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[ 教育 ]
StaySafe@UNSW is the official safety app of University of New South Wales. It is the only app that integrates with UNSW's safety and security systems. UNSW Security Services has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty and staff with added safety on the University of New South Wales campus. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. StaySafe@UNSW features include: - Emergency Contacts: Contact the correct services for the UNSW area in case of an emer...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Free. 57 Australian uni and tafe campus maps. 40,000 campus locations mapped. 52,000 photos. And 150,000+ very happy users! Find every tutorial room, lab, lecture theatre, coffee shop, carpark, bus stop, sports field, toilet, even your nearest vending machine and free microwaves. Plus campus "secret locations". The app tells you how far each location is from you and how much time it will take to walk. A COMPASS even points you in the right direction! You can VOTE for your favourite campus coffee shop, lunch place - or anythin...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Connecting Space Research for Global Impact COSPAR-2021-Hybrid Redefining global barriers of distance and isolation, participation is at your fingertips. Hosted by Australian Academy of Science and UNSW Canberra Space The Assembly represents the next significant aiming point for Australia to showcase our space sector growth, with particular emphasis on research and innovation to support industry and world-class space science, in the context of what by then will be a young but rapidly maturing Australian Space Agency. Australian s...
[ 教育 ]
The University of New South Wales Library mobile app allows you search for ebooks, online journal articles our digitised course reserve (HUC) collection, along with books, journals, CDs and other items in our physical collection. You can also access subject guides, check our opening hours and log into myLibrary. We've also set up links to Library news, our New Books list our list of new e-Resources. NOTE: Avoid using punctuation when searching of the Library Catalogue.
[ ゲーム ]
Fly into the world of Energy Transformers, a fun, immersive and educational mobile game designed for Australian upper primary and lower secondary students. The goal? To give students a positive way to learn about renewable energy, air pollution and climate solutions – with the topics aligned with science and HASS requirements in the Australian Curriculum. Get ready for an adventure where you'll fly around Australia, seeing how the energy we use today affects our health and our environment. Meet Terra, a brilliant teen from the...
[ ブック ]
BookStop is a digital marketplace for second-hand textbooks. The app fully supports finding and selling books for any subject at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) with plans to expand to more universities in future. Reduce the hassle of selling books online by connecting with one individual buyer or seller through your request. Buy and Sell your books faster and start saving money today with BookStop. Icons from: Icons8, NounProject & FlatIcon.
[ 旅行 ]
Explore specimens of human disease, each explained in simple, plain English. This App is designed to accompany your visit to the Museum of Human Disease. All specimens are categorized according to conditions or body locations for ease of searching. The Museum of Human Disease, located at UNSW in Sydney Australia, houses over 3000 specimens of diseased human tissue that has been donated over almost 200 years. Please be aware that the contents of this App include graphic descriptions of patient histories as well as information whi...
[ ライフスタイル ]
iMeal爱美味是悉尼最大的美食点餐平台,提供各种亚洲美食外卖。餐厅种类涵盖了各种中餐,如川菜,湘菜,粤菜,以及马来菜,泰国菜,新加坡菜,韩式烧烤,日本料理等。 iMeal爱美味现已开通澳大利亚悉尼和堪培拉地区送餐服务,悉尼地区送餐覆盖范围包括:CBD,Zetland,Burwood,Eastwood,Ashfield,Chatswood,Hurstville,Kingsford,Rhodes,Campsie等。 iMeal爱美味主要签约餐厅有:上海天同,蜀香坊,山寨烤鱼,西门烤翅,北平楼,永景味觉,渝味轩,新旺,石锅先生,葫芦小馆,时光隧道等。 iMeal合作媒体今日悉尼,今日澳洲,微悉尼,悉尼印象,Sydney Uni,UNSW,UTS...
[ ニュース ]
50万澳洲华人追捧的神奇应用!墨尔本、悉尼、布里斯班、阿德莱德全覆盖! 1. 7x24小时澳洲本地新闻资讯:快!全!有深度!你关心的才是澳洲头条! 2. 同城论坛:找工作、租房子、做生意、二手交易、单身交友、等100多个栏目 3. 省钱快报:最新最全的本地折扣信息汇总!各种1折!还有各种免费商品领取! 4. 澳洲好货推荐专区:买前必看!时刻了解当下热门商品! 5. 攻略:精心编辑数万篇精华文章,海外衣食住行的第一指南! 6. 还有很多很多功能,世界再大,有一个小芽就够了! 澳洲新闻: 这里不仅有澳洲国内新闻,更可以将悉尼、墨尔本、阿德莱德、布里斯班本地新闻一网打尽...
[ 旅行 ]
Bussgelder und Strafen im Verkehr auf einem Blick. Hat dich die Polizei erwischt? Was kostet ein Verkehrsdelikt in Österreich? * Geblitzt * Mit Alkohol am Steuer (0.5 - 2 Promille) * Rotlicht überfahren * Falsch geparkt * Vignette vergessen * Wir sagen was es kostet! Neu angepasst an die Strafrahmen Erhöhungen für Organmandate und Anonymverfügungen * Der Bußgeld Katalog für Österreich mit vielen Strafen und Rechtsfolgen! GELD ODER GEFÄNGNIS Mit dem Strafen Katalog siehst Du in Euro was Du berappen musst oder ob Du gleich hint...
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