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[ ニュース ]
L'unica 24h! La prima 24h! Tutte le altre sono venute dopo! La migliore! Fiorentina 24h combina le notizie dei principali giornali e portali web in un'unica applicazione! Viola, Champions League, Europa League, Serie A! Le notizie di Fiorentinanews, del Corriere dello Sport e di Calciomercato.it tutte insieme per tenerti sempre aggiornato sia sulle notizie relative alla squadra viola che su quelle riguardanti tutti i campionati del mondo! All'interno dell'applicazione potrai trovare anche il Calendario e la Classifica aggiornati in...
[ 教育 ]
A comedy based on misunderstanding and misdirection, Twelfth Night features one of literature's most famous love triangles. Shipwrecked and alone in an unfamiliar land, Viola disguises herself as a man in order to work for Duke Orsino, but soon finds herself falling in love with him. Meanwhile, the Duke is in love with Olivia, who much prefers the disguised Viola... This interactive version of the play includes character toggling features for easy revision. Twelfth Night is one in a series of Shakespeare plays brought to you by ...
[ ミュージック ]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. At 17, he was engaged as a court musician in Salzbur...
[ 教育 ]
Learn to play viola by ear using this ear training app - by using your real viola ! Viola Ear Training is a relative pitch ear training game that is designed to help you master how to hear, recognize and play melodies, intervals, triads, and chords progressions on your viola . The way you play Viola Ear Training is via your real viola ! Viola Ear Training will play musical questions in the form of notes, melodies, and chord progression. You will answer the questions using your viola . Your iPhone/iPad will listen to your answer(...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
StepTracker is the ultimate companion for fitness enthusiasts, now with the added capability of tracking stairs climbed! Perfectly integrated with your Apple Watch, it motivates you to increase your daily steps and conquer those stair climbing goals. The app’s elegant complication provides instant access to both step counts and flights climbed, encouraging movement and celebrating every achievement. Embrace a healthier lifestyle, reach new heights in your fitness journey, and join a community dedicated to moving and improving. Star...
[ ミュージック ]
Learn fast where to play notes ! For Violin, Viola, Cello and Double-bass. With this staff Notes Sight Read Tutor, you will learn where to play notes on your instrument's fingerboard ! • Violin • Viola • Cello • Double bass Make progress even when you are away from your instrument ! You can also play your real instrument and the application detect the played notes ! Integrated chromatic tuner. Details : • Accelerated training : Notes you know less will be asked more often for you to be able to enhance your sight reading speed....
[ エンターテインメント ]
Radio Brazil FM, AM brings you the best radio stations from Brazil. With this app you will enjoy listening to online Brazil radio broadcasts and music, no matter where you are. Best of all, you get to access all this for free with Radio Brazil FM and AM. List of radio stations: Rádio Amor Sem Fim Rádio Jovem Pan FM (BH) Super Rádio Tupi AM (Rio) Rádio Globo (Rio de Janeiro) Rádio Bandeirantes (São Paulo) Rádio Globo AM (São Paulo) Rádio CBN FM (São Paulo) Rádio Jovem Pan AM (São Paulo) Rádio Antena 1 (Rede) Rádio Metropolitana FM...
[ ブック ]
De must-have app voor alle violisten: nu GRATIS DOWNLOAD van de volledige versie van het gloednieuwe eTipboek VIOOL EN ALTVIOOL (224 pagina’s)! ALLES WAT JE WETEN WILT Alles weten over jouw instrument? Tipboek Viool en altviool vertelt je het hele verhaal, van aanschaf tot onderhoud. Leer de verschillen tussen de ene viool en de andere zien en horen, lees waar je naar moet kijken en luisteren, en begrijp wat halshoek, mensuur, snaarhoogte, een kielhoutje, je staartstuk en zelfs fijnstemmers kunnen betekenen voor de klank en de bes...
[ スポーツ ]
L'App ufficiale di Radio FirenzeViola, la radio dedicata ai tifosi Viola. Puoi ascoltare la diretta oppure i podcast dei tuoi programmi preferiti. Con il palinsesto ascolterai: - ogni giorno speciali, interviste ed esclusive sul mondo viola; - nei weekend dirette dai campi, gli aggiornamenti degli ultimi minuti, gli aneddoti e gli avversari; - ancora: news, attualità, ospiti, commenti e riflessioni sul mondo gigliato e su tutto quello che vi gira intorno. Inoltre troverai: - tutti i podcast delle tue trasmissioni preferite da asc...
[ ショッピング ]
Per SmartKook e' un'esigenza mangiare in modo consapevole! Qui non ci sono medici, ne' dietologi, ma sappiamo che un'alimentazione varia fa bene alla salute: allo SmartKook potrete scegliere fra numerosi smart-ingredienti. Selezioniamo prodotti di alta qualita' e ci affidiamo a studi e ricerche scientifiche che ci insegnano come il cibo interagisce con il nostro organismo (Nutrigenomica). Noi siamo cio' che mangiamo (Ludwig Feuerbach-1804) e questo vale soprattutto nel medio-lungo periodo. Cosi' abbiamo avviato un processo di s...
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