フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Vodafone Smart Collect è l’Applicazione Mobile della famiglia SmartApps di Vodafone pensata per le grandi aziende italiane per gli utenti con esigenze di lavoro in mobilità e che necessitano di avere tutte le informazioni sempre a portata di mano che permette di acquisire e sincronizzare dati da più dispositivi e personalizzare l'acquisizione dei dati in base alle esigenze della tua azienda.
Caratteristiche principali
- Acquisizione dati di tipo:
• Testo
• Numerico
• Data e Ora
• Fotografia
• Disegno a mano libera
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[ ビジネス ]
Vodafone 3G for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch let you make voice call worldwide with the finest voice quality.
App Benefits :
•Works from all over the world
•Uses iPhone contacts
•Crystal Clear Quality
•Lowest International Rates
•Satisfaction guaranteed!
With this application, user can make cheap VOIP calls.
Main features:
* Making and receiving VoIP calls
* Built-in tunnel for passing thru VoIP blockades
* Connectivity through WIFI, 4G/3G,2G EDGE
* Integrated contacts from the phone
* Loudspeaker
* Balance informat...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
YOU e prima aplicatie exclusiv pentru cei sub 24 de ani, indiferent de reteaua din care sunt.
Cu Aplicatia YOU afli cum te vad prietenii tai si ii poti surprinde la randul tau, spunand ce gen sunt.
Crezi ca esti sufletul petreceri, ca pui cea mai buna muzica sau ca te dai cel mai bine cu placa? Cu YOU poti afla asta si mult mai multe :).
Descoperi oameni noi, iti faci prieteni si, lunar, primesti garantat, cea mai buna oferta la cartela: 10 GB doar fiindca folosesti aplicatia.
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[ 教育 ]
As part of Vodafone’s social responsibility and commitment to Egypt’s development, Vodafone Egypt Foundation launched a national initiative to eradicate illiteracy under the slogan of “Knowledge is Power”. Vodafone Literacy App is an application that has been designed and developed to enable mobile owners to download it and actively engage in illiteracy eradication efforts. It also enables learners to practice their newly acquired literacy skills in a modern and interactive way. The content of this application is accredited by the ...
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[ 旅行 ]
A must have application for everyone visiting or planning to visit Greece available in English, German, Italian and Greek language.
Explore Greece and let an amazing journey begin. Embark on a virtual vacation through the heart and soul of Greece.
Visit the famous Greek Islands and the legendary land with a little help and guidance from the experts.
Discover the most beautiful beaches and watch amazing videos from previous visitors. Find out everything about Greek culture through pictures and related information. Look up for sigh...
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[ 天気 ]
Real-time information about Portuguese beaches: UV index, water temperature, air temperature, humidity, wind speed, wave height, water quality, wind direction and other useful information.
This Vodafone Portugal Foundation application will allow beach users to get real-time information about selected Portuguese beaches.
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
O e-phone permite aos utilizadores One Net usufruírem de um sistema telefónico convergido disponibilizado pela Vodafone Portugal, no smartphone ou tablet, de uma forma simples e cómoda.
O One Net e-Phone permite:
• Fazer e receber chamadas de voz a partir de qualquer rede de dados (celular e sem fios) com qualquer um dos terminais One Net.
• Aceder ao seu Voicemail.
• Consultar o registo de chamadas do seu e-phone.
• Controlar as chamadas nos outros equipamentos do utilizador.
• Gerir e monitorizar Filas de Espera.
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[ ビジネス ]
Neues Handy, Vodafone-Vertragsverlägerung oder Notebook und mobiles Internet? Besuchen Sie doch unseren Vodafone-Shop in Ihrer Nähe. Unser kompetentes Vodafone-Team berät Sie sehr gern. Zusammen mit Ihnen erarbeiten wir in den Vodafone-Shops für Sie den optimalen Tarif und das beste Produkt. Denn, Sie zu beraten ist unser Job. Nur wenn Sie zufrieden mit unseren Leistungen sind, werden wir Sie lange bedienen dürfen.
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