フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
ON SALE NOW .. 99C ! Table Tennis Star captures the essence of this fast paced game, presenting an addictive challenge. Choose from a pool of 12 characters and with your bat and ball take on the best players in the World in Europe, U.S. and China. There are 3 exciting modes to keep you playing for hours. Play a single quick match for those short gaming moments or the Challenge Mode for an onslaught against all opponents. For the more serious gamer, the Turbo Mode tests your skills to the limit so don't be surprised if your pal...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Whisky iOdic Table is the periodic table of whiskies for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Whether you are shopping for specific whisky types or want to categorize your collection of whiskies the Whisky iOdic Table can help you. Supports multitasking and the Retina display.
[ ライフスタイル ]
24時間で土日対応!横画面で全曜日を表示!「Week Table 15min」をご覧頂きありがとう御座います。 このアプリは、 一週間を15分刻みで大胆な予定を立てて、毎日の貴重な時間を充実させる事を目的としています。 通知は1分前,3分前,5分前から選べます。 用途 ・週予定の見える化(スケジューリング) ・勉強の計画表(時間管理) ・毎週の塾やレッスンの予定表 ・テレビ番組表  ・カレンダーの代わり など 特長 ・15分刻み ・土日も対応 ・配色機能 ・全曜日表示(横画面) ・通知機能(1分前,3分前,5分前からお知らせ時間を選べます。) ・全消しメニュー(毎日予定を立て...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Créativité, expertise, découverte… Elle à table, un véritable « coach » pour la cuisine de tous les jours. Plus de 60 recettes originales et accessibles et des fiches pratiques à collectionner ! - Retrouvez votre magazine ELLE à table dès sa parution, dans son intégralité, en version numérique. - Profitez de nos offres d’abonnement attractives et sans engagement. - Une lecture fluide, sans contenu intrusif - Des fonctionnalités adaptées à la tablette et au mobile (zoom, annotations, marque page, archivage…) ELLE à table vous me...
[ 教育 ]
★★★★★ Super Intuitive Interface ★★★★★ Periodic Table and Atomic Mass Calculator is an interactive periodic table keypad that provides you with the information you need, when you need it, and all without getting in your way. You can tap each element to add its atomic weight, hold touch to see more details about any of the elements such as Name, Symbol, Atomic Number etc. All with incredible graphics and discreet visual feed back to inform your selections as you use the Periodic Table and Atomic Mass Calculator ap...
[ 教育 ]
Periodic Table PRO は、次の機能を提供する複数の賞を受賞した認定アプリです。: 01. 興味深い化学実験を行う仮想実験室 02. すべての化学元素に関する簡潔な情報 03. 多言語サポート 04. チェルノブイリを偲んで 05. 発見される準備ができている秘密 06. 研究分析 07. クイック検索と情報フィルタリング 08. 各化学元素のダウンロード可能な PDF 09. プレゼンテーション ギャラリーとビデオ 10. 原子構造シミュレーション 11. 機能性を重視した統一感のあるデザイン 12. 触覚フィードバック、音、視覚効果の制御 このアプリケーションは...
[ ゲーム ]
Enjoy a challenging augmented reality game of Table Tennis with beautiful 3D graphics and realistic physics! The game turns your phone into a paddle. Moving the phone moves the paddle - and that's all. • AUGMENTED REALITY - the game displays a table in real world through your phone's camera. Put the table in your living room or in the backyard! • SIMPLE - your hand is the controller. Just swipe the phone to hit the ball. • REALISTIC - real-life inspired physics calculations for realistic, intensive and fast-paced action. • MUL...
[ ゲーム ]
Do you want to become a pro ping pong player like in a real match? Let's play this game! Welcome to the most authentic Table Tennis Game on App Store. Table Tennis 3D Game is the only table tennis game based on 3D PHYSICS. Table Tennis 3D Game is the most complete mobile tennis game ever! Enjoy thrilling gameplay, beautiful graphics and pack of action! Table Tennis 3D Game offers fast and fluid control mode: swipe your finger to hit or slice the ball. The game provides a huge range of unique players to choose from and allow you ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Multi-touch slideshow and collage designer In Photo Table you can play interactive photo slideshows and create photo collages. Using gestures (5+ fingers!) you can tap, zoom, flick, rotate, and drag photos around the virtual table. Reviews • "Create photo collages and slide shows, or simply interact with and enjoy your photos in a totally new way… Add your music if you like. Create a perfect layout and save it as a collage. Unlike most photo collage apps, there is no limit on the number of photos you can add." - AppAdvice.com •...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Select the type of periodic table to display: mass spectrometry (MS), energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). Clicking on the element will display method-specific information for stable isotopes. - The MS periodic table will display a graph of the isotopic abundances for each element. Clicking on the isotope graph will display the exact masses and isotopic abundances for each element. - The EDS periodic table displays the characteristic x-ray energies for each element. Click...
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