and there is no one to help. You should survive at this harsh and cruel world of Dark Medieval!

Explore the remains of fortress and forest behind full of dangers. Salvage resources – you can use them to made shelters, tools or even weapons. Hunt animals for food, but avoid predators – or become a hunt trophy yourself. Beware the bandits – they’re cruel and would kill you on sight. Keep your weapon alert and survive at all cost with Medieval Survival Simulator!

Restore your forsaken homeland – quarry resources to build a fortification wall and protect yourself from quadruped and bipedal beasts alike. Walk around this ruined land, find weapons and other survival tools, which could help you to stay alive! Unravel secrets of destroyed castle – you could find something very useful, or even something, that let you to rebuild castle in counted days!

Use all your exploration, battling and survival skills just to stay alive! Mind character indicators - health, energy and fullness. Never let one of these drops – it will let you no chance to survive! Find or craft special survival tools – weapons, axes, fishing rods or just sticks to make campfire and torches. Never go too far from your hideout after sunset – hungry predator can wait you over every tree or bush! Especially avoid of bandits’ raids – they know something about old count’s treasures and would torture you, or just kill as a rival. Fight for your life with wildlife and angry robbers with Medieval Survival Simulator 3D!

Yeah, old count – your lord and master – hide his treasures somewhere deep in castle’s dungeon. And, as you know, barbarians left that gold and jewelry untouched – these hellions don’t understand true value of things. So, even if you’re owe to survive at these grim and dark ruins, you can try to give yourself a better future – you can spend these money to rebuilt of fortress, after all. Try to rummage out all corners of castle’s lower levels and unravel all secrets and mysteries of this place! Find a treasure and become an aristocrat or just survive in ongoing battle with harsh environment, rogues and predator – do what you want with Medieval Survival Simulator 3D!

Medieval Survival Simulator 3D features:

- Explore grim ruins of your previous home – large castle with fortress’s remains and vast forest, that wat hunting ground of your dead lord
- Swim, hunt, battle and explore - do anything you want to stay alive
- Various survival tools – hunt predators with an axe or go fishing using a fish rod
- Keep your weapons alert – enemy could be anywhere!
- Mind your health, energy and fullness indicators
Great survival simulator of cruel dark medieval in 3D

Dive into the atmosphere of grim darkness of our past! Raise up your fighting, hunting and survival skills to stay alive, find a treasure and restore your lost and forsaken homeland with Medieval Survival Simulator 3D!

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更新日時:2024年6月30日 17時41分




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