フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Dans la jungle, sur la banquise, à la montagne ou sous la mer, pars à la découverte de la nature et des animaux. Avec de grandes scènes à observer et plus d’une centaine d’images à repérer, amuse-toi à explorer le monde de Victor. Une application iPad spécialement conçue pour que les plus jeunes parcourent du bout des doigts un livre coloré, ludique et éducatif en accompagnant Victor dans sa découverte de la nature et des animaux. Chaque page est l’occasion d’un jeu où il faut repérer dans les grandes scènes les animaux présenté...
[ ライフスタイル ]
E.J. Victor Fine Furniture Design Tool simplifies your design process. It’s complete with our full collection of unique styles and design inspirations! All of the tools needed by the professional and amateur designer are available to inspire new ideas and decorative possibilities. Browse, search, sort, and share E.J. Victor's comprehensive collection. Features: The app enables you to add designs to your own portfolio for later review and inspiration. You may also email PDF tear sheets of your portfolio's for further sharing and...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist, is one of the most important of French Romantic writers. Hugo gained wider fame with his play Hernani (1830) and with his famous historical work The Hunchback of Notre Dame(1831) which became an instant success. Since its appearance in 1831 the story has became part of popular culture. Victor Hugo Books provides the works of Victor Hugo as listed below: A Fight With A Cannon Les Miserables The Hunchback of Notre ...
[ ニュース ]
Carmelo Anthony, Alex Rodriguez, Dara Torres: All elite athletes, all Latinos — which isn't to say that they aren't true-blue Americans. It's hard to think of a more quintessential expression of pride than when Oscar de la Hoya draped himself in the US flag after winning a gold medal in 1992. Of course, he also donned a Mexican flag. Because, you know, it's complicated. V as in Victor celebrates that fluid sense of identity and recounts Latino success from the triple jump to the Triple Crown, from world records to the World Serie...
[ ショッピング ]
Unter dem Markennamen VICTOR REINZ liefert Dana als Erstausrüster und Ersatzteillieferant innovative Dichtungstechnologien in höchster Qualität. Alle Serviceteile des umfassenden Produktportfolios entsprechen dem hohen Standard der Erstausrüsterqualität. Einfach, schnell und aktuell – Das komplette Lieferprogramm mit über 15.000 Artikeln finden Sie unter www.reinz.com/online-catalog oder 
NEU als kostenlose VICTOR REINZ App Produkte: - Zylinderkopfdichtungen - Dichtungssätze - Zylinderkopfschrauben - Ventilschaftdichtungen - We...
[ ニュース ]
Prima aplicatie dedicata prezentarii activitatii desfasurate de un Prim ministru al Romaniei. Ai ocazia sa devii chiar tu consultant al premierului Romaniei, raspunzand la intrebarile zilnice aflate pe agenda lui Victor Ponta. Cu cat raspunzi la mai multe intrebari, cu atat contribui mai mult la procesul de luare a deciziilor. Iar asta nu este tot! Prin intermediul aplicatiei, Victor Ponta iti recomanda zilnic articole, carti, filme sau spectacole de teatru pe care le apreciaza si vrea sa le impartaseasca si cu tine. Bineinteles...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Official App for Marc J. Victor Attorney at Law Attorney Use our Apps Features: useful tools such as a -Car Accident Notes -Take photos of the accident -Take drivers info -Request Consultation -Find Resources -Voice Notes Marc J. Victor is an honorably discharged United States Marine who requires the same commitment to excellence from all members of his Chandler law firm that was expected of him during his time in the Marine Corps. To that end, we work hard to distinguish ourselves from other Arizona law firms. At my law fi...
[ 教育 ]
Progressez en orthographe avec Frantastique : grammaire, conjugaison, syntaxe et expression écrite. Chaque jour, une leçon personnalisée avec les aventures de Victor Hugo explorant l'univers de la francophonie... Testez Frantastique Ortho et recevez gratuitement une évaluation de votre niveau d'orthographe ! • Plus de 6 000 000 utilisateurs • Des progrès durables • Une approche personnalisée • Un français ‘moderne’ et actuel .... .... .... Un contenu personnalisé : Chaque jour, recevez une leçon adaptée à vos besoins et votre...
[ ゲーム ]
Heroes’ Quest: AFK Explorer is a cute anime-style idle RPG you can play anytime, anywhere. Set in mythological Greece, this game depicts a group of young heroes fighting against the dark reign of gods. Buzzing with ambition, they have set out on a journey seeking the last hope of the world - Pandora’s Box. How will the story unfold? Are they going to turn the tide and save the world? Everything ahead of them is unknown, but they have faith that hope never dies and justice shall prevail!
 Great Login Rewards for Server Launch Day 1 ...
[ ミュージック ]
Play chords on your bass guitar and become a virtuoso like Jaco Pastorius, John Patitucci, Victor Bailey, Billy Sheehan, Victor Wooten, Tom Kennedy, Gary Willis and other famous crazy bassists!!! This app is a great collection of chords for bass guitar. It will become a powerful train aid for all levels of bass guitar players! P.S. Some of the chords can be a surprise for you! ;) ●●●●● Features: --------------- ● 265 different chords for bass, which can be easily transposed to any desired key, resulting in about 3,200 of total c...
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