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[ ビジネス ]
Aplicación de muestra para nuestro producto Zapp-Manager. ¿Necesita una App para su negocio o empresa, por un coste mucho menor del que imagina y además poder gestionar usted mismo el contenido? Con Zapp Manager podrá hacerlo. ¿Cómo? Muy sencillo: Nosotros le proporcionamos una aplicación compuesta de módulos, que van desde la localización de su empresa, agenda de eventos, galería fotográfica, hasta venta de productos a través de la propia App. Usted selecciona los módulos que desea incluir en su aplicación, le personalizamos el ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Aplicación de uso interno para los empleados de Zapp Studio España, para realizar el fichaje horario, recibir comunicaciones, noticias, reserva de espacios, etc.... Tanto de una forma manual como automática. También se puede usar esta aplicación para la solicitud de vacaciones por parte del personal de Zapp Studio España.
[ 旅行 ]
Zapp helps you to make an order, get your package picked up by a nearby driver, and enjoy super fast delivery to your destination. We’re committed to your welfare and the safety of your packages at Zapp. We’ve established a Door-to-Door Safety Standard to help you feel safe every time your package is getting delivered. Save time and let us worry about your packages.
[ ライフスタイル ]
Hair Zappでバーチャルヘアスタイリング ============================ あなたの顔と新しいヘアスタイルのマッチング。 ヘアスタイルを変えたいけど、どのスタイルが自分に一番似合うか分からないということはありませんか?そんなあなたに必要なのは、バーチャルヘアスタイリングアプリの「Hair Zapp」です。 使い方はとっても簡単! ========== 1. 「Hair Zapp」を起動して、カメラボタンをタップします。 2. 髪を後ろでまとめます。 3. あなたの顔写真を撮ります。 4. 写真上でいろいろな髪型を試して、理想のイメチェンスタイルを見つけてください。 主な機能: ======...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Zapp places the power of high-voltage electricity at your fingertips. Use your iPhone camera's live background and send bolts of lightning to whatever's in view. Simulated lightning bolts follow your touch as your finger crosses the screen. This app is recommended for Super Hero wannabees, fans of atmospheric discharge, amateur bolt throwers and addicts of any other apps that are for amusement only. iTouch users can also use Zapp as it also allows electric charge simulation on photos selected from your photo library.
[ ライフスタイル ]
*** Special Introductory Offer *** 70 % Off *** * In January, Hair Zapp Plus only costs 2,99 €. From Feb. 1st, the regular price will be 9,99€! * Hair Zapp Plus: More Hairstyles for YOU „Hair Zapp Plus“ is an extended version of our free app „Hair Zapp“. The difference between these two versions is the number and variety of available hairstyles. „Hair Zapp Plus“ ships with more than 100 hairstyles. Caution: „Hair Zapp Plus“ does still show advertisements (static advertising panels and ad popups). „Hair Zapp Plus“ and „Hair Zapp...
[ ゲーム ]
With electrical faults and disasters everywhere, there's only one person that can protect humanity. Well, okay, that's probably not true, but Agent Zapp is right up there! Playing as agent Zapp, you'll scope out different scenarios and figure out what happened and how to prevent further disasters. This game helps students learn the different causes of electrical problems and teaches them how to explore an environment for different electrical faults. It also helps teachers understand what their students do and do not understand.
[ ゲーム ]
Make those marbles Zapp!!! Marble Zapp is a simple, yet extremely addictive game for the iPad. Try shooting marbles of the same colour against each other to make them ZAPP in a Classic Game! But there's more! The Full Game offers an even more addictive experience with bombs and rainbow marbles, each with their own special powers. Compete against your friends or try to become the best zapper in the world using the Game Center leaderboard. Every major update will bring new features, marbles and more. So you'll never be bored ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Zapp Pub est une application communautaire qui prévient ses utilisateurs de la fin des pages de publicité sur les chaînes télé. Avec Zapp Pub, vous n'avez pas besoin de regarder une page de publicité en entier pour ne pas louper le début ou la suite de votre programme, ou de re-zapper sans cesse sur la chaîne qui vous intéresse pour voir si votre programme a commencé ou a recommencé. Zappez tranquillement ailleurs pendant la pub ! Zapp Pub vous alerte dès qu'elle est finie.
[ カタログ ]
U Zapp Augmented Reality App is a product catalog app combined with augmented reality feature. Scan Fuji Xerox logo to watch the Fuji Xerox featured video or scan the U Zapp Company Logo to play the U Zapp Paper Slice Game. You can also send inquiries and ask for quotations directly from the app and the U Zapp team will give you assistance ASAP. Logo and or Marker use by the U Zapp app can be found at U Zapp's website http://uzapp.com.sg, Have fun! Important : If using large devices like iPads and having difficulty detecting t...
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