フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
CronoGol es el juego perfecto para divertirte con tus amigos, rétales a un partido y probad vuestra destreza parando el crónometro en las centésimas 00 y márcando goles en un partido a 6 turnos. Cada jugador dispone de una serie de intentos ilimitados por turno, siempre y cuando no se agote el tiempo de 15 segundos. Cada vez que pares el cronómetro podrás encontrarte con las siguientes juagdas, * 00 : ¡Trata de parar el cronómetro en las centésimas 00 para marcar un GOL a tu contrincante! * 99-01 : Para en una centésima PAR en tu...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Carta Coktail Bartenderlab di Diageo. La carta cocktail Bartenderlab di Diageo, è un'applicazione per iPhone saggia e sensibile. Se preferite, vi proporrà una nutrita lista di cocktail da esaminare in tutta tranquillità. Se invece, sarete in vena di attenzioni, si premurerà di chiedervi come state, con chi siete e quanta sete avete, per poi scegliere il drink più giusto al posto vostro.
[ メディカル ]
Learn about the body’s delivery system with this Introduction to the Cardiovascular System learning program. A.D.A.M., Inc. provides fully animated, fully narrated, interactive eLearning programs. The program begins with an overview of the cardiovascular system, followed by an explanation of its components and function. You will then learn about the different components in the blood and how they relate to hemostasis. You will also learn about the structure of the heart, about the cardiac cycle, and about the conduction system, wh...
[ メディカル ]
Virtual Heart 3D is a wonderful, informative and easy to use App. Learn and view the Human Heart's exterior and interior in full color! Navigate throughout the heart, dissect it or Label components. Tap on 'pins' and a popup window appears with specific information regarding that area. Navigation allows for 3D viewing 360 degrees. Type in search field to pull various components or tap on the Alpha list! Example of components: Left Pulmonary Artery, Conus Arteriosus, Apex of Heart, Aortic Valve, Descending Aorta, Right Ventricle, ...
[ メディカル ]
The introduction version of CARDIO3® Atlas of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance includes the random list of MR images and videos from our database as reference/learning tool for cardiologists, radiologists, internists, other physicians evaluating magnetic resonance images in cardiology. The first in-application purchase content is Chapter 1: CONGENITAL HEART DEFECTS . Functional single ventricle . Persistent left superior vena cava . Ventricular septal defects . Aortic coarctation . Ebstein anomaly . Atrial septal defects . Pat...
[ メディカル ]
The heart is a muscular organ that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhytmic contractions. The human embryonic heart begins beating at around 21 days after conception. On this Great Heart Encyclopedia, you will find all abou Heart, Structure, Functioning, etc…. Among the topics in this encyclopedia includes: - Heart Desscription - Cardiac Muscle - Cardiac Cycle - Circulation - Artery - Pulmonary Valve - Aortic Valve - Mitral Valve - Tricuspid Valve - Vena Cava This Beautiful Encyclopedi...
[ メディカル ]
This program graphically displays the 5th and 95th percentiles for Doppler measurements of the umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, uterine artery, ductus venosus, umbilical vein, and inferior vena cava. The user simply enters the gestational age and the corresponding Doppler measurements. All measurements include references from the medical literature. This program is useful in various clinical settings such as labor and delivery, obstetrical clinics, etc.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Bienvenido a la aplicación de Frases TV SI NO ESCUCHAIS NADA, PONER EL SONIDO!!!!! Y SI ESTÁ YA PUESTO, SUBIR EL VOLUMEN :D Aplicación NO OFICIAL, nada que ver con el programa de televisión. Solo es una recopilación mía. Top 3 entretenimiento Top 8 gratuitas! Las mejores frases de la televisión en tu móvil!!! Añade los sonidos que quieras a FAVORITOS!! y así tendrás los que más te gusten separados Iconos rojos = normales, Iconos verdes = favoritos! AHORA hay 220 sonidos disponibles entre los que se encuentran los más fa...
[ 教育 ]
The 3D Interactive Heart provides an interactive view of the human heart and the user can explore the heart at various angles.The App is designed to enhance the Doctor-Patient relationship at the point of care. Doctors can review and discuss common heart problems and treatment options with patients and their colleauges. Features: -Control the transparency for viewing the internal structure of the heart -Quick Navigation to the Anterior,Posterior ,Superior and Inferior views -Independent views of Aorta ,Left Atrium, Pulmonary ...
[ メディカル ]
In the practice of anesthesia, critical care and emergency medicine there is often a need for a quick, qualitative assessment of cardiac function. Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FOCUS) is the process of carrying out this rapid qualitative assessment by practitioners in these fields. Training for carrying out a FOCUS assessment requires practitioners to understand the 3D structures of the heart that are seen in the 2D transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) image. We have created this interactive application to assist with teaching and le...
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