フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
TIOD Demo : https://youtu.be/LP-ddcSzEPw Without any installation on your PC, You can view the files on your PC,Server, and other iPhone. TIOD is a client for Samba(SMB,CIFS) and FTP. With TIOD, You can directly read the computer's files without any installation on your computer. You can watch the movies which is in your PC without copying! TIOD is not like RDP, VNC which shows the screen of your computer remotely, TIOD uses the resource of the iPhone and reads your HardDisk from your computer through the air. That means you...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
UniChar is a powerful yet beautiful Unicode character app and keyboard that allows you to quickly find, type, and work with special symbols. ◣ “UniChar is a cool little app and keyboard, and offers access to a huge world of Unicode characters that are otherwise absent within the standard iOS keyboard.” – iDownloadBlog "On the Mac, you can type any character [with] the Emoji & Symbols viewer ... The selection on iOS is much more limited ... But UniChar changes that." – Cult of Mac "This iOS keyboard app will give you all the Uni...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
EBPocketはEPWING / 電子ブック / StarDict / MDict /dsl辞書ビューアです。 EDICT2辞書をバンドルしているため、すぐご使用になれます。 任意のEPWING / 電子ブックを転送して追加することができます。 検索方法は、前方一致/後方一致/完全一致/条件検索/クロス条件検索/複合検索/メニュー検索/参照検索(項目リンク)/インクリメンタルサーチに対応しています。 マルチメディアは音声、画像、動画に対応しています。 複数辞書の串刺し検索が可能です。 全画面/二分割ビューを切り替えることができます。 広辞苑、リーダーズ、ジーニアスなど代表的なEPWING辞書では、外字をUnic...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The 1st and the one yet that supports reading/writing Burmese Language (Unicode/Zawgyi) and fully working on iTouch/iPhone and iPad. Features: • Bookmarks • History • Tab Restoration • Private Mode • Clear Cookies • Clear History • Save bookmarks in Burmese • Surf unicode domain • HTTP Authentication support • Proxy Authentication support • Support Landscape and Portrait Mode • Myanmar Font Tagger is added for allowing to display both Zawgyi and Unicode font on the same page • KeyMagic smart IME is embedded and following layouts a...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
English MM Dictionary is a offline English to Myanmar or Myanmar to English Dictionary. Main Features : - Work without internet access - Auto suggest searching word - Voice settings - Easy navigation - Synchronise with server and get new meaning of words - Check updates automatically - Provided 40 chapters in learning module - Play word quiz - Provided example sentences, phonetic, synonym and antonym words - Font converter (Myanmar Unicode to Zawgyi and vice versa) # Unicode to Zawgyi Share Extension >>> If your device doesn't d...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Sci:Pro Calculator is a simple multi-mode calculator for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (Universal App). The app features three modes of operation: Basic, Scientific, and Programmer. Each mode features an easy-to-access history view and support for sharing results using e-mail or by copying & pasting values to and from other applications. This is our first app for the App Store and we’re making the first version free for everyone to use without ads. If you like the app please take a moment to rate it for us. if you encounter a...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The official app of Tucker Budzyn, the cute and floofy doggo you all know and love from social media! FEATURES ヅ More than 200 emojis, animated emojis and Tucker GIFs! ヅ All the Tucker reactions including "Da hekk" "hekk you linda" or "tree of doom" ヅ Regular updates (new emojis monthly, new features...) ヅTuckerMoji Maker! Build custom tucker emojis and AI Avatars. Billions of combinations! ヅ Tucker's Wall - Super secret fan group with exclusive content of Tucker ヅ High quality, hand-drawn illustrations and converted into a...
[ ユーティリティ ]
ダブルエンジン実装、もっと早くもっと認識度アップ、プロ級のQR定番アプリを無料で提供します。 QRコードでプロフィール、連絡帳、カレンダー、位置情報を交換できます。日本キャリア様の携帯フォーマット全対応。更に、他ブランドのスマートフォンとの交換も、中国語でも韓国語でもUnicodeエンコードしたQRコードが対応できます。赤外線機能がなくでも名刺交換 商品と本のJANコードの検出とWEB検索も可能です QRコードの読み取りは素早く正しく認識できます。 ビットコインアドレス、連絡先、カレンダーイベント、Twitter、facebookリンクまでQRコードの認識や作成ができま...
[ ユーティリティ ]
# Typing is Easier Ever - Best Myanmar Keyboard # Are you looking for Best Myanmar Keyboard for iOS? Do you want to use smart Myanmar Keyboard on your iPhone? The long-awaited Bagan Keyboard is here now! Bagan Keyboard is a Myanmar Keyboard from emphasizing and hard-working development on Myanmar Language typing system. It also provides the perfect solution of iOS Myanmar Keyboard for those who communicate via instant messages, with an easier, faster, and smarter. Many iOS users are now using Bagan Keyboard as their default typi...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Decorate your Tweets with Feathers! Check out the screencast on http://feathersapp.com Version 2.0: Feathers now looks beautiful on the iPhone 4's Retina Display, you can pinch to zoom text, and shake to undo any action. ❝Genius app in a flooded Twitter app market.❞ – Zachary Johnson ❝Love the humor and appeal to human emotion… Smart design.❞ – Aarron Walter Featured in Inspired Magazine's 10 Beautifully Designed iPhone [UI]tilities alongside Tweetie 2 by atebits, Pastebot by Tapbots, and Convert by tap tap tap. ✄—————————...
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Presents by $$308413110    スマホからのアクセスにはQRコードをご活用ください。 →

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