フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
WordTris is a new word game for iOS. It combines the gameplay of word games with the additional gameplay of well known block arrangement games. As letter blocks fall from the top, you have to arrange the blocks of letters so that they spell words. If you spell a word, the letter blocks are removed, making way for the next set of letter blocks. There are many levels with increasing difficulty. Special red blocks can be used to destroy any blocks they touch, giving you the ability to remove any letter blocks that are troublesome...
[ ゲーム ]
Simple, fast, fun. Use all your skills to beat the artificial intelligence of your device and its strategies. Semplice, veloce, divertente. Usa tutte le tue capacità per battere l'intelligenza artificiale del tuo dispositivo e le sue strategie.
[ エンターテインメント ]
WordTris is a new word game for iOS. It combines the gameplay of word games with the additional gameplay of well known block arrangement games. As letter blocks fall from the top, you have to arrange the blocks of letters so that they spell words. If you spell a word, the letter blocks are removed, making way for the next set of letter blocks. There are many levels with increasing difficulty. Special red blocks can be used to destroy any blocks they touch, giving you the ability to remove any letter blocks that are troublesome. Wor...
[ ゲーム ]
For the biggest fans of The Novels, finally entertaining trivia from the books and soon movies. Questions are randomly selected so no 2 games are alike! √ Simple, instant fun! No in-app purchases required. Super easy to get started. √ Addictive, big fun! Learning inside information and fun facts about your favorite characters. √ Continuous updates, everlasting fun! We are currently sourcing more trivia all the time! Make sure to update your app for FREE trivia. √ Play with friends, shared fun! Real-time interactivity! What a g...
[ ゲーム ]
It doesn't care if You are alone or with friends... You will love this minimal version of tic tac toe for sure!
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Shopwise, l'application pour choisir les meilleurs produits alimentaires! Plus de 550 000 personnes nous ont déjà fait confiance pour les guider vers les bons produits, selon leurs critères. **** Elue meilleure app santé-forme sur l'App Store **** "Décrypter les étiquettes alimentaires" M6-Capital "Une vraie petite révolution" Elle "Plus aucune excuse pour manger des aliments mauvais pour votre santé" Fondation Nicolas Hulot "La corvée des courses devrait devenir un vieux souvenir" GQ --------------------- SHOPWISE C'EST UNE SE...
[ ゲーム ]
Locate and discover 100 awesome places of the world. Like in the spy movies! Place Map is a geography game and the main goal of this game is to locate the approximately Latitude/longitude/Zoom of the place shown on the picture to the world map. The closer and faster you point the position on the world map, the greater points you will earn. Use finger swipe to move around the map. Double-tap or pinch to zoom in and out on a map. If you need help to solve it you can try the hints. Using hints will decrease your score. FEATURES: ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
*** Attenzione: questa versione corregge il bug che impediva la memorizzazione degli importi su alcuni modelli di terminale! *** Giochi? Se sì, quanto giochi? E vinci? Oppure perdi? Se vinci, quanto stai guadagnando? E se perdi, quanto ci stai rimettendo? Se non sai rispondere a qualcuna di queste domande, hai bisogno di ioGiocoResponsabile. ioGiocoResponsabile è divisa in tre schermate: Giocate, Vincite e Bilancio. Nella prima puoi segnare gli importi delle tue giocate facendo tap sul tasto '+' in alto a sinistra. Allo stesso modo...
[ ゲーム ]
Orchestra is the first music game to play classical songs as Director and Violinist using your iPhone/iPod Touch to simulate movements. This game uses your iPhone/iPod Touch accelerometer to get your movements while you are playing. * Be the Director of an orchestra conducting with your iPhone/iPod Touch. Swing it up and down to follow the rythm and express the power of the music. * Play the Violin and enjoy the excellence of classic pieces. You will discover the energy of playing a Violin! After your session you will get your ...
[ ゲーム ]
Meet Pirania, a small fish in a vast ocean! Use iPhone's accelerometer to help pirania survive in these dangerous waters. Follow these simple rules: - Eat the fish smaller than yourself. - Avoid the fish bigger than yourself. - Eat enough fish to grow up! Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/voongames Facebook: http://facebook.com/voongames Web: http://www.voongames.com ----------------------------- Be sure to check out our other awesome games: Duo memo HD Godo Hangman HD Place Map HD 3TRIS Dancing Can - Dancing soda can ...
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