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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The USAID evaluation policy "sets ambitious standards for the quality and transparency of evaluation to demonstrate results, generate evidence to inform decisions, promote learning and ensure accountability." The Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC), USAID's online document archive, provides access to USAID funded evaluation reports. The mobile app improves access to USAID funded evaluation reports by providing a mobile solution for accessing a subset of DEC documents.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The Portfolio Map is a mobile app for accessing information about the development work USAID is performing every day. The app will give mobile device users the ability to browse our portfolio for a subset of the countries in which USAID is working. The app will provide general country overviews at a glance and also will allow users to access more detailed information as needed.
[ メディカル ]
Relief Central is a free mobile and web resource developed by staff and friends of Unbound Medicine. It includes the latest versions of The World Factbook from the CIA, CDC Health Information for International Travel (The Yellow Book), the Field Operations Guide from USAID, Prime PubMed Search, and Relief News from the Red Cross, United Nations, US Centers for Disease Control, CDC, FEMA, and more. THE WORLD FACTBOOK The World Factbook from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contains detailed information on the history, peopl...
[ ビジネス ]
USAID’s Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (SEED) Project focuses on supporting the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurs, with the overarching purpose of increasing employment and income, especially those owned by women and youth. To achieve this objective, USAID provides technical assistance, capacity building, training and impactful tools to support the growth and expansion of MSMEs in Egypt. USAID SEED’s Incubators Directory is a database of private and public entit...
[ ニュース ]
Georgian language news aggregator Geo Mobile News delivers information from Georgian regional media outlets, including breaking news, analytical articles, photo and video materials, and broadcasts TV and radio signals. This mobile application was created with the support of the M-TAG (Media for Transparent and Accountable Governance) program, funded by USAID, to improve the public’s access to independent, reliable, and balanced information relevant to Georgia’s good governance. M-TAG is implemented by IREX (International Research&...
[ ニュース ]
Podkasti iz Srbije i regiona. Podcast.rs aplikacija nudi selekciju podkasta na srpskom i jezicima Balkana. Saznajte aktuelne informacije, pratite intervjue, sport ili razgovore iz drugih oblasti koje vas interesuju, zabavite se i proširite znanja uz više desetina podkasta dostupnih besplatno putem ove aplikacije. Udruženje “Podkast Podrška” je osnovano 2019. u cilju promocije, razvoja i unapređenja podkast zajednice u Srbiji i regionu. Naša vizija je bolja pozicija nezavisnih i društvenih medija kao i njihova profesionalizacija ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Phần mềm Vietnam HS Code cung cấp thông tin về mã HS cung cấp thông tin phân loại HS theo danh mục hàng hóa xuất nhập khẩu Việt Nam được ban hành cùng Thông tư 156/2011/TT-BTC. Đây là chương trình dễ sử dụng, dễ tra cứu với tính năng tìm kiếm, cùng với đường dẫn để tra cứu thuế suất online tại trang web của Tổng cục Hải quan. Chương trình được thực hiện với sự hỗ trợ kỹ thuật của USAID qua dự án USAID STAR Plus The Vietnam HS Code provides information on Vietnam HS lines as per Circular 156/2011/TT-BTC. This program is easy to use...
[ ビジネス ]
Armenia Business Guide provides foreigners with an introduction to the main laws and regulations that might affect the conduct of business in Armenia and is aimed at attracting the interest of investors towards Armenia. Whether you are an existing business looking to relocate to Armenia or an entrepreneur looking for some guidance on starting a business there, this guide will be an indispensable tool. This e-Guide was made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Developmen...
[ ゲーム ]
The Waste Management Technologies in Regions program aims to support central and local government authorities, local businesses and communities, and municipalities in the design of an integrated waste management system for the Kakheti and Adjara regions. The initiative Waste Management Technologies in Regions is supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by International City/County Management Association (ICMA) together with CENN. Nikoloz Astamidze Nikoloz This Application was made possib...
[ 旅行 ]
Es una Guía de Turismo Accesible de República Dominicana que recopila los establecimientos turísticos (hoteles, bares, playas y restaurantes) que poseen facilidades para personas con algún tipo de discapacidad o movilidad reducida en República Dominicana. Es un recurso informativo, para ser consultado a nivel nacional e internacional. Realizado gracias al apoyo de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). Producido por el Consorcio Dominicano de Competitividad Turística (CDCT) y ColorBlind Design.
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