フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
充実した毎日を過ごしたい人のための「やりたいことリスト」です。 自分がやりたいことを書き出して、時間のあるときにそれを実行することで、充実感のある毎日を過ごせます。 シンプルで一覧性に優れ、どなたにも使いやすい仕様です。 【 やりたいことリストとは? 】 楽しい遊び、実現したい夢、仕事の目標まで「やりたいこと」を管理するリストです。実行後に取り消し線で消すことで、達成感が得られて楽しめます。リストを眺めることで、脳が実現に向けて動くアファメーション効果も見込めます。 【 WANTSの特長 】 ・シンプル。  機能はできるだけカット。シンプ...
[ ゲーム ]
This is the official free mobile version of Emily Wants to Play. It’s 11pm, and you are at the last house on your route. The lights are on, and the front door is opened. But, the windows are all boarded up and the grass is overgrown. It seems like a strange place to deliver a pizza, but at least, it looks like someone is home. You run to the front door since it’s storming pretty bad. “Hello!? Your pizza's here!" You announce. No one answers. There's an eerie silence. You are getting soaked from the rain, so you hesitantly ste...
[ ゲーム ]
Prepare yourself. It’s 11pm, and you are at the last house on your route. The lights are on, and the front door is opened. But, the windows are all boarded up and the grass is overgrown. It seems like a strange place to deliver a pizza, but at least, it looks like someone is home. You run to the front door since it’s storming pretty bad. “Hello!? Your pizza's here!" You announce. No one answers. There's an eerie silence. You are getting soaked from the rain, so you hesitantly step inside the door and look around. The front do...
[ ゲーム ]
Max is in trouble. He pissed off his cat Lula and now she’s out to get him. And Lula is far from sweet. She is viscous, cold and unforgiving. More dangerous than Lula are her traps – deadly and brutal killing contraptions with Max’s name written all over them. SHE WANTS ME DEAD is a side-scrolling platform game, released along megastars CAZZETTE’s new hit single with the same name. Your job is to help poor Max, whose only hope is to get through Lula’s deadly gauntlets in one piece. This might sound easy, if it weren’t for the fa...
[ ゲーム ]
A robot's life is cold, mechanical and unfeeling. So what is a poor robot to do? Robot needs life, companionship, and something to warm Robot's lonely steel heart. And Robot is willing to use lasers to get it! Robot wants a kitty! Robot Wants Kitty is a fun platformer game, humanoid. Help Robot upgrade to enhance abilities, reach new targets. and collect kitty. Easy on-screen control, crisp visualization of environment, and auditory feedback will enhance the experience for carbon based organisms. Creative organics will enjoy the...
[ ライフスタイル ]
A new way to journal your gratitude. Track Goals (Wants & Needs) and your Thanks (gratitude in your life). Enter your thanksgiving directly or move your accomplished Goals to the Thanks list. Be appreciatve of the friends in your life, thank them. Wants & Thanks is a brand new, one of a kind gratitude journal designed with YOU in mind. Organize your personal goals and expressions of gratitude into three simple categories: Wants, Needs, and Thanks. The app not only gives you the ability to personalize your thoughts, but it also sho...
[ ファイナンス ]
-シンプルさを追求した貯金アプリ−  なぜ貯金するのか。それは、本当に欲しいモノを買うためです。「Your Wants」は、シンプルな入力方法にこだわりつつ、欲しいものを視覚化することにより、上手な貯金管理を実現させます。  また、欲しいものをシェアすれば、友人と新しい趣味の共通点を見出すことができたり、話のネタにつながります。 「Your Wants」は以下の機能を持っています。 【主な機能】 ・お金の収入・支出を管理 ・欲しいものリストの作成 ・実際に買えたものの記録 ・欲しいもの・買えたものをTwitter・Facebookなどで投稿し、他人とシェアする機能 あなた...
[ ゲーム ]
Put your knowledge to the test by answering increasingly difficult trivia questions. Play through thousands of new questions or real questions that contestants faced on the show. Use your lifelines wisely to climb the money tree and win the grand prize! Do you have what it takes to become a millionaire? WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? FEATURES: - Play through thousands of challenging questions modernized for 2024! - Try Champions Mode to play real questions contestants faced on the show. How well can you do against their scores? ...
[ ブック ]
Meet Sophia – a little girl who loves to explore and learn about all the interesting jobs that people do every day. Share this story app with your kids today and join Sophia on her quest to answer the question, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" In this delightful story, the first in the series, Sophia is inspired by a class trip to the art museum to pull out her paints and brushes and see if maybe a painter is what she wants to be! This story app will keep story time fun and interactive for kids and parents alike with: - T...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Who Wants It!! application is for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Who wants it? A lot of people. But just what exactly is IT?! Well I will answer that question. See, here at www.envybox.com our goal is to make a place where App users meet App Developers. ++A nice mix of "social-ness." *We have some "Devs" so far. We would like more. We have big plans for this Forum and Social Networking site. It is just in the early stages of the site as well as the Who Wants It!! app. +The who wants it, is for those that are wanting more out of a...
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