フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Here they are! The PIX have come! The most CUTE TINY CREATURES that you have ever seen, and they are your first VIRTUAL WIDGET PET. They will be always in your screen looking for your love WITHOUT UNLOCKING your iPhone! Adopt now your first PIX, you’ll fall in love with them! With an adorable pixel art design, the PIX are hungry, dirty and… So lonely! Take care of them and adopt tons of Pix, contained aaaaall of them in the PIXBook! A magic book full of pixlove in which you will find all this pets and their evolutions. Everything ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Die Techniker gibt ihren Kund:innen ein digitales Allzweckwerkzeug in die Hand. Sie können mit dieser App zum Beispiel Ihre Belege zur Kostenerstattung hochladen, vorliegende Krankmeldungen einsehen oder etwas für Ihre Fitness tun und dabei gleichzeitig Bonuspunkte sammeln. FUNKTIONEN - Schutz der sensiblen Daten durch sicheren Login (z. B. kein Jailbreak zugelassen) - Übermittlung von Krankmeldungen und Dokumenten - Nachrichten an Die Techniker schicken - TK-Briefe online empfangen - TK-Bonusprogramm komplett digital nutzen - TK...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Cutout Pro is the ultimate mobile app for creating, editing, and printing document photos with perfect sizes for passports, visas, CVs, and more. It's your all-in-one tool to handle document photos directly from your smartphone, making the process fast, professional, and simple. Key Features: - Mobile Passport: Capture and print compliant passport and visa photos with ease. - Photo Quality Enhancement: Improve old, blurry, or poorly lit photos, making them sharp and professional. - Object Removal: Instantly remove unwanted object...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Brivo Mobile Pass introduces a new level of convenience by providing you with the ability to access secured areas with your smartphone. Available exclusively for the Brivo Access cloud-based access control platform. As an enhancement to Brivo Access, Brivo Mobile Pass is a new digital credential format available to all active accounts to eliminate the need for physical keys and access cards. Easy to use and no new hardware required, Brivo Access administrators simply email a Brivo Mobile Pass to a user, allowing them to add the cr...
[ ビジネス ]
Loyverse POSレジ は、小売店、カフェ、バー、レストラン、コーヒー ショップ、ビューティーサロン、キヨスク、フードトラック、洗車、個人商店のための無料 POSシステムです。広告はなく、クレジットカードや契約は必要ありません。 レジの代わりに Loyverse POS クラウドレジを使用して、リアルタイムで販売と在庫を管理し、従業員と店舗を管理し、顧客を引き込み、収益を増加させましょう。 モバイル POSシステム - スマートフォンやタブレットから商品を販売できます。 - 割引・返金機能 - オフラインでも動作 - 複数の決済方法に対応 - レジの現金管理システム - 通常の...
[ ファイナンス ]
Experience the legacy of IME now on your smartphone. Presenting IME Pay! With the aim to simplify daily life for all Nepalese, IME introduced IME Pay for easy, quick, and hassle-free online digital payments for day-to-day services. Licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) and powered by IME Remit, IME Pay is now a leading payment gateway in Nepal. IME Pay is an advanced digital wallet that allows users to transfer money from wallet to wallet, pay utility bills and make purchases online or offline instantly with a few quick taps on the...
[ ユーティリティ ]
EShare is a multi-screen interaction application that makes the user experience natural and enjoyable for home entertainment, business presentation, and educational training. To use this app on your iphone or tablet, you need a TV/Projector/IFPD with EShareServer pre-installed. With EShare you can: 1. Stream audio or video file to your TV. 2. Use your smartphone as Remote Control for your TV. 3. Mirror the screen of your phone to your TV. 4. Mirror TV screen to your smartphone and touch the screen directly to control the TV, jus...
[ エンターテインメント ]
PILOT YOUR DRONE VIA SMARTPHONE OR TABLET. Download FreeFlight Pro, the free app that allows you to access advanced flight settings and pilot your Parrot Bebop, Bebop 2, Bebop 2 Power and Disco drones. FreeFlight Pro 5 improves the piloting interface to control your drone and add Sport and Video Mode for your Bebop. Upgrade your Bebop 2 to throw it in the air and shoot better video with new features as Touch&Fly, Point Of interest, Magic Dronies, Pro Shots, and Cameraman ! INTUITIVE PILOTING FreeFlight Pro’s touch controls mak...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The Leica DISTO™ Plan app assists you with the vital task of documenting and visualizing your measurements. Fingers can be used to sketch a floorplan on a smartphone or tablet and corresponding measurements are easily assigned to each line of the plan. This way you can easily plan the next steps of your project. Sketch Plan - create a scale drawing Simply use your fingers to create a sketch on your smartphone or tablet. Then take corresponding measurements and assign them to the relevant lines of your sketch. The app’s auto-sc...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
** REQUIRES MyKronoz ZeFit3 or ZeFit3HR TO USE THIS APP ** Wear ZeFit3 and get the App to stay fit, stylish and connected ZeFit3 is a stylish activity tracker with color touchscreen that tells time, tracks steps, distance, calories burned and sleep quality. Need motivation to stay fit? ZeFit3 inactivity alert will remind you to move with a gentle vibrating reminder. When synced to a smartphone via Bluetooth, ZeFit3 shows notifications of calls, SMS, emails, calendar events and social media activity. Staying connected at a glanc...
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