フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
Meet Willy, a baby that absolutely loves tasty treats of all kinds! Unfortunately his mom and dad don't want him to spoil his appetite and so he's only allowed to have one sugary treat a day. However, in his dreams Willy is an amazing superhero that can eat all the candies he wants!
Test your skills and reflexes as you help Willy spring up one of the many colorful beanstalks where delicious candies grow! Tilt your device left to right in order to climb higher and higher up the bouncy platforms without falling off. You can even col...
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[ ゲーム ]
Free whale; the best game for your kids! It is one of the best Sea games your children will ever play, with a cute fish jumping race in a sea plenty full of funny animals to help his friend Willy Boy.
In Free Whale your children will find all the fun they are looking for in a game and more, they will be able to play like if they were in the movie Free Willy.
The game is really easy to play for children. Whale games, sea games, dolphin games, orca whale games are the best games to educate your children about water life. In this fr...
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[ ゲーム ]
★★★ Entdecken Sie die Superkräfte jedes Autos, wie sie Tricks, Stunts und vieles mehr machen!
Starten Sie Ihre Motoren, wärmen Sie Ihre Reifen auf, sie kommen und sie sind bunt...
Lernen Sie die magischen Regenbogenautos kennen! Das ist „Willy Wonka und die Schokoladenfabrik“ trifft auf „Cars“. Nehmen Sie die Autos auf eine wilde Fahrt mit - waschen Sie sie zuerst in einer mag...
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[ ゲーム ]
Disfruta y se parte de la experiencia Gaminbook® Una historia de huevos, basado en la primera película de la famosa serie de Huevocartoon®.
En la versión completa podrás descargar el juego completo y leer toda la historia protagonizada por Toto, Willy y sus secuaces, que nos cuenta la manera de cómo estos valientes huevitos escapan al destino que les espera a todos los de su clase: morir en el plato de un desayuno. A través de la lectura de este libro, los valientes huevos dependerán de tu ingenio para salvarse. Sólo tú, si puedes ...
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[ ブック ]
Wiedmann Bible Appは、聖書に没頭し、神に近づくためのまったく新しい方法です。いつでも、どこでも、誰とでも、モバイルデバイスから直接、創世記からヨハネの黙示録までの聖書の芸術的な旅に出かけましょう。
このアプリは、ドイツ人アーティストWilly Wiedmannによる19冊3333枚の連続したイラストで、聖書の物語を視覚的に見事に解き明かします。このアプリは、ドイツ人アーティスト、ウィリー・ウィードマンによる19冊に及ぶ3,333枚の連続したイラストによって、聖書の物語を視覚的に見事に解き明かしています。
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[ ゲーム ]
Be a part of the Gaminbook® experience and enjoy An Egg Story, based on the first famous movie of the series produced by Huevocartoon®. In the full version you will be able to download the whole game and read the complete story of Toto, Willy and their mates, which narrates how these brave eggs avoid the destiny of their kind: to die in abreakfast plate. Throughout this book, the brave eggs will depend on your wits to survive. Only you can solve their pitfalls of life and take them back to the farm that they never sh...
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[ ゲーム ]
Help Willy to collect all the coins. Tap on screen so Willy can jump and collect the coins. Tap close to Willy for long jumps and far from him for short jumps. Select Diamonds for surprises (good surprises, bad surprises and power ups).
Try to collect all the coins to complete the level. After that you have the chance to gain metals (Gold, Silver or Bronze). You have specific number of jumps to collect all coins of the level.
How many levels can you complete?
How many gold metals can you get?
-50 levels
-Real physic...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Ontmasker de Grand Bazar Bandiet en win fantastische prijzen!
In Grand Bazar Antwerp is elke klant koning. Helaas weten criminelen dat ook. Een dief ging er met de kroon van één van de klanten vandoor! Met je smartphone of tablet in de hand wijs jij straks de dader aan!
Er zijn 12 verdachten. Die vind je op het deelnameformulier (te downloaden vanuit de app, of in Grand Bazar Antwerp bij de balie aan de lift op niveau 0).
Van 1 september tot 1 oktober vind je kriskras doorheen de shopping 6 stickers terug...
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[ ゲーム ]
Download this App to receive BRUCE LEE for FREE and to get 100 more classic SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM games for a MODEST ADDITIONAL FEE.
That’s right, to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the launch of the SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM (23rd April, 2012), get BRUCE LEE and 100 more classic SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM games for just £8.99/Euro10.49/US$12.99 (iPad).
Alternatively, collect up to 100 classic SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM games from the In-App Shop.
Relive the Golden Age of Gaming with a collection of the most popular SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM games ...
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[ 教育 ]
Ask Willy P allows users to ask natural language questions about William Paterson University and delivers back instant answers using the same technology available on our website at wpunj.edu/undergraduate. Information is mainly focused on answers for prospective undergraduates and members of the campus community.
In addition to answering custom questions, Ask Willy P also suggests additional answers which may be of interest based on questions asked, and displays links to the recent most popular answers. It also allows for rating o...
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