フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Re-live the early 1980's, the era of home computing before colour and sound with this homage to the great ZX81 (also known as the Timex Sinclair 1000) and the classic game 3D Monster Maze. Created for iOS using only the original style black-and-white crude and blocky graphics that the ZX81 had, this game will take you back… Alone and unarmed, you find yourself in a stark and daunting maze inhabited by a hungry and relentless tyrannosaurus rex that will do its best to hunt you down and eat you before you escape. The randomly crea...
[ ゲーム ]
Rock Crush - 2014 Special Edition *NEW* - Version 5.0 is an enhancement to v4.0 - which was a MAJOR new update - see below for What's New. Now a Universal App - Buy once and play on all your iOS devices! Objective: Guide Diamond Dan around the screen and collect all the diamonds in each level. There are 50 levels spread over 5 level packs of 10 levels each. There is a linking Warp Zone - collect all the diamonds in this to complete the game! Try to also get the high score of 99999. Strategy: You can go for either a time bonu...
[ ゲーム ]
懐かしのコンピュータが今、カードゲームとなって甦る。 70、80年代コンピュータの草創期を覚えていますか? "Wikiトランプ"で「あの頃」のお気に入りのコンピュータを見つけよう! 伝説の名器Commodore 64のカラーはいくつでしょうか? 1981年に発売されたCommodore 64の競合機種Sinclair ZX81のメモリ容量は? マルチプレイヤーモード - BLUETOOTH & WI-FI Wikiトランプは32枚のヴィンテージコンピュータカードで構成されています。 各カードにはカラー、発売年などのデータが記載されています。 それぞれのデータを対決させ、より多くのカードを獲得したプレイヤーが勝者...
[ ゲーム ]
Your goal is to take the treasure hidden somewhere in a big maze and return to the exit. But you aren't alone in the whole maze. Skeleton creatures called Mazugs will interpose in your way. Don't worry, there are swords scattered across the maze to deal with them. You can also try to take care of them without sword but you'll usually be killed. There are two in-game maps that can be viewed at any time. Apart, in the maze there are prisoners who will show you the way to the treasure or to the exit, if you already have it. Each t...
[ ゲーム ]
Saboteur! is back in the extended and enhanced Ninja game for your iOS device. Featuring all-new graphics, gameplay and plot over hundreds of screens, this game is part remake and part sequel. You are sent on a mission to infiltrate a guarded secret facility to retrieve a floppy disk that contains the name and locations of world’s top rebel leaders. Optional objectives include blowing up the facility and/or killing all guards in it. The escape is done by helicopter on the top of the building. As far as the story and other dramatic...
[ ゲーム ]
Take a trip back in time with this simple but fiendishly tough slide puzzle game featuring the glorious computers of the past. Play with images of early computers such as the Atari 400, Commodore PET 2001, Atari 800XL, RadioShack TRS-80, VIC20, ZX81 Spectrum and many more. Featuring thirteen old school computer image puzzles and five levels of difficulty plus tools to help out when you get stuck. This version is optimized for the iPhone and iPod.
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