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[ ライフスタイル ]
SOMA Magazine is an independent avant-garde arts, fashion and culture magazine headed in San Francisco. For 25 years SOMA has been bringing forward the best in fashion, arts, music, and film. SOMA is always in the know about the most spectacular trends, groundbreaking innovations, and hottest music. SOMA brings together the most talented photographers, stylists, fashion designers, graphic artists, architects, actors, models, musicians, screenwriters, and filmmakers in every issue.
[ ビジネス ]
Soma Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası 1965 yılında kurulmuş 5174 sayılı kanuna uygun olarak faaliyet gösteren kamu kurumu niteliğinde tüzel kişiliğe sahip bir meslek kuruluşudur. STSO Kurulduğu günden bu yana yasalarla düzenlenen görevleri yanında, hizmetlerini üyelerinin memnuniyetini sağlayacak ve bu memnuniyeti sürekli arttıracak kalitede sunmayı, bölgemizin ve ülkemizin ticari ve ekonomik hayatına gelişmeyi sağlayıcı katkılarda bulunmayı faaliyetlerinin odak noktaları olarak benimsemiştir. 1200'e yakın faal üyesi, sunduğu hizmetler, g...
[ 旅行 ]
Discover all there is to offer in SOMA! Enjoy a hand-picked guide to the hottest restaurants and shopping spots, the latest for sale and lease real estate listings, and a community social feed. The SOMA app by Neighbrhds is your insider guide to all things SOMA. Our custom social feed keeps you updated on tons of SOMA restaurants, shops, bars and local coffee shops with the most recent posts from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You’ll always know what specials are coming up at Ame Restaurant, what’s happening this weekend at The ...
[ カタログ ]
Download this APP and navigate through the largest variety of medical equipment in the industry allowing you to compare among major models and manufacturers. With this APP, you can purchase, rent and sell medical equipment as well as medical equipment parts. Soma Technology, Inc. is a worldwide supplier of new and refurbished medical equipment setting the standards for the industry providing a complete a one-stop-shop platform solution that is guaranteed to meet your needs while staying on budget. We are specialists in outfitt...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Perth Soma Natural Health, Sean Tsapazi, naturopath Hi and welcome to our new mobile app! Sean Tsapazi is a Naturopath and Personal Trainer, from Perth Soma Natural Health, based in Yokine and specialising in weight management, back neck and shoulder pain. Our clinic is a one-stop health shop for weight management, physical therapies, massage and personal training. Download our app to request appointments, receive special offers, find out about last minute availability, refer to your friends and more! Its like having my busine...
[ 教育 ]
Welcome to the official Soma Tacoma application. Check out the latest news, media, teaching, resources and more. You can share it all with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. For more information about Soma Tacoma, please visit http://www.somatacoma.org The Soma Tacoma app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Soma helps you chart your period, cervical fluid consistency, basal body temperature and cervical position data daily as well as keep a daily journal about your dietary intake, exercise, mood and really anything you like. Features * Easily enter your cervical fluid consistency, basal body temperature, cervical position and lovemaking status daily * Set separate daily alarms to check each of your basal body temperature, cervical fluid and cervical position * Learn the science behind identifying your fertile days, peak day, ovulati...
[ エンターテインメント ]
【この占いメチャメチャ当たる】9割がリピーター。その的中力に号泣者続出。奇跡の鑑定師【数野ギータ】。今、一番予約ができないと口コミ続出。LINE占いでも人気1位を獲得した、予約殺到の占いを今すぐ体験せよ! 特殊な数を用いた鑑定法によりあなたの魂の小さな声をキャッチし、今あなたにとって必要な言葉をあなたに伝えて行きます。 さあ、今まで体験したことがなかったスピリチュアルな目覚めにあなたが触れる日が来ました。 -----------2月無料更新メニュー情報------------ 2017/2/10 【無料】あなたが生誕時に授かった「使命」と生涯背負う「課題」 2017/2/11 【相手...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Buscando integrar sua vida cotidiana aos ciclos galácticos ;) Este aplicativo contem: - Sincronário das 13 luas - Tzolkin interativo - Informações a respeito do kin como o Oráculo, Onda encantada, Castelo, Harmônicas, Chrono Psi... - Informações introdutórias e explicativas, facilitando o aprendizado da lei do tempo - Possibilidade de fazer anotações nos kins e te-las fácil acesso sempre que quiser - Adicionar o kin de outras pessoas e soma-los - Soma de seu kin com o kin pesquisado - Calculadora de kins - Vizual...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
iVEP - Verificador de Execução Penal - é um aplicativo para auxiliar no acompanhamento de todos os dados e cálculos relativos à execução penal. Também conta com uma calculadora de penas, que permite efetuar operações de soma e subtração de unidades de tempo, expressas em anos, meses e dias. Cadastre réus, com todos os dados relativos à execução penal e o iVEP realiza todos os cálculos de tempo total da pena, pena unificada, total da pena cumprida, total da pena a cumprir, data final da pena, além de mostrar a provável data do livr...
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