フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Start Elliptical without any previous experience required. Get fitter, stronger and burn more calories. Our cross trainer app workout routines will train you for the next stage in your fitness journey. New to the elliptical machine? Begin with our Starter Plan. In 2 weeks you’ll be comfortable working out and ready for a new challenge. Start Elliptical will give you step by step instructions to guide you through your workout. You’ll know how hard to train and for how long so you can steadily improve with minimal risk of injury. E...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Start Cycling without any previous experience required. Get fitter, faster and burn more calories. Our biking app workout routines will train you for the next stage in your cycling journey. New to biking? Start with our Starter Plan. In 6 weeks you’ll be comfortable cycling for 45 minutes without needing to stop. Start Cycling will give you step by step instructions to guide you through your workout. You’ll know how hard to bike and for how long so you can steadily improve with minimal risk of injury. Each plan is designed to gra...
[ 教育 ]
The Start.Warwick app provides a wealth of useful information about the University and is targeted at both Warwick members and those external to the University (those coming to visit or prospective members for example). The app allows you to access information quickly and easily, and is customisable so you can access the information you use regularly as fast as possible. Start.Warwick is an official app for the University of Warwick. Features: - Customisable home screen - Sign in to access protected and personalised informati...
[ ビジネス ]
Start Your Own Business is the how-to magazine for small business start-ups and budding entrepreneurs. We offer a guide on how to launch your own small business and be your own boss. We feature profiles of successful entrepreneurs, franchises, business opportunities, mail order and ecommerce. *Back issues and future issues are available for purchase within the App. Future issues are also available through the following auto-renewing subscription(s): -4 Issues (1 Year) at $14.99 / £10.49 The subscription will include the current...
[ 教育 ]
START Summit is Tokopedia's biggest technology summit where it showcases its various technology innovations made throughout its journey to democratize commerce through technology. Introducing the new Digital Event Experience from Tokopedia Academy through Tokopedia START Summit 2022 App. You can watch various live sessions from all tracks covering a wide range of technology innovations from Core Engineering, Infrastructure and Engineering Productivity, Data, Front-End, Security/Data Protection and Privacy Office/Risk. All details ...
[ スポーツ ]
A simple app for the start of a race/training session. Really easy to use: - Set up the start intervals in settings - Press start First count down will be synchronized with the real time (on the minute).
[ ビジネス ]
Aplicativo da Start Negócios Imobiliários de Campinas e região para busca de imóveis. Características do Aplicativo: - Busca de imóveis por filtro (finalidade, tipo, cidade, bairro, dormitórios, vagas, valor e condomínio); - Busca de imóveis no mapa próximos a mim com Pontos de Interesse (escolas, farmácias, supermercados, etc.); - Busca por Código do Imóvel; - Realidade aumentada: integração com placas de imóveis com QR Code (Univen Tag); - Integração com o Facebook e Twitter e outras mídias; - Imóveis Recentes; - Imóveis Favorito...
[ ビジネス ]
This is the Lite version. Limits you to make 3 Web to PDF conversions per day. This Lite version also contains Ads. Start Lite (Web to PDF + Browser) for iPad allows you to easily convert a web page to PDF. “Start” is also a full featured browser with many social media integrations. Do you miss “Print to PDF” on your iPad? “Start” is a full featured browser that allows you to easily convert any web page to a PDF document. You can save web pages for offline reading or generate hard copies of purchase confirmations. You can open a...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Far - godt fra start er udviklet af Komiteen for Sundhedsoplysning i samarbejde med Kasper Susaa og Laus Risby Sørensen samt Danske Fysioterapeuter. Appen er udviklet med støtte fra TrygFonden. Med Far - godt fra start får du al den information, du har brug for, for at komme godt igennem barsel, bleskift og babymos. Appen guider dig igennem babyjunglen og giver masser af gode råd, facts og inspiration til alt fra træningsøvelser med baby, nyttige redskaber og konflikthåndtering i parforholdet. BARNETS BOG: I Barnets bog kan du ge...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Start Art is your introduction to drawing and painting in all media with simple exercises to get you started. With demonstrations to follow including landscapes, pet portraits, animals, children, flowers and more, Start Art will help you to draw and paint pictures to be proud of. Now in its 8th edition, Start Art will guide and inspire you, and includes help, advice and tips from selected top tutors with exceptional experience in teaching beginners. Each demonstration feature details a list of materials that you’ll need plus ...
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