フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Do you have sweet tooth today in this hot day? Beat the heat with scrumptious Ice creams this summer! Zoey makes the best ice cream ever with Ice cream maker, and she wants you to join her. Be creative and create unique ice creams every time with Ice Cream Maker! Toss in as many scoops as you want, after all, it’s your own ice cream. You can make your ice creams sweeter by pouring fruit syrups on top, filling them with chocolate chips – and you can even drop some candies on top. Cook up your own sundae recipes with Ice Cream Maker....
[ 教育 ]
◎◎◎◎◎儿童百科全书最完整版,最全的儿童知识全解,孩子的早教专家! ◎◎◎◎◎2-10岁儿童必备软件,让你的宝宝畅游的只是的乐园里! ◎◎◎◎◎专业播讲,充满趣味的学习方式,专业并且正确的角度告诉孩子生活常识上的问题,最贴心的宝宝趣味百科! ◎◎◎◎◎专属儿童的参考应用,每晚一个百科知识,鼓励孩子自己寻找答案! ◎◎◎◎◎为孩子打开一扇步入成功的智慧之门,这是他们探索世界的必备工具! ◎◎◎◎◎以简明的语言,轻快的音乐,激发孩子的听读兴趣,就如同踏上一场惊奇的旅程,开始探索他们未知的奥秘! 每个孩子都需要有一本书,来为其解答有关我们这个世界的问题:世界是如何形成的,植...
[ ゲーム ]
Get ready to hit some cans! As the young boy Ace, you're training to become one of the best slipper-throwers in the country by competing at the prestigious National Hit The Can Tournament. Join Ace on his journey as he maneuvers his footwear through crazy obstacles, treacherous traps, and the occasional unexpected encounter. In this game of strategy and precision, you must guide your trusty slipper towards victory (and impress the girl of your dreams)! 5/5 Awesome game! 5/5 Love it !!! 5/5 The game takes on a unique approach to ...
[ ゲーム ]
The Sacrifice DLC campaign takes place before the main events of Left 4 Dead 2; and after the events of The Sacrifice comic. The original survivors of Left 4 Dead—Bill, Francis, Louis, and Zoey—arrive at the portside town of Rayford, in order to search for a boat that can take them to the Florida Keys. After finding an adequate sailboat, the Survivors have to manually start up generators in order to lift a bridge for their boat to pass through. One Survivor (canonically Bill) sacrifices himself in order to kick-start a generator on...
[ ゲーム ]
《悟空大战葫芦娃》是史上首款融合了即时战斗QTE玩法的动作类卡牌策略手游,也是一款最能勾起属于70后和80后美好童年回忆的诚意之作。最高度的剧情还原!无论是熟悉的天下第一武道会,还是熟悉的弗利萨、沙鲁、布欧等强大BOSS,美丽的地球等你来守护!最Q萌的卡牌画风!可爱的小悟空,搞怪的小乌龙!无论男女都会立即爱上他们!最新颖的卡牌玩法!掌中微操,指尖大招!最多元的卡牌养成!独家特制符文系统,卡牌的成长方向由你说了算!快来一起保卫地球吧! 【经典剧情原味再现】 老爷爷被蛇精抓走了,葫芦娃正前往营救的路上却遇上了乱入的小悟空!强强相遇,他们之间又会...
[ ゲーム ]
Lets have some fun time this Sunday in the SuperMarket with Zoey! Who knew planning a birthday party was this much fun? So let’s go to the supermarket with your Mommy and throw the coolest birthday party for your sister Stacey! Get all items necessary for a perfect birthday party in Supermarket Girl – Birthday Bash. This supermarket has party treats, mini games, fun activities and lots of gifts and gift cards for you. Want to plan the best birthday party ever? If you do shop at the new supermarket and reach in time for the big cel...
[ ゲーム ]
Featured in National Geographic and The Washington Post -Pocket Gamer - Silver Award "Best Technical Innovation" 2014 aigamedev.com awards nomination. "...remarkably lifelike movements, from the twitch of his tail to the depths of his dives..." -Jeremy Berlin, National Geographic "This technology lets you become a dolphin" -David Kirby, TakePart Also featured in -The Baltimore Sun -Fox45 News Baltimore Experience the only game in the world with 100% physics-driven creature animation and true behavioral artificial intelligence....
[ 教育 ]
新新家长,专为您解决孩子教育问题,包括学习成绩、兴趣培养、升学择校、性格习惯、出国留学等所有问题的家长教育社区。每天围绕不同主题的教育干货、教育话题、专家问答,在这里找到孩子教育的最佳方案、向过来人家长取经、向资深的教育专家咨询,在这里,为您在孩子教育路上提供最有效的帮助。 • 2015. 6:被评为中国“最具发展潜力的25家社会企业”之一 • 2015. 8:获2015中国创新创业大赛(上海赛区)优胜团队 • 2015.11:获“2015领创杯MHS最具市场潜力大奖” 当你来到新新家长,你可以: • 关注: 您感兴趣的话题、作者、专家,在新新家长的搜索框中输入任何你感兴趣的关键...
[ 教育 ]
01. Tutorial for GoAnimate 6 02. How to make your own character using go animate 2013 03. Export GoAnimate Video To YouTube For Free 04. How to Make a Video on GoAnimate -- Tutorial 05. 100% Works And Free Character Making 06. Introducción y funciones básicas 07. Welcome to the GoAnimate "How-To's & Tutorials" Playlist 08. como descargar una animacion de goanimate oline (listo) 09. How to Create a GoAnimate Video 10. Tutorial 11 11. Tutorial 12 12. tutorial para hacer videos de goanimate 2013 13. tutorial #1 Como hacer caricaturas ...
[ ステッカー ]
Words fail you? Say it with Flowers! 32 unique flower stickers with and without backgrounds. 55 Stickers in total for your viewing pleasure. Directions: Once you have purchased our stickers they will be found in your text messages. Click the arrow button to the left of the screen, then the Appstore icon (also to the left of your screen). They will show up on the bottom of the screen. *If you still can't find them try click the four small dots on the left bottom of your screen then try scrolling left or right. Thanks for buyin...
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