フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Regina High School of Warren, Michigan is a Catholic School for transforming girls into women of faith and vision in the Franciscan tradition. The Regina High School App allows students, staff, parents, alumnae and supporters quick access to the latest Regina news, events, activities, announcements and much more.
[ 教育 ]
In this free updated viewbook app: Salve Regina University welcomes prospective undergraduate students to its amazing campus right on the Atlantic ocean … where we emphasize critical thinking and hands-on experience … where students preform, compete, serve, lead and create … where you will become part of a mission focused on international understanding, social justice, study abroad and international exchange. Download the app to see what students and graduates are doing in nursing, environmental research, criminal justice, hist...
[ ゲーム ]
Episode lets you LIVE your stories with love, romance, adventure, and drama. Wouldn’t it be amazing if YOU were a character in your favorite story? Episode lets you do just that with over 150,000 gripping stories, where you make choices that matter. With billions of reads and 150,000+ stories, Episode is an immense collection of interactive stories where YOU choose your destiny. Or become a creator and write your own! How does it work? Customize your avatar and design your outfit Develop relationships with your favorite charact...
[ ゲーム ]
Games2win のナンバー 1 アプリ Parking Frenzy で、究極の運転&駐車経験をしよう! 150 段階以上のレベル、11 種類のピカピカの車、霧・嵐・冬・秋を再現した 4 つのすごいシーズンを搭載したゲームに、何時間もハマっちゃうよ! 簡単にプレイできるけどマスターするのは難しいよ。障害物を回避しながら駐車している内に、Parking Frenzy が運転技術、正確さ、反射神経をテストしてくれるよ。 バーチャルなハンドル操作なのに車の動きはリアルだから、達人クラスのゲーマーでも簡単にはクリアできないぞ。 すべてのレベルで 3 つ星をゲットできるかな? 無料の Parking Frenzy...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Download the Nails by Regina Mobile App for manicure and pedicure services. By down loading this App you will be the First to Receive weekly and monthly specials.Take pictures and share your experience on Face Book and Twitter right from the App. Call me from the App and get directions from inside the App.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Kinoprogramm und Filminfos für den Regina Palast Leipzig. Wir machen Kino: Modern. Traditionell. Für die ganze Familie.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Rádio na Slovensko pre iPhone ti dáva široke možnosti najlepších rádií. - Funkciu sleep - Informačná stránka (ak je to možné) - Hľadať podcast - Vysoká a nízka kvalita signalu (ak je to možné) - Multi tasking - AirPlay - Meta informácie (ak je to možné) - Obľúbené Rádio na Slovensko pre iPhone podporujú multi tasking a AirPlay. AirPlay umožňuje prenášať zvuk bezdrôtovo z vášho iPhone do reproduktorov. Samozrejme je to možné len vtedy, Pokiaľ je sieť pripravená na túto možnost. Radiové stanice Dobré Rádio, Europa 2, Fun Radio...
[ スポーツ ]
Welcome to the official app of the Regina Pats Hockey Club of the Western Hockey League. This is your mobile source for all the latest news, social posts, scores, player stats, player details, schedules, standings, videos and official content from the Pats. Download for free today and take the Pats with you everywhere you go. App Features: • News feeds containing social posts, team news, photos and videos • Fan Activities During Games and / or Contests Running • In App Promotions and App Exclusives • Ticket Purchases • Listen and...
[ ゲーム ]
STORY A beautiful goddess regina queen rules and protects her kingdom with magic, power and virtues in a fantasy apocalypse world. However, a horde of dead zombie army approach her kingdom leading by the powerful dark lord. The queen's people need her help to save their life. In order to defend against these enemies, she need to collects treasures including ruby gems which possess mysterious power to restore her magic, and discover the secrets of the elements. The only way to get these gems is to find a path to reach the sky, the ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Nata da un'esperienza personale,iMedj vuole essere un omaggio alla Regina della Pace. L'applicazione ti consentirà di seguire e meditare tutti i messaggi che la Regina della Pace ci ha donato a Medjugorje in questi ultimi 30 anni. L'interfaccia intuitiva ti consentirà di avere sempre a portata di mano gli ultimi messaggi del 25 del mese, del 2 e di quelli annuali. Potrai pregare e meditare con il Memorare e la funzione "Un messaggio per te".
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