フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge You can see the portraits of 21 great composers and read about them while listening to the best Violin music ever composed in human history. This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. Have a try, for you and your kids! √√APP FEATURES -High quality music -Play: Shuffle or Order -Repeat mode: One, All or Favorite Only -Music list: By Composer, By Favorite and All -Search Composer or music -Background play -Display Composer Portrait when playing or screen locked -Play/Pause/N...
[ エンターテインメント ]
《Classic Violin 100%》,The 99 tracks here really consist of 38 works, which include practically all the major standard repertory concertos -- the Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Sibelius, the first Bruch, and the first two Paganini concertos. ◎ JJ Player,Innovation for You,Characteristic: ▪ Edit the playlist,[move up] ,[move down],[like],[dislike] ▪ A powerful album management ▪ More than 10 skin,select the style you like ◎ music list: The Four Seasons (Spring),Violin Concerto,Op. 8,No. 1 01. I. Allegro,VIV...
[ ライフスタイル ]
モーツァルト効果,胎教の音楽,3シリーズ、9 CD、150クラシック音楽, 赤ちゃんはスタートラインで勝つ [3 CD] Let baby win at the starting line (0 - 6 months) [3 CD] The miracle of classical music(7 - 15 months) [3 CD] Mozart Effect:Listen more,smart more DD Player ,Innovation for You ▪ Edit the playlist,[move up] or [move down] ▪ [Dislike -- Like] ,play it or does not play it ▪ Support album function。A powerful album management DISC 1 Let baby win at the starting line (0 - 6 months) [Mozart] 小さなアヒルは水に泳ぐ [Mozart] 菜の花 [M...
[ ゲーム ]
See the line without knowing the score, even if you did not hit the piano ever falling lyrics (!) Singing a song to the games. Enough of listening to the sound of MR was equipped with the best sound quality. Existing Applications and unparalleled piano in another dimension Feel the excitement of the music. ※ For more impressed with the use of headphones is recommended. * App Features - Free music that can be played freely 6 more - Listening mode / challenge mode - Notes speed control function - Easy / Normal / Hard difficulty le...
[ ゲーム ]
See the line without knowing the score, even if you did not hit the piano ever falling lyrics (!) Singing a song to the games. Enough of listening to the sound of MR was equipped with the best sound quality. Existing Applications and unparalleled piano in another dimension Feel the excitement of the music. ※ For more impressed with the use of headphones is recommended. * App Features - Free music that can be played freely 6 more - Listening mode / challenge mode - Notes speed control function - Easy / Normal / Hard difficulty le...
[ ミュージック ]
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge You can see the portraits of 47 great composers and read about them while listening to the 99 best classical music ever composed in human history. This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. Have a try, for you and your kids! √√APP FEATURES -High quality music -Play: Shuffle or Order -Repeat mode: One, All or Favorite Only -Music list: By Composer, By Favorite and All -Search Composer or music -Background play -Display Composer Portrait when playing or screen locked -Play/P...
[ ミュージック ]
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge You can see the portraits of 46 great composers and read about them while listening to the 99 best romantic music ever composed in human history. This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. Have a try, for you and your lover! √√APP FEATURES -High quality music -Play: Shuffle or Order -Repeat mode: One, All or Favorite Only -Music list: By Composer, By Favorite and All -Search Composer or music -Background play -Display Composer Portrait when playing or screen locked -Play/P...
[ 教育 ]
Faites découvrir à votre enfant le chef d'œuvre d’Antonio Vivaldi à travers un livre animé et musical Retrouvez dans l'application les 4 Saisons d’Antoine Pierre Richard et les musiciens du Concerto Italiano dirigé par Alessandro Alessandrini et tous les personnages du film animé diffusé sur France 3. Tournez les pages de ce livre magique et musical et, sur les traces du petit Antoine du film, créez vos propres représentations des saisons au rythme de la musique de Vivaldi. Partez à la recherche des animaux qui se cachent so...
[ ミュージック ]
Forever Classics,16 CD,16 classical music masters. ▪ CD 1 : Bach(1685-1750) - The Brandenburg Concertos 1-3 ▪ CD 2 : Beethoven(1770-1829) - Symphonies No.5 & No 7 ▪ CD 3 : Dvorak(1841-1904) - The New World Symphony ▪ CD 4 : Handel(1685——1759) - The Water Music Suites ▪ CD 5 : Mendelssohn(1809-1847) - Violin Concerto ▪ CD 6 : Mussorgsky(1839-1881) - Pictures At An Exhibition * Smetana(1824-1884) * Debussy(1862-1918) ▪ CD 7 : Ravel(1875~1937) - Bolero ▪ CD 8 : Tchaikovsky(1840~1893) - Piano & violin Concertos ▪ CD 9 : M...
[ ミュージック ]
小提琴协奏曲就是小提琴主奏,交响乐团伴奏,通常都很动听. 这张[99首好听的小提琴协奏曲选集],可以说是最基础(本)的小提琴协奏曲选,日常生活很容易碰见,当成古典入门最好不过. 原曲的演奏与完整曲名如下: 1-12. Vivaldi, The Four Seasons -- Yehudi Menuhin, violin. 13. Beethoven, Romance No. 2 -- Alexij Bruni, violin. Repeat from the "Romantic" set. 14-16. Mendelssohn concerto -- Jaime Laredo, violin. Repeat from the Mendelssohn set. 17. Rachmaninoff, "Vocalise" -- Pieter Schoeman, violin. A new performance of a work that has appeared on three...
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