フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ブック ]
Buch des CNFL über die Luxemburger Sportlerinnen bei den Olympischen Spielen 1924 - 2012.
Nancy Arendt, Liliane Becker, Marie-Jeanne Bernard, Triny Bourkel, Renée Brasseur, Carole Calmes, Tilly Decker, Colette Flesch, Jeannette Goergen, Lara Heinz, Maria Jacoby, Danièle Kaber, Lory Koster, Anne Kremer, Annette Krier, Rozel Le Gallais, Véronique Linster, Milly Ludwig, Christine Mailliet, Christine Majerus, Fleur Maxwell, Liz May, Marie Muller, Lian Ni Xia, Virginie Rausch, Peggy Regenwetter, Ilse Ries, Iris Roseneck, Ginette Rossin...
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[ メディカル ]
L'applicazione consente di identificare il percorso di follow-up diagnostico strumentale ideale del paziente sottoposto a rivascolarizzazione coronarica per via percutanea.
Il percorso diagnostico terapeutico proposto in questa app si basa su un protocollo di follow-up selettivo con percorsi variabili in relazione a caratteristiche cliniche ed angiografiche riconosciute in letteratura come importanti fattori prognostici.
Tale protocollo deriva da un Documento di Consenso intersocietario che ha coinvolto la Società It...
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[ 教育 ]
Introduce your child to 15 popular fruits through First Words for Toddlers 2: Fruits, an app targeted towards children ages 1-2 or those learning to speak. At this stage of life, your child’s foundational skills for learning are quickly developing. Practice with this app will not only help your child to learn the names of the fruits, but will also aid in the development of five cognitive skills within the 10 Pillars of Learning framework.
This app features 4 instructional sections including Fruit School, Fruit Play, Fruit Show a...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Contemplative Rosary is the most beautiful and rich Rosary app ever imagined. It brings the teachings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John Paul II alive as it leads you ever more deeply into the mysteries through beautiful sacred art, scripture readings, meditations, and clausular aspirations. If you desire to know the mysteries for the first time, or more deeply than ever before, this app will lead you into the glorious vision of the life of Christ through the eyes of the Mother of God. This app is based on the best-selling Catho...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
FAMIGLIA Biancolatte nasce nel 2007 dalla volontà di una famiglia molto unita e molto golosa...
CASA Questa famiglia voleva creare un posto accogliente e genuino che esprimesse i valori della casa e del buon umore!
MAMMA Fu così che la mamma Simona disegnò il logo con i 3 cucchiaini, indicando la filosofia da seguire.
LUDOVICA Si chiamerà BIANCOLATTE esclamò la figlia Ludovica con la passione per l'immagine e per il marketing.
VALENTINA Che belli i 3 cucchiaini! Esclamò Valentina con la passione per la pasticceria!
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[ ステッカー ]
More than 50 stickers of Francesco Hayez Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- Family portrait
- Aristoteles
- Laocoon
- Ulysses at the court of Alcinous
- Mercury Gives Paris the Apple of Discord
- Thethys Immerses Achilles in the Waters of Styx
- Wall Decoration (detail)
- Wall Decoration (detail)
- Portrait of Giuseppe Roberti
- Portrait of Familie Stampa di Soncino
- Sicilian evenings painting series, Scene 1
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[ 教育 ]
A Santa Croce, identità religiosa e identità laica si intrecciano nella memoria dei Grandi che vi è custodita: dalle più antiche rappresentazioni di San Francesco alle tombe monumentali di personalità come Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Galileo, Rossini. Con questa app potrai visitare in sicurezza l’inestimabile patrimonio culturale, artistico e architettonico che qui si è costituito in oltre settecento anni di storia, grazie a un percorso che si snoda all’interno della Basilica dando risalto a opere d’arte e spazi di maggior rilevanza...
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[ ミュージック ]
- Over 500 world's MOST beautiful and famous MASTERPIECES of all times!
- It's a MUST HAVE for Classical Music lovers!
- The BIGGEST Classical Music collection available on the App Store!
- Enjoy OVER 500 masterpieces that were professionally handpicked by music experts and performed by famous orchestras around the world!
- Browse through the BIOGRAPHY of legendary composers!
- Discover stunning compositions of 36 BEST composers ever known!
- Familiarize with the classical essentials in an HD format!
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Classical Ringtones comes with a wide selection of ringtones for you to download onto your iPhone.
3 Easy Steps
- Choose a ringtone you like
- Email it to yourself using the built-in Mail app
- Download onto your computer, open it in iTunes and sync to your iPhone.
Bach - Brandenburg, Prelude No 8, Toccata, Air on G String, Beethoven - Fur Elise, Piano Concerto No 1, Piano Sonata No 10, Beethoven Piano Sonata No 17, Violin Concerto, Wind Sextet, Borodin - Polovetsian Dances, Brahms - Wondrous Cool, Scale C Dorian, Debussy Cakew...
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